Sunday, March 31, 2019

Al Sharpton contributes his BS too!

he's both a reverend and IRS deadbeat

a true expert on the topic of unaccountability

 - The Rev. Al Sharpton is defending Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, who has been criticized after her office dropped charges against actor Jussie Smollett.
The civil rights leader was in Chicago on Saturday at the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH Coalition. The Chicago Tribune reports Sharpton portrayed Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel as a hypocrite. Emanuel has criticized prosecutors’ actions in the “Empire” actor’s case. Smollett was charged with falsely reporting to police that he was the victim of an attack.
Sharpton said “there is a marked difference between how they reacted to this and how they reacted to the Laquan McDonald case.” Sharpton said there was no outrage when video showing a white officer fatally shooting the black teen was withheld.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Foxx defends her malfeasance with more BS, FOP calls for her resignation!

While Foxx says Tuesday's decision does not exonerate Smollett, she indicated that some of the evidence "made securing a conviction against Smollett uncertain."

The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) responded to the op-ed with the following statement:

The FOP believes the article barely merits a response; it makes so little sense. The article is, to us, a desperate attempt to justify a complete breakdown of her office to fulfill its obligations.

The CPD concluded, after an exhaustive investigation, that Mr. Smollett faked a hate crime. A grand jury returned a 16-count indictment. It is Ms. Foxx’s duty to prosecute this crime. She refused to do so. Her refusal to do so has generated national condemnation by the public, elected officials, and even members of her own profession. Questions must be answered about Ms. Foxx’s conduct in this case. We have asked for a federal investigation and are being told that one is underway. For this, we are very grateful.

As we have said time and again, this is not the first time we have alleged misconduct against Ms. Foxx. Indeed, we have condemned in particular her decision to drop murder convictions in cases that her predecessor, Anita Alvarez, upheld. We have also asked that federal authorities review her decision to vacate two felony convictions against Spanish Cobra Ricardo Rodriguez, whose fellow gang members have recently been convicted of murdering a Chicago Police Officer.

Unfortunately, the local media has also refused to address our complaints about Ms. Foxx.

We believe that Ms. Foxx should immediately resign her position.

What we have here is a State's Attorney who believes it is her moral obligation to constantly obstruct and work against the police. She is the attorney for the state not the attorney for the criminals. 

2d Illinois State Trooper killed in two days

Food prices are about to shoot up

We have never seen anything like this before.  According to satellite data that was just released by Reuters, “at least 1 million acres of U.S. farmland” were covered by water for at least seven days this month.  That is an agricultural disaster without equal in modern American history, and yet the mainstream media is treating this like it is some sort of second class story.  It isn’t.  This is the biggest news story of 2019 so far, and people want to know what is going on.  A few days ago, I posted a story entitled ‘“As Many As A Million Calves Lost In Nebraska” – Beef Prices In The U.S. To Escalate Dramatically In The Coming Months’, and it has already been shared on social media

Friday, March 29, 2019

You wanted Pritzker, you got him, don't complain, more taxes on the way

wants to spend it all
Despite residents rapidly fleeing Illinois, the state is considering a ‘music tax’ to try to stop the hemorrhaging of its pension funds.

Illinois is looking into a new tax on Internet streaming as well as raising its vehicle registration and gas taxes to almost the highest in the nation.

The state is buckling under a staggering $134 billion in over 650 unfunded pensions, mainly for police and fire departments.

A state bill entitled the Video Service Tax Modernization Act would impose taxes on Internet streaming such as Spotify and Netflix “for the privilege to witness, view, or otherwise enjoy the entertainment.”

The tax is similar to Chicago’s “amusement tax” forced on city residents back in November to watch Netflix and play Playstation games on-line, as previously reported.

“The legality of Chicago’s ‘Netflix tax’ is dubious,” “The Liberty Justice Center, the Illinois Policy Institute’s litigation partner, sued the city on behalf of streaming service customers in 2015, after the expansion of the tax to online services went into effect.”

“The Center argued expanding the tax to online services violates the 1998 Internet Tax Freedom Act, a

Another case of siding with the bad guys

Family of murdered cab driver sues Cook County State's Attorney's Office after they again fail to act
Kim Foxx should be doing all she can do to bring a fugitive to justice. Instead, she obstructs police efforts. Why? Who did this criminal know?

Kim Foxx has demonstrated an inability to handle the job she was elected to. The safety and welfare of Cook County residents is at risk. She should resign immediately or be removed.
In a FOX 32 exclusive, the son of a murdered cab driver is speaking out after filing a lawsuit against the office of the Cook County State’s Attorney, accusing prosecutors of refusing to release information in the case.

Surveillance video shows the fatal encounter between Anis Tunkegar and an Uber driver in September on the Near West Side. In the video, the driver of the Uber is seen kicking Tunkegar before he falls to the ground.

