Tuesday, July 3, 2018

This guy is such an assh---

bono is warning us before it's too late

Going around lecturing everyone on how to live.


  1. Anonymous7/03/2018

    Careful,he may get O'Shea to appoint him to precinct captain in the 19th

    1. Anonymous7/04/2018

      How in world does he move up the chain? I’m guessing he’s told what to do.

    2. It's because if Rahm really does run again he knows he's got a glaring problem with the voters in the 19th ward.

  2. Anonymous7/03/2018

    Going around lecturing everyone on how to live.

    That s the duties of celebrities today.. as role models such as Kanye West. R Kelly, and Chief Kief they move Americka in a positive direction. They show us how to have broken marriages, babies out of wedlock and most important serious drug addiction. Too bad Ward and June Cleaver didn't have that direction in their lives.

  3. Anonymous7/05/2018

    This next song is a song Charles Manson stole from the Beatles...We're stealing it back!
