Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Vortex — Year of the Devil

I would expect a Supreme Court Justice to adhere to all laws

not above the law

$4,459 Silver!

This ratio factor is something a prudent investor should consider. 

Beetlejuice is a disgrace to the city of Chicago

Her #1 objective put her thumb down on as many men as possible. Any man, doesn't matter as to their color or creed, will do. 

"men are bad"

From 2d City Coppers

Firefighter Mayday

Here's a guy with a spotless disciplinary record...AND who won the Lambert Tree Medal, the highest City Award for heroism at great personal risk. 

That and $3 will get you a cup of coffee in Groot's Chicago (click for larger versions):

Chicago is only ranked #2

Leftist Attack......

Thousands in Colorado without heat after vandals attack gas system. 

By Elizabeth Elizalde

The graffiti on the gas control equipment.Aspen Police Department via AP

Thousands of residents in Aspen, Colorado were left without heat during near-zero degree weather after vandals — possibly green activists from an environmental group — attacked the city’s gas system, authorities said Monday.

The vandals apparently attacked three separate Black Hills Energy gas lines, one in Aspen and two in

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

North Hollywood Shootout - Best Cut

Bee Gees To Love Somebody (Acoustic Live 1967)

Pulp Fiction | 'Say What Again'

Pulp Fiction | 'Big Kahuna Burger' (HD) - Samuel L. Jackson, John Travol...

Where Did Covid Come From?


Where Did Covid Come From?

Paul Craig Roberts

The focus of the worldwide public’s attention on masks, lockdowns, infection rates, and vaccines serves to prevent any investigation of Covid’s origin.

Did a disease of bats or some other creature mutate so that humans became susceptible?

If so, why was research on how to make pathogens more infectious going on at the University of North Carolina and allegedly at a US military lab and then transferred to Wuhan where it was financed by Fauci at N.I.H.?

Is the justification for this research—to prepare for a pandemic—a cover for covert

‘Gilligan’s Island’ Star Dawn Wells R.I.P.

"We need a war for truth"

"without fear of the consequences"

Beetlejuice ranked third worst mayor in the nation!

I have to get my roots done because I'm in the national spotlight again

From 2d City Coppers

Only Third?

Well, she had big name competition from both coasts:

  • In celebration of a 2020 that desperately needs to come to an end, here is a list of the Top 10 Worst Mayors in the nation. These mayors most definitely use Orwell’s 1984 as their policies and procedures manual, if not their Bible.

    It comes as no surprise that all 10 of the mayors on the list are Democrat (something about that political party), and that five of the 10 are mayors of West Coast cities (something about the Pacific Ocean).

    Several of the mayors have overseen a mass exodus of people from their cities, and even their state in a 10-month period. But most of all, every one of these mayors stand out as abject failures of governance, with constituents that literally despise them.

Groot came in third, behind DeBlasio (NY) and Garcetti (LA).

Biden calls Kamala Harris ‘president-elect’ in latest gaffe

This boy is not right.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Central Banks Admits The US Could Turn Into Japan “This Leads to Disaster”

Tonight 12/29/20 | Fox Business December 29, 2020

Top 10 Movie Portrayals of Real Life Gangsters

Former Wisconsin judge Troupis: court system deeply intimidated by the left

Good men have been immobilized by gaming addictions and political correctness.

Ice Storm

The Ukrainian Government Speaks "sort of"

The Ukrainian government released more audio recordings in September between Joe Biden and former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko talking about controlling the country that’s just now receiving attention.

“Today’s press conference is dedicated to new facts revealing international corruption and external governance of Ukraine,” Ukrainian MP Andriy Derkach said at a press conference.

“DemoCorruptionists are very afraid because documents, numbers and

Trains Moving Through Snow (Interesting)

The Ingraham Angle 12/28/20 | Fox News December 28, 2020

Monday, December 28, 2020

Congressman Adam Kinzinger

                                                                BIG WIMP ASSHOLE

Attacked Trump when he figured Trump was finished, not before. That makes him a backstabbing wimp. 

Great Job CPD


Fantastic Detroit, a grand tour, 1961

Who Counts the Votes of the Presidential Electors?

