Saturday, December 19, 2020

More fake news

 Attempting to shift the focus away from what China did


  1. Anonymous12/19/2020

    Wag the dog deverting attention off tratior Joe's crime family

  2. Anonymous12/19/2020

    This right out of Orwells 1984 by constantly shifting the blame on somebody else so much that people forget what is real and what is not.....

  3. Anonymous12/19/2020

    It is amazing how much the average person is being manipulated by the mainstream media, and that most don't even care to investigate the stories being fed to them. I saw it on CNN so it must be true attitude goes back to the days when we had 4 channels to watch on TV. What really aggravates me is the average person doesn't seem to care.

  4. Anonymous12/19/2020

    China and Democrats conspired together to release this virus and destroy our economy just to beat Trump it still wasn't enough had to resort to fraud to beat him lol!

  5. Anonymous12/21/2020

    Group Think......Mass Hypnosis........