He died at Northwestern Memorial Hospital two days later.

The driver, Lu Fangqi, was taken into custody, but released days later after the Cook County State’s

Thursday, March 28, 2019

State trooper fatally struck

State trooper fatally struck near Rockford is 15th hit this year

Trooper Brooke Jones-Story was fatally struck by a semi-trailer near Rockford, Illinois on March 28, 2019 | provided by Illinois State Police

An Illinois State Trooper struck and killed by a semitrailer Thursday morning near Rockford is the 15th state trooper hit by a vehicle this year — the second fatally.

The crash continues an unexplained spike in crashes this year. More troopers have been injured in the

I'm very glad of this

The largest hotel chain in the world joins the move against straws.
Not all single-use plastic use is equally problematic. When a ferry company banned plastic straws, there was a particularly obvious reason to celebrate—because straws on ferries are much more likely to make their way into the environment, and in particular the ocean, than straws in—for example—a BBC canteen.
So it's for similar reasons that we should be particularly encouraged today, because USA Today reports that Marriott Hotels will be eliminating plastic straws from its 6,500 hotels within the next year. (The report does't say whether dispensations will be made for customers with disabilities.) This is a big deal not


FBI  probing WHY Jussie Smollett charges were dropped, may lead to Preckwinkle and all those around her. Fasten your seatbelts. 

The FBI reportedly launched a probe Wednesday to get to the bottom of Chicago prosecutors’ secret deal to drop all charges against Jussie Smollett even though they insisted they had the evidence for a conviction.
The federal investigation kicked off one day after the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office abandoned its 16-count felony indictment against the “Empire” star with no warning and little explanation, reported Chicago ABC affiliate WLS-TV, citing law-enforcement sources.

Coming soon to a hospital near you! Head transplants

Surgeons from China and Italy claimed that two studies published Wednesday add evidence to their ability to treat "irreversible" spinal-cord injuries and a related controversial aspiration to perform the world’s first human head transplant.
Xiaoping Ren and Sergio Canavero said the new work they published in a scientific journal showed that monkeys and dogs were able to walk again after their spinal cords were "fully transected" during surgery and then put back together again. The neurosurgeons described the results as medically "unprecedented."
The highly experimental procedures took place at Harbin Medical University in China. Both 

Adam Schiff could very well be insane

look at his eyes. what's wrong with him? eye disease? constipation? anger? mental illness? 

President Trump, emboldened after the special counsel said he did not find evidence of a criminal conspiracy to sway the 2016 election, has an early target as he seeks recompense from his critics: Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank), who maintains that he’s seen evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.

Over the last two years, Schiff, who has led the House Intelligence Committee since January, has emerged as a public foil to Trump and his supporters. He has delivered scathing takedowns of Trump for calling Robert Mueller’s probe a “witch hunt,” and he offered similar criticism of Trump’s congressional allies now leading a charge to depose Schiff as chairman on the grounds that his bias against the president makes him unfit to lead.

Yet even as House Democrats make a clear pivot away from the collusion question, they continue to rally around Schiff — who refuses to let the matter go until lawmakers can assess the investigative materials that informed Mueller’s findings.

“Undoubtedly there is collusion,” Schiff said in an interview this week, after Atty. Gen. William Barr

State's Attorney Kim Foxx Defends Handling Of Jussie Smollett Case

This is what BS sounds like

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Fire Kim Foxx

racist and incompetent

Jussie Smollett's Criminal Case Was Fixed!

A vote for Preckwinkle next Tuesday is a vote for Kim Foxx

created Kim Foxx

Double Standard in Illinois?


Recently, Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul and took the unusual step of essentially asking the Illinois Supreme Court whether he could reopen the question of what sentence Van Dyke should have received. He claimed to be in pursuit of justice. 

Yesterday, after news of the Smollett dismissal was made public, AG Raoul announced he would not review the State's decision to toss the case.  Is there a double standard in play here? One for a Chicago policeman and another for a black celebrity with connections to Obama? 

Mr. Raoul, justice requires the appearance of impartiality. Please run your office accordingly and review Kim Foxx's decision. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Kim Foxx needs to resign now

 a record of incompetence

  • has a demonstrated record of practicing and tolerating racial bias in the prosecution of criminals
  • refuses to prosecute hard-core criminals
  • prefers electronic monitoring to imprisonment even for violent criminals
  • practices a different standard (anti) for police as opposed to the general public
  • generally speaking, is in over her head
  • lets politics control her office

A double standard?

Below was posted over at 2d City Copper and I wholeheartedly agree. The anti-police attitude and incompetence is astounding!
Chicago can't endure two more years of this.

Where Are All the Charges?