Great article, not for the low-info types.

This may be the most important question in American history.

Alexander Macris

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."

The quote is ascribed to Joseph Stalin, although there’s little evidence that he actually said it. Nevertheless, it resonates as true. Certainly America stands in crisis now because of disagreements about the count of the popular vote.

But the President of the United States isn’t actually elected by the popular vote. He’s elected by the college of presidential electors. As I noted in a previous article, one of the most important questions in this crisis is whether the state legislatures can appoint presidential electors to cast their votes in opposition to the popular vote.

But there is another question: Who counts the votes cast by the presidential electors? If “those who count the votes decide everything,” as Stalin said, then this is the most important question in American history.
The Constitutional Argument

The U.S. Constitution governs the election of the President. The controlling provision is the Twelfth


If this is true, it would probably be necessitated by wrongful acts of the left. 

Typical Chicago Politician


Former Ald. Proco ‘Joe’ Moreno charged with DUI in Gold Coast crash

Moreno is accused of drunken driving after crashing into eight vehicles before hitting a tree in the 1200 block of North Astor Street about 9:20 p.m. Sunday.

Kinzinger, just another compromised politician

Kinzinger, who may be redistricted out of his seat or face a Republican primary challenger in 2024, has been flailing of late as he appears increasingly out-of-step with the GOP rank-in-file, and longing for the pre-Trump Republican Party that is popular among the leadership of the Illinois GOP. It is rumored that Kinzinger is eyeing higher office and likely currying favor with Illinois' Democrat and Republican power-brokers to obtain his next office and continue his singular, lifetime career in government. 

NBA Commies Lose 21% of Audience During Christmas Day Game!


Christmas Spirit

From 2d City Coppers

Another Groot-tacular Christmas weekend:

  • 6:30p Peaceful Tally: 10 killed, 20 wounded

And what's this total?? (found only on

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Major Gun Battle Early this Morning

I told those muderfuckers that when theyall come downtown for their protest, theyall gots to be peaceful.       
                                            Pretty soon I's not goin to be puttin with their shit. 

At least 50 shots fired at the corner of State and Eire as two black street gangs had it out. One wounded and no arrest. Nothing reported in the local media. Like it didn't happen. 

Guess what. About 150,000 nearby residents heard it and are wondering why they are living there. Expect them to be out of there soon. 


Sunday Mass - December 27, 2020

Devotion To St Joseph Leo XIII (Quam Quam Pluris)

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Sugarland and Sara Bareilles cover "Come On Eileen"

Life, Liberty & Levin 4PM 12/26/20 | Breaking TRUMP Fox News december 26...

Beetlejuice is in over her head

and so out of touch

how much more of this destructive behavior are the alder-people going to tolerate?

From 2d City Coppers

If only there was something that Groot could do to make herself even more unpopular....unpopular to the point that aldercreatures would actually start to vote against her, her policies and exercise a little self-preservation:

  • They are planning on that tax on incomes above individual $70k per yearly

It's for Mike Pence to Judge whether a Presidential Election Was Held at All

                                                                    a test of character

By Ted Noel

On January 6, a joint session of Congress will open with Vice President Pence presiding as president of the Senate. His power will be plenary and unappealable. You heard that right. As president of the Senate, every objection comes directly to him, and he can rule any objection "out of order" or "denied." His task will be to fulfill his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to ensure that the laws be faithfully executed. This is a high standard of performance, and V.P. Pence will have two choices. He can roll over on "certified" electors, or he can uphold the law.

Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution gives state legislatures "plenary authority" as enunciated in Bush v. Gore. This is key, since the counting of votes is discussed in Article II, the 12th Amendment, and 3 USC 15. To this we must add the history of counting and objections recounted by Alexander Macris (here and here). Put bluntly, it's as clear as mud. Add to that the fact that the contested states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have sent dueling slates of electors to D.C. This means that the V.P. has to decide how he will handle the situation when

Thursday, December 24, 2020


Rush Limbaugh | Rush Opens His Final Show of 2020

A pardon for a convicted criminal? WTF

Bill Clinton’s Profitable Pardon Business

Political prosecutions aside, Trump should not be pardoning criminals, even if they are relatives. That being said, Trump’s pardons are nothing like this: Bill was giving them out for cash.


