Sunday, March 17, 2024

Sista From Chicago Is Disappointed That Mayor Brandon Johnson Sold Out


  1. Anonymous3/17/2024

    Some black people don’t care about some black people is the issue. Every day the news reports black people murdering each other or stealing from stores, or carjacking each other, or unemployed, or dropping out of school, or cannot learn, or cannot read, or cannot solve math problems, or they are medically illiterate because they are too lazy to purchase medical books and learn how to take care of themselves and their children, or they are drug dealers, or they are lazy, or they are poor, or they are nasty, or they are in prison, or black teachers don’t teach black children, or black parents don’t teach their children, that black schools are inferior, and so on and on to make all black people look bad all over the world.

    Don’t blame the problems and negativity about black people on democrats or republicans, blame it on black people because only black people can fix the problem of self hatred and destruction by changing the negative behavior and working together to bring about a great group of loving and caring people. Stop complaining about black problems because no one is listening because no one cares. Fix the problem yourself by changing your negative behavior. Get busy!

    1. Anonymous3/19/2024

      abd maybe the black can stop calling each other the N word every other word they speak