  • Jackson and Battle were charged with one felony count of first-degree murder and three felony counts of attempted first-degree murder. Jackson also faces a charge of resisting arrest.
But then we saw this picture of the crime scene (click for larger version):

That's a lot of crime scene markers - we see numbers up in the twenties - and while some of them undoubtedly are marking other evidence, most are expended brass, attesting to the savagery of the attack.

So where are all the individual Aggravated Battery charges (on top of the murder charge) that Crimesha leveled against a recently convicted individual? We mean, that's the standard now in Cook County, right? Every shot is a separate charge.

There aren't two standards, are there? One political and one more political? Once again, demonstrating that the police can never be a victim, even when ambushed, off-duty, with friends for the mere crime of being Hispanic.

Monday, March 25, 2019

False Flag

False Flags work: New Zealand sheeple voluntarily surrender their guns after mosque shootings

A false flag, as the term is used in contemporary parlance, is a traumatic public event of mass casualties, the official narrative of which is false, in part or in whole. The objective of false flags is always to rally the public in an outburst of sympathy and support for the government and its agenda, e.g., gun control, opposition to an identified enemy, etc.

Why was John Podesta in New Zealand immediately prior to the mosque shooting?

Now that he has nothing to do, Mueller should be hired to investigate Podesta.
John Podesta, 70, is a major Democrat Party honcho. He was:
  • Bill Clinton’s White House chief-of-staff.
  • Barack Obama’s White House advisor.
  • Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign chairman.
Here are his connections to the Christchurch mosque shootings:

(1) John Podesta just happened to be in New Zealand 5 days before the mosque shootings.

To begin, New Zealand is enmeshed with the U.S. Deep State, being a member of the Five Eyes spy network — a powerful intelligence club made up of the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
As reported by on March 10, 2019, Podesta was in New Zealand for a Global Progressives event. He was interviewed on TV by a pliant and fawning Newshub political correspondent, Tova O’Brien, who extolls Podesta as “one of the most powerful in U.S. Democratic politics” and “someone who understands too well the influence and damage hacking and fake news can do.”.
Promoting the Russian election-meddling meme that Democrats never tire of, Podesta said he agrees with New Zealand intelligence’s warning to Parliament last month that their election is also vulnerable to a serious cyber attack from Russia and China. Podesta said:
“Vladimir Putin must be sitting in the Kremlin saying this is the best return on investment I ever got – I’ve got a pliant president of the United States. I’d say very worried. I don’t see why they couldn’t do it. And there are other state actors as well. There are other actors in the region including China that may have a high degree of interest in being able to penetrate what the private conversations of people in NZ politics and NZ Government are looking at.”
Calling the country a “juicier target”, Podesta said New Zealand should guard against hacked information being weaponised as fake news: “What’s new is this weaponisation – the use of social media to spread discord, lies, dissatisfaction – that’s I think what you’ve got to look out for.”
To watch the interview, go here.

(2) The same symbols on Podesta’s palms were painted on mosque shooter Brenton Tarrant’s semi-automatic gun.

The (UK) Sun reports, March 15, 2019, that “Crazed Brenton Tarrant scrawled the names of modern terrorists, ancient military commanders and far-right symbols on his guns and magazines of ammunition before going on a rampage in New Zealand,” including the words “For Rotherham” — an apparent reference to the paedophile ring run by British-Pakistani men in the Yorkshire town in recent decades.
What The Sun missed are two other symbols painted in white on Tarrant’s semi-automatic gun: that of a fish and the number 14.
Below is a pic of the gun. I painted the red circles around the two symbols.
Where have we seen the fish symbol and number 14 before?
On John Podesta’s palms! (H/t tweeter Jordan Sather)
In December 2016, I did a post on just that: “Those cryptic markings on John Podesta’s palms“.
While there may be an innocent explanation for the no. 14 and fish markings on Podesta’s palms, some see an occultic meaning. Whatever the meaning of the two symbols, it is curious, to say the least, that the perpetrator of the deadliest mass shootings in modern New Zealand history just happens to sport the same symbols on his semi-automatic gun.

Two arrested for murder of Officer John P. Rivera

A press conference is scheduled for 11 a.m. at CPD headquarters, 35th and Michigan.

Menelik Jackson 24, and Jovan Battle 32, both were charged with one count of first-degree murder and three counts of attempted murder. Jackson also was charged with one count of resisting/obstructing a police officer.

Police have not said which man is the suspected gunman.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Another shooting hoax?

In our time of movies, TV and video games saturated with over-the-top violence, why would the New Zealand government take such extreme measures to prevent its citizens from seeing the video?
The answer perhaps is that if the people of New Zealand actually saw the video, they would realize the mosque shootings were a gigantic false-flag hoax perpetrated on them in order to advance gun control. (The video can still be viewed on BitChute, the file-sharing video hosting service, and also here.)