“I don’t know Roger Clinton. I’ve never met Roger Clinton. How did he know I applied for clemency? That’s not public information. And how did he get my private cell phone number? I don’t give that out, but it was in my clemency application.” Those comments were shared with me by someone who had a clemency application pending before Bill Clinton when he left the presidency. The applicant was convinced Bill gave the cell phone number to his brother.

Roger Clinton told the applicant it would cost $100,000 to get a pardon from his brother. Was the

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Moody Blues - Go Now 1964

So what?

 Dominion Warns Giuliani, White House That Defamation Litigation Is “Imminent”

I keep reading stories about Dominion or Smartmatic sending demand letters to their accusers and thinking, “This can’t possibly work.” Not because the companies haven’t been smeared but because it’s almost literally unimaginable in 2020 that a political actor would face meaningful consequences for smearing someone. This is the age of social media! We elected Trump, for God’s sake. America doesn’t “do” defamation anymore. You can tell any falsehood about a political enemy in a moment of anger and expect no consequences for yourself even if there are serious consequences for them.

We should all get out of that mindset, though. It’s pernicious, and it’s also not true. Dominion has retained a well-known defamation lawyer in Tom Clare, who won a million-dollar jury verdict

China Has Infiltrated America


Spying is as old as civilization. As long as there have been leaders with secrets and armies on the march, opponents have wanted to know what they’re thinking and where they’re going. Hence the need for spies.

And it comes as no surprise that the Chinese are as good as anyone when it comes to spying and that their main target is the United States. What may come as a surprise is the scope of their success and the enormous number of operatives, influencers, sleepers and other varieties of spies who have already infiltrated critical U.S. institutions.

Of course, a lot of spying today involves surveillance of phone calls, digital message traffic, online financial transactions, facial recognition software, satellite surveillance and other electronic tradecraft.

But the old fashioned methods of the human spy penetrating organizations, gaining trust and stealing secrets have never gone away. In fact, that type of human intelligence (HUMINT) seems to be having a renaissance.

Members of the Chinese Communist Party who pledge to “fight for communism throughout my life … and… be loyal to the party” are hard at work inside companies like Boeing, Pfizer and Qualcomm, now the time?

Regional Consolidation Might Save Chicago, Author Says
Nicole Cardos | April 19, 2017 4:00 pm

When it comes to U.S. cities with the highest populations, Houston might put Chicago in fourth place by 2030.

That’s according to author and journalist Ted McClelland, who said people should care about these rankings if they want Chicago to retain its status as an international city.

“When you’re a city losing people, it doesn’t look like you’re a healthy city,” said McClelland, author of “Nothin’ But Blue Skies: The Heyday, Hard Times and Hopes of America’s Industrial Heartland” and, more recently, “How To Speak Midwestern.”

The solution? Regional consolidation by annexing the suburbs, he said.

The idea isn’t a new one: the city of Chicago’s borders stretched aggressively in the late 19th and early

More Than100 Best Hydraulic Press Moments

This budget is really a feast for the lobbyist and special interest


 Wind Advisory


from WED 9:00 AM CST until THU 4:00 AM CST, 

Central Cook County, DeKalb County, DuPage County, Eastern Will County, Grundy County, Kane County, Kankakee County, Kendall County, La Salle County, Lake County, McHenry County, Northern Cook County, Northern Will County, Southern Cook County, Southern Will County, Lake County

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

President Trump makes a good point


I seem to recall from my high school history class, a story about a 1800's era US Supreme Court case, which was not exactly consistent with this proposition. 

BREAKING! Huge Move to DECERTIFY Election Coming out of Georgia!!!

Requiem For Donald Trump


Paul Craig Roberts

Attorney General Bill Barr, another of Trump’s mistakes, has sold out not only President Trump but also American democracy, thus proving that it is pointless to vote for Republicans.  

