Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Proponent of violence, just like the ancestor whose name he still carries

total and complete asshole just like his
great great asshole grandfather
Actor James Cromwell is warning of massive civil unrest and “blood in the streets” if Democrats can’t win big in the midterm elections. Mainly, Cromwell seems to be concerned that Republicans will retain power in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Cromwell is most known for his character roles in projects such as “Babe,” “The Green Mile,” “Big Hero 6,” “Boardwalk Empire” and “American Horror Story.”  He is also a political activist who has worked with organizations such as the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). In fact, it seems that he values animals more that he does humans. 

Happy Halloween

Newest member of the SWAT team

Dover, Maryland P.D. 


Walking down 111th St. west of the cemeteries,  last night

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

She wants to run again! 10 Things You Didn't Know About Hillary Clinton

Racist and in need of firing!


Memo to Trump, this is not good, not sustainable

Treasury Sees 2018 Borrowing Needs Surging to $1.34 Trillion

Specifically, the department expects to issue $425 billion in net marketable debt from October through December, lower than the $440 billion estimated in July, according to a statement released Monday in Washington. The Treasury sees an end-of-December cash balance of

On the road to Americo

Game Changer

gets up earlier than most people
President Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Idiot Gets Fatally Shot After Pointing Gun At Colorado Deputies

Are we going nuts?

Is the Western World Too Insane to Be Worth Saving?
victim of political bs
Paul Craig Roberts
According to news reports NBC has cancelled Megyn Kelly’s program for making “insensitive comments” while participating in a panel discussion on the appropriateness of blackface in Halloween costumes. Here is what she said: “Truly, you do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface for Halloween or a black person who put on whiteface for Halloween. When I was a kid, that was okay as long as you were dressing up as like a character.” She added, “I don’t know how that got racist on Halloween.” 
It is beyond understanding what is offensive about what she said. She stated that it had become a no-no for the black and white races to impersonate one another even in fun and she didn’t know why. I don’t either. Do you? It makes no sense.
We seem to have reached a point where any statement can be claimed by a member of a

The Public Case Index does not apply to politicians

How do people like this get elected? She seems to be constantly under federal investigation. Despite that, she is now a candidate for mayor of Chicago. WTF.

The most recent revelation is that other politicians and their family members have their cases hidden in the Clerk of the Court's online case index. They do this by deliberately misspelling the last name. See This misspelling has occurred in thousands of cases. 

There is also a strong rumor about a man that works at the Daley Center who, for $50.00 per case, will go into the index database and misspell your last name. Who knows how many cases have been affected. 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Public Employees (especially in Chicago) need to read this. You had a Pension but then you lost it.

In 10 years or so, for most public employees, the concept of a pension will be fleeting. Blame it on gross (very gross mismanagement) and theft. 

The best thing to do is take your lump sum and invest it where it won't get tapped again.  

Pension Tension

This is a very emotional subject, pensions. Politicians and unions promised pensions they had no way to fund for the last 40 years and the bill has come due. It’s not just bad for taxpayers, it’s bad for pensioners. If you think local governments won’t take away the pensions they promised, you clearly aren’t paying attention.
The face of retirement changed when Nixon took the dollar off the gold system. This was the beginning of the end of the economic stability of the American family. Since then, we’ve had three of the worst recessions since the Great

Florida Governor's Race

did he or didn't he?
Was Gillium on the take? 

Sure looks that way. You may agree after reading the article. This seems to be more than just campaign rhetoric. 

Where there is smoke there is fire. 

Friday, October 26, 2018

The Funding of the Migrant Caravan


Most McDonalds have installed self-serve kiosk to place your order. The touch screens don't work that well. It's obvious they were rushed to market. Meanwhile, the staff has been cut back resulting in long waits at the counter as the staff focuses on drive-up customers.

Advice: you will get much faster service if you get your food via the drive up window, then park your car and come inside to eat. I could not made this up.

This is consistent with her deranged personality

one hit muslim

Outspoken Irish singer Sinead O'Connor has announced she has converted to Islam and changed her name to Shuhada.
Having adopted the name Magda Davitt last year, the 51-year-old is now called Shuhada Davitt.
She also changed her Twitter avatar to a black-and-white image of the Nike Swoosh logo and the slogan: "Wear a hijab. Just do it."

Hillary wants to run again. Watch this


Stock market is in the process of being collapsed


No bull: More than two-thirds of the S&P 500's individual stocks are now either in a "correction" or a bear market. 
More than 350 companies out of the 500 tracked by the S&P 500 index have lost more than 10 percent of their value since hitting their 52-week highs, according to a recent analysis from Reuters. Within that group around 180 stocks are now in bear market territory, with their shares having lost more than 20 percent of their value since hitting their 52-week high. 
A bear market is one where stock prices decline at least 20 percent from their recent peak. A correction is when shares drop at least 10 percent from their recent highs. Shares on Thursday opened higher, regaining some of the ground lost earlier this week. 
For some investors, the slump in S&P 500 companies' shares is a bright red flag. Their chief concern is that U.S. and global economic growth has hit its high-water mark for the current business cycle and is already starting to weaken. Most economic forecasters, along with the Federal Reserve, think the hot economy is likely to cool in 2019, which could hurt corporate profits. 

Thursday, October 25, 2018


The Democratic Party Plants a Xylophone Bomb


US war with China is likely in 15 years, retired general says

From the chief architect of fake news

Statement from CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker:
“There is a total and complete lack of understanding at the White House about the seriousness of their continued attacks on the media. The President, and especially the White House Press Secretary, should understand their words matter. Thus far, they have shown no comprehension of that.” Jeff Zucker, President CNN Worldwide


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

False Flags?

Caravan, fake bombs, stock market fall, polio, plastic straws, Saudi Arabia, interest rates, I wonder what is next. I bet something else is cooking. All just in time for the election. 

The Caravan cannot be a good thing for the United States

Trump needs to do whatever he needs to do to stop this caravan before it gets to the border. Use the military and the Justice Dept. to identify, indict and hunt down the organizers. The penalty for creating such a humanitarian crisis should be 20 years in one of our nice federal jails.


By Daniel Horowitz, Conservative Review, October 23, 2018:
What could go wrong with a raucous group of predominantly males from the most violent Latin American countries headed for our southern border? Well, drugs, gangs, crime, and a fiscal drain on our economic resources are a few reasons to fear this invasion. But there is also an extra national security concern that Middle Easterners, who are already traveling independently to our border, are mixed in with this caravan. It’s a general concern that we should take very seriously both with the caravan and

Non Citizens Get to Vote in California

An advocate for things illegal
I like the idea of parents being involved with their children but this is BS. They need to get legal first. 
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — San Francisco has become the largest U.S. city to give people in the country illegally and other noncitizens the right to vote in a local election, but the possibility of the Trump administration learning their identities appears to have kept people away: only 35 noncitizens have registered.
It is among a handful of cities nationwide to allow people who aren't citizens to vote, which is illegal in state and federal elections. In San Francisco, they can only