Saturday, December 19, 2020

Did I say I think Saban is a good coach?


  1. Anonymous12/19/2020

    Ya, cool story bro...but, that is a 1 outta a 10000000 player story and he knows it. Most all these players are criminals in waiting and have been coddeled and covered for since grade school. If you cant abide and play by the rules, I dont care what color you are, or how good you are, you are gone. He kept him playing because the kid was exceptional at the time and he knew he was going to the NFL. Saban INHO is disingenious and a phoney. Guarentee that if he was an average player, 2nd-3rd stringer he would have been GONE!

  2. Anonymous12/19/2020

    After crying my eyes out, I think saban is a lefty piece of shit that wouldn't care if my non-athletic relative was in the same circumstance.

  3. Anonymous12/21/2020

    Why support left wing sporting events????