Barr has again repeated in the face of conclusive evidence that the November presidential election was organized to be stolen and successfully was stolen that the Trump Justice Department has not found evidence of fraud sufficient to overturn the election.  But as we all know, the Department of Justice, like the courts, did not look at the evidence. If they look at the evidence, they will see massive electoral fraud, and they do not want to see it.  They want to be rid of Trump.

Barr has now added to his support of massive electoral fraud his statement that there is no basis for seizing the voting machines and software for examination.  But, of course, there is basis.  There has been abundent testimony from professionals explaining how the machines were programmed to elect Biden.  There are hundreds of signed affidavits from witnesses documenting the use of hundreds of thousands of fraudulent mail-in ballots to complete the theft of the election.  For an attorney general to say affidavits are not evidence is to fly in the face of the Department of Justice’s own practices. If an affidavid signed under penalty of perjury is not evidence, the DOJ will never be able to again bring a case.

What is really going on is that Barr, a member of the establishment, is doing the establishment’s business of getting rid of a non-establishment president who is in the way of the establishment’s agendas. A president who represents the interests of the people rather than the interests of the establishment is a threat to the establishment and must be removed. John F. Kennedy was removed with a bullet. Trump was removed with a stolen election.

To realize how anti-establishment Trump is, listen to his inaugural address four years ago.  Trump meant it, but as I wrote four years ago Trump did not know Washington and had no idea who to appoint to help him in such an ambitious undertaking against the establishment. He staffed himself up with an establishment government opposed to him and sacrificed the only person who knew how to help him, General Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, to the Democrats.  It is extraordinary that Trump thought his Jewish son-in-law and his daughter were adequate advisors.

Trump was reckless in his challenges to the establishment and had not one presidential appointee to help him.  His complete and total failure to take control of the Justice Department sealed his doom.

Our politicians at work

American taxpayers still reeling from coronavirus lockdowns will be shelling out billions to foreign countries if Congress passes a $2.3 trillion spending bill unveiled Monday.

The 5,593 page budget-busting bill was posted online Monday afternoon, only hours before House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said a vote would be held.

For some countries, Christmas came early:

$169,739,000 to Vietnam, including $19 million to remediate dioxins (page 1476).

Unspecified funds to “continue support for not-for-profit institutions of higher education in Kabul, Afghanistan that are accessible to both women and men in a coeducational environment” (page 1477).

$198,323,000 to Bangladesh, including $23.5 million to support Burmese refugees and $23.3 million

Monday, December 21, 2020

Now you know the world has gone nuts

Vatican says use of Covid vaccines made from aborted fetal tissue is ethical
by Reuters

Monday, 21 December 2020 12:40 GMT

VATICAN CITY, Dec 21 (Reuters) - The Vatican told Roman Catholics on Monday that it was morally acceptable for them to use COVID-19 vaccines, even if their production employed cell lines drawn from tissues of aborted fetuses.

A note from the Vatican's doctrinal congregation, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said the use of such vaccines was permitted as long as there were no alternatives. (Reporting By Philip Pullella; Editing by Alex Richardson)

Peas in a Pod

Manic Monday Acoustic

Call Me Doctor... or else

                                                        Insisting on being called doctor

I'm starting to think that Jill Biden's Phd is just more political malarkey. She was awarded the degree in January 2007 from the University of Delaware. This is the same University of Delaware that houses the Biden Institute for Public Policy. Am I correct to presume that the education department at U of D is subject to the very same political influence that caused the U of D to establish the Biden Institute. 

At some time in the past, Jill Biden took a MA from the very prestigious Villanova. I have to ask why didn't she pursue the Phd at Villanova? I mean the program is well established and she knew everyone there already. Why didn't she pursue the Phd at the

Sunday, December 20, 2020


Mitch leads Bears to Victory over Vikings!

Talk turns to 5 year contract extensions for Nagy and Mitch. 

Why the hate?

Obama’s Latest Autobiography Rewrites Israeli History to Make You Hate the Jewish State



Whatever the merits or lack thereof of Barack Obama’s presidency, he certainly leads all other presidents in the number of autobiographies he has written, with three compared to a number of his peers who are tied at one. However, his latest one, A Promised Land, is more than just an update on the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of the Most Undeservedly Celebrated Man on the Planet; it’s a full-on apologia for his policies as president, and a program for his impending third term, aka the Biden administration.