How we know New Zealand mosque shooting video is a CGI fake

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On March 14, 2019, New Zealand sustained its deadliest mass shootings in modern history when a lone gunman, 28-year-old Brenton Tarrant, killed 50 people and injured another 50 at Al Noor Mosque and the Linwood Islamic Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand. The media immediately identified Tarrant as that most

Officer John P. Rivera R.I.P.

Was sitting in his car, 700 block of north Clark street

John P. Rivera, 23, was in a parked car with three others in the 700 block of North Clark Street when at least three males approached and one opened fire. One man with Rivera was critically injured, while two others inside the car, including another off-duty cop, were not hurt.

Rivera lived in the Hegewisch neighborhood on the Far South Side of Chicago and had been a police officer for less than two years.
One of his neighbors, John Sanchez, is a former CPD sergeant and said Rivera would ask him for advice about being a police offer.
“He was a good boy, I mean a really, really nice boy,” Sanchez said. “He ran all the time, worked out all the time with neighbor kids his own age. They’d all work out to try to be ready to be police.”
Sanchez said Rivera wanted to be a police officer since he was 16 years old and dreamed of doing tactical work.
Rivera was a 2013 graduate of Brother Rice High School. The school’s president Mark Donahue and principal Bob Alberts released a statement, saying:
“The whole Brother Rice community is mourning the loss of Officer Rivera. On behalf of Brother Rice, we express our deepest condolences to his family. John is remembered as a nice, polite, and soft spoken young man. He was always willing to help others and truly lived out our motto of ‘Acting Manfully in Christ Jesus’. God bless John and his family.”
Several people in Rivera’s neighborhood knew him as John Petty. He changed his last name to Rivera to match his mother’s.
Friends say Rivera was very kind. Neko Castillo, a longtime friend, said, “He showed me how to care about people no matter what and just how to live the best life.”
Castillo was also Rivera’s barber and shared a photo of Rivera after a recent haircut.
Julian Martinez also shared a recent photo of Rivera and him and one from their First Communion.
Martinez said another friend was also hit in the shooting Saturday morning but is doing well.
“He’s doing good. He was shot four times but is completely up and talking. He’s very lucky,” Martinez said.
Police confirm Rivera and three other individuals were sitting in a parked car when two men approached their vehicle near Clark and Huron Street.
One man showed a handgun and started shooting. The offenders fled the scene.
Rivera was pronounced dead at Northwestern Memorial Hospital just before 4 a.m.
First Deputy Supt. Anthony Riccio said Rivera was working 3rd watch in the 6th District and had completed a shift around 9 or 10 p.m.
Riccio said Rivera had been with the department for just under two years. Officials said one person of interest is being questioned.
Police said there were many surveillance cameras in the area where the shooting took place. Detectives are looking through footage to see if they can get video of the shooter, who remains on the run.

Historic, Widespread Flooding “Through May” – Food Prices To Skyrocket As 1000s Of Farms Are Destroyed

We have never seen catastrophic flooding like this, and the NOAA is now telling us that there will be more major flooding for at least two more months.  On Thursday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration warned that “historic, widespread flooding” would “continue through May”.  More than 90 percent of the upper Midwest and Great Plains is currently covered by an average of 10.7 inches of snow, and all of that snow is starting to melt.  That means that we are going to transition from one of the worst winters in modern history to a flood season that has already taken an apocalyptic turn for farmers all across America.  At this moment, millions of acres of


Mueller concludes Russia probe, delivers report to AG Barr, comes up empty after spending $30,000,000
WASHINGTON (AP) - Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday turned over his long-awaited final report on the contentious Russia investigation, ending a probe that has cast a dark shadow over Donald Trump's presidency with no new charges but launching a fresh wave of political battles over the still-confidential findings.

The 22-month probe ended without additional indictments by Mueller despite public speculation by

Friday, March 22, 2019

NZ basketball player has an opinion, so does she

COLUMBIA, S.C. — As one of a small group of New Zealanders currently playing Division I basketball, Virginia senior Jack Salt’s thoughts have been with his home country this week following a mass shooting that killed 50 people at two mosques in Christchurch. 
And for Salt, who has lived primarily in the United States for five years now while playing for the Cavaliers, the aftermath has highlighted the stark difference between how the two countries deal with mass shootings. 
“One hundred percent,” he told USA TODAY Sports. “It’s kind of numbing here. One of my best friends was at a school in Oregon and the school got shot up, and people just carried on. I wouldn’t say it was like nothing happened because people lost their life and it was very sad. But something happened in New Zealand, and the prime minister is making changes, reforming gun laws, and she’s been a real role model.”