Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tax bills

Did you get your Cook County tax bill? What do you think?


  1. Anonymous11/13/2010

    I got mine it went up 900 bucks. I thought the values are going down?

  2. Anonymous11/13/2010

    I've posted this before, but everybody in Mt. Greenwood seems content to pay 2-3 times as much in taxes as people in other Chicago neighborhoods. Examples:

    Two Mt. Greenwood style Georgians, but in the 9300 block of Justine:

    $1015 annual taxes - PIN 25-05-317-028-0000

    $1435 annual taxes - PIN 25-05-316-048-0000

    We don't use the schools or call the police, but we pay much more in taxes than those who do!

    I bet neither Cunningham nor O'Shea takes a stand on this.

  3. Anonymous11/14/2010

    Only went down for the ghetto people that don't pay the tax anyway. The white workers will continue to carry the burdon for the entire county, as usual.

    And re-elected Gov. Quinn will expect you to fork over even more.

    You gotta love those liberals, tax and spend!

  4. My tax bill went down $300.00. I gave the increase notice to the ward office and they took care of it. I'm voting for Matt.

  5. Anonymous11/14/2010

    To the Mr 2 Georgians Scenario poster:

    If you take 2 identical Georgians and move them on truck to Alligator Gardens the tax bill would be about $400 a year. Then take the same 2 Georgians and move them to Sauganash the Tax bill would be about $5000. Take the same 2 Georgians and move it to the 1200 block of North Lakeshore drive and the tax bill would be $20,000.

    Taxes are based on how much square footage and the overall real estate values in a neighhborhood

    You are trying to make a statement but we don’t know what you are trying to say.

  6. Anonymous11/14/2010

    And CJ:

    "You gotta love those liberals, tax and spend! "………

    Also you gotta love White Democrats from places like the 19th ward and Mt Greenwood who continue to vote for Democrats because their Grandfather voted Democratic 50 years ago when it was a different party back then.

    They obviously love higher tax bills , sales taxes parking meters , Skyway tolls, Redlight cam fines, And soon parking on 111th street parking meters, parking on Western Meters .

    And the best is yet to come! They voted for Democratic because they know the price of Health care is high. But soon you’ll get Obama care for free!

    To pay for Obama care the State pays for ½ of the care and the Federal Government pays for the other ½. That equals a value added tax on everything but food that will be something like 20% added to the 10.25% we pay now. That equals a 30% sales tax on everything but food.

    Say it’s not true? That is exactly what happened in Europe since they went to free health care. That is why they are going bankrupt now.

    I had friends that went to Canada the years after free healthcare started there in the 1990’s. A case of beer cost $48.00. Casino winnings were taxed.

    Vote Democratic some more and bend over and grab you ankles.

  7. Anonymous11/14/2010

    Taxes paid by comparable Georgians in four Chicago neighborhoods. Lowest to Highest.

    21xx W. 83
    PIN 20-31-305-002-0000
    $36.14 (senior citizen)

    20xx W. 83
    PIN 20-31-307-045-0000
    $325.19 (senior citizen)

    93xx S. Justine
    PIN 25-05-317-028-0000

    93xx S. Justine
    PIN 25-05-316-047-0000

    33xx W. 83 Place
    PIN 19-35-402-056-0000

    33xx W. 83 Place
    PIN 19-35-402-057-0000
    $1375.67 (senior citizen)

    93xx S. Justine
    PIN 25-05-316-048-0000

    20xx W. 83
    PIN 20-31-307-044-0000

    33xx W. 83 Place
    PIN 19-35-402-055-0000

    105xx S. Springfield - Mt. Greenwood
    PIN 24-14-108-021-0000

    105xx S. Springfield - Mt. Greenwood
    PIN 24-14-108-022-0000

    105xx S. Springfield - Mt. Greenwood
    PIN 24-14-108-020-0000

  8. Anonymous11/15/2010

    Did you just sell your soul?

  9. Anonymous11/15/2010

    CJ... is a liar!

  10. Anonymous11/15/2010

    I am calling Brendan Houlihan to complain about these taxes, he needs to help us here in cook county.

  11. Anonymous11/15/2010

    Just pay it already. Or move to 93rd and Justine and enjoy the same home for less taxes.

  12. Anonymous11/15/2010

    Keep voting Democratic you sheep.

  13. Anonymous11/15/2010

    . . . You are trying to make a statement but we don’t know what you are trying to say.

    14 November, 2010

    The message is simple -- everyone needs to pay his or her fair share. We should not be penalized for maintaining our neighborhood!

  14. Anonymous11/16/2010

    just wait until rahm gets in tax,tax,tax,bitches!

  15. Libtard Republico11/16/2010

    Get some Tee Baggers in power here -- they'll fire all the police and fire peeps on the payroll and give everybody a sawed-off shotgun and a pail of water.

    Budget is balanced.

  16. Anonymous11/17/2010

    I think my taxes went up because I live in a tif. Can we get some information on tifs here.

  17. Anonymous11/18/2010

    my taxes went up $800 a year,wtf!

  18. Anonymous11/18/2010

    Mine is up 300 dollars. WTF!

  19. Anonymous11/20/2010

    did't brendan houlihan lose to patlak???

  20. Anonymous11/20/2010

    OFF TOPIC (maybe should be a thread):

    Someone mentioned recently JR Boz, the ice cream shop at 111th/Homan, closed.

    Then the florist shop for years at 111th, just west of Kedzie, closed, although the 19th ward satalitte office moved in there.

    Now Richie's restaurant, at 111th and Troy, closed after 11 years.

    The new Walgreen's is open, minus the promised Starbucks and other shops. Up and down 111th st. in Mount Greenwood there are fewer businesses. Whatta think?

  21. Anonymous11/20/2010

    Richie's closed? When?

  22. Anonymous11/20/2010

    I just wish the multitude of people who put additions on their houses in Mt Greenwood and Beverly would pay the increased taxes.

    It amazing how many houses in the 19th ward have 2000 square feet added to the structure yet the assessors office still shows it as a 900 square ft cape cod.

    How do you put up an addition with no permit? Or do they not process the permit for a tax increase.

  23. Anonymous11/20/2010

    " . . . .Up and down 111th st. in Mount Greenwood there are fewer businesses. Whatta think?"

    Soon 111th Street will look as bad as South Shore's 71st Street and Beverly's Western Avenue.

  24. Anonymous11/21/2010

    The flower shop moved more west. JR Boz closed about a month ago, around the same time as Richie's.

    Once you put on an addition, the taxes don't catch up for about 5 years. Once they do, oh do you feel it.