The weighty 768-page tome not only tells you more about His Wonderfulness than you ever thought you wanted to know; it also provides a potted Leftist history of Israel that abundantly illustrates how

Cardinal Burke: Forces of the 'Great Reset' have used COVID to advance '...

Sun, Dec 20 - Holy Mass from the National Shrine

The Vortex — Jesus & Joe

Fr. Altman Unplugged

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Upcoming Very Snowy Pattern

“specific ethnic genetic attacks”

Is the coronavirus a bioweapon? You decide. 

A look at the CCP’s biological warfare intentions and capabilities

December 19, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – No less a figure than Dr. Francis Boyle, an expert on biowarfare, believes that “the coronavirus that we’re dealing with here is an offensive biological warfare weapon.” Speaking of Wuhan’s Institute of Virology, which is at the epicenter of the epidemic, he added that there have “been previous reports of problems with that lab and things leaking out of it.”

For Dr. Boyle to be correct, the CCP would have to have both the “intention” and the “capability” to develop such a bioweapon. Does it?

It is no secret that the Chinese Communist regime, despite being a signatory to the Biological Weapons Convention, regards the development of bioweapons as a key part of achieving military dominance. The vice-president of China’s Academy of Military Medical Sciences, He Fuchu (贺福初), said in 2015 that biomaterials were the new “strategic commanding heights” of warfare.

PLA general Zhang Shibo (张仕波) went even further in his 2017 book, War’s New High Land, claiming that “modern biotechnology development is gradually showing strong signs characteristic of an offensive capability,” including the potential for “specific ethnic genetic attacks” (特定种族基因攻击).

Reflect on that phrase – “specific ethnic genetic attacks” – for a minute.

What General Zhang is talking about, to be perfectly clear, is bioweapons that kill other races, but for

What's Next?


Prepare For A Grid Down False Flag To Ring In 2021 As Globalists Go Back To Their Old Tricks By Demonizing Russia And 'Telegraphing' Something Huge Ahead

- 'We May All Have To Pay The Price'

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

With Democrats and the 'deep state' once again screaming 'Russia, Russia, Russia' at the top of their lungs following an alleged 9-month-long hack that exposed US government agencies across the board, all we need to do is take a look back at several ANP stories from 2016 while Barack Obama was still president to see the globalists under Joe Biden are starting off again right where they left off. 

While things have been relatively quiet on the World War 3 front for the past 4 years with President Trump in office and he 'keeping the peace' with Vladimir Putin and Russia, we get a small glimpse of what the next 4 years might look like with the globalists quick to turn Russia into a 'boogeyman' again. 

As we had reported back on October 27th of 2016, soon before the election, in this story titled "Russian General Has Alarming Warning For Americans: 'We Are Teetering On The Brink' - Russia Warns Globalists Trying To Turn The Entire World Into 'Uncontrolled Chaos'", the globalists way back then were pushing heavily for some kind of 'confrontation' with Russia. And while President Trump got into office and all of those fears of World War 3 'went away', it didn't take long for the demons to bring them back, with words like 'Pearl Harbor' and 'the perfect storm' being thrown around like Christmas candy. 

From this Daily Mail story titled "How 'cyber equivalent of Pearl Harbor' unfolded at the 'perfect time for a perfect storm': Feds may NEVER know true scale of 9-month-long Russian hack that

Poor Bastards

 Notre Dame is in the process of getting their asses kicked by Clemson. 

John Adams



By Nancy Thorner - 

It is becoming more and more obvious to millions of Americans that the November 3rd election was a scam election.  

Consider the House race still being contested a month and a half after election night in New York's 22nd Congressional District.  As reported, Democratic Rep. Anthony Brindisi's campaign has asked for about 60 rejected ballots in New York’s Madison County to be counted as he faces a 12-vote deficit against Republican challenger Claudia Tenney.  On election night Tenney was ahead by 24,000 votes.

