Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Why not?

America should give out free cash to fix income inequality. All they have to do is print more money. 

Sir Richard Branson.

One solution to income inequality is giving out free cash, according to the British billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson.

“A basic income should be introduced in Europe and in America,” Branson told David Gelles of The New York Times.

Branson was responding to the question, “What do you think those in positions of power should do to address social problems like income inequality?”

In a report published in January, the global charity Oxfam found that 82 percent of the growth in global wealth in the previous year went to the top 1 percent of individuals ranked by riches. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent had no increase in their wealth, the report says.

“It’s a disgrace to see people sleeping on the streets with this material wealth all around them,” Branson said.

A universal basic income, as it's known, is a cash payment distributed to residents irrespective of their employment status.


  1. Anonymous7/03/2018

    How much of his money is he handing out....and where, I could use a few buck to tide me over til the St. Cajetan's raffle picks a winner.

  2. Anonymous7/03/2018

    The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer, how many times have I heard that. Usually from some knucklehead who dropped out of school and has no drive or ambition, so while he stays static relying on government handouts granted by Democrats, those working pass them by. Sorry time to quit rewarding the lazy, bring back the county poor farm. You want to eat-you work.

  3. Anonymous7/03/2018

    This is the type of shit that Teddy Kennedy used to promote, freebies for the mooches, nothing out of his pocket. To ensure this, he never carried any money on him. A lifetime of freeloading, yep, that was the lion of the senate.

  4. Anonymous7/04/2018

    How many jobs replaced by automation? We need a basic income 66% of jobs pay less than 20hr you government workers are so out of touch most of us will never be able to retire with our 401scams enjoy your pension that we pay for with our tax dollars.