Consider also the pathetic rally Biden held in Atlanta, Georgia for Ossoff and Warnock on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 on the parking at Pratt Pullman Yard, basically an empty warehouse.  Where were the people from a guy that got 81 million votes? How can a whole society built on obvious lies like “President Biden got 81 million votes” exist much longer?

Connection of software hack to scam election

As reported on December 15, 2020, a "Solar Winds" software hack was found to have had a connection to the scam election.  Although Dominion's voting systems CEO denied using the SolarWinds Orion package”, a screenshot of a Dominion webpage that The Epoch Times captured shows that Dominion

Chinese Spying

 China is watching

Did I say I think Saban is a good coach?

More fake news

 Attempting to shift the focus away from what China did

If Mr. Kibler is serious about raising his children in a neighborhood without "walls", I suggest he relocate to Roseland

Is Beverly a village or a fortress on Chicago’s South Side?

The Beverly area warrants the descriptor “fortress” in part because of exclusionary zoning — the practice of inflating home prices through banning a wide range of housing types and residential lot arrangements.
By Letters to the Editor Dec 19, 2020, 4:00am CST

Living in Beverly on Chicago’s South Side, I frequently hear the sentiment that the neighborhood is a “village” in the city. Quite to the contrary, however, I am coming to believe that the term “fortress” may be more fitting.

Many factors buttress the fortress metaphor, some benign and some nefarious. Clearly, there is the residency requirement that keeps city workers within city limits; but then there is also a history of systematic elimination of “Black” spaces; and perhaps most unmissable in the community are the number of curbs placed to separate Beverly from its majority-Black neighbors to the east.

Instead of prayer, he chooses anger and public confrontation

Pfleger plans a high-profile, showbiz style, NY’s Eve march to protest the ‘COVID and carnage’ that has devastated Chicago this year

‘We can’t just be silent,’ said Pfleger of the nearly 4,000 shootings this year — which comes as 3,850 have died from the coronavirus.
By Michael Sneed Dec 18, 2020, 3:52pm CST

It’s a case of cheer and fear.

It’s the Christmas season’s most deadly couple: COVID-19 and gun violence.

The coronavirus may have claimed the lives of 3,850 Chicagoans through the middle of this past week, but the violence of the gun has now resulted in the shooting of nearly 4,000 people in Chicago.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Pentagon HALTS Biden Transition Briefings as Patriot Militias Are INFILT...

Several Reports from the Pentagon indicate the following

Intelligence briefings with the Biden transition team have been halted by order of the Secretary of Defense. There has been no verification of this, nor has there been an explanation. More as it becomes available. 

Hannity breaks down 'disturbing' newly revealed Hunter Biden text messages

Supreme Court Gives Trump HUGE WIN as John Roberts Accused of FEARING RI...

It was China

Jill is one of those educators that gets off by making children call her Doctor, doesn't work that well with adults


Tucker Continues Mocking Jill Biden – Her Doctor Degree Is On Par With Dr. Pepper

Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson took a sledgehammer to Dr. Jill Biden’s doctorate

There is something with that Roberts fella that is off


Justice Roberts is a weak traitor. He is afraid to do the right thing due to moral cowardice. This is why Texas case was not taken

Of course there was wrongdoing!


FDIC settles for $2.5M with accountants for Bridgeport bank closed for fraud after CEO’s death

Bansley & Kiener agreed to the payout, which didn’t involve any admission of wrongdoing. Washington Federal Bank for Savings’ failure remains under investigation.

Washington Federal Bank for Savings, 2869 S. Archer Ave., was shut down in December 2017 for “unsafe or unsound practices” days after its president and chief executive officer, John F. Gembara, was found dead at a bank customer’s home. A federal audit uncovered an $82.6 million fraud at the bank.
Washington Federal Bank for Savings, 2869 S. Archer Ave., was shut down in December 2017 for “unsafe or unsound practices” days after its president and chief executive officer, John F. Gembara, was found dead at a bank customer’s home. A federal audit uncovered an $82.6 million fraud at the bank.
 Google street view

In the summer of 2017, a Chicago accounting firm