Sunday, January 29, 2017

Free Speech has been chilled!

BUMPED UP, PRIORITY ISSUE has been disabled by Google for violations of its community standards, whatever that means. 

We are opposed to such disabling and call for the blog to be reinstated right away. 


  1. Anonymous1/19/2017

    Why did they shut it down????????????????????????

    1. Anonymous1/20/2017

      because they could

  2. BLOGGER has disabled this website due to content that violates our community standards agreement - Blog administrator has 7 business days to appeal this action

    Blogger Content Policy

    Blogger is a free service for communication, self-expression and freedom of speech. We believe Blogger increases the availability of information, encourages healthy debate, and makes possible new connections between people. It is our belief that censoring this content is contrary to a service that bases itself on freedom of expression.
    However, in order to uphold these values, we need to curb abuses that threaten our ability to provide this service and the freedom of expression it encourages. As a result, there are some boundaries on the type of content that can be hosted with Blogger. The boundaries we've defined are those that both comply with legal requirements and that serve to enhance the service as a whole.
    If you encounter a blog that you believe violates our policies, please report it to us using the 'Report Abuse' link located at the top of each blog under the 'More' dropdown. If the blog owner has hidden this link, you can still report abuse in the Blogger Help Center.

  3. Anonymous1/19/2017

    tell me this aint so

  4. Anonymous1/19/2017

    Community Standards

  5. Anonymous1/19/2017

    The wrath of Rahm and the Feds before Trump takes power!

    They're looking for ENERGY man and the ACT ALONE guy too.

    1. Anonymous1/19/2017

      Trump takes over tomorrow. Watch them restore truenews right away.

    2. Anonymous1/20/2017

      This was not Rahm. This was the result of complaints about some of the vicious postings and comments.

    3. Anonymous1/28/2017

      yes it was and others like him.

  6. Anonymous1/19/2017

    Dart arranged to have it taken down.

    1. Anonymous1/20/2017

      It was cunninghamm

  7. Anonymous1/19/2017

    How sad, only source for whats really going on in Chicago

  8. Anonymous1/19/2017

    They're afraid of his private investigation of PIZZAGATE.

  9. Anonymous1/20/2017

    According to 2d City, Shaved had been catching some heat. A complete
    shutdown is just too much. I'd imagine he can appeal and promise to be good in the future. I'm sure he will be.

  10. I am in mourning about truenewsusa blog. Hope it gets back up.

  11. Anonymous1/20/2017

    This came right from the WH. SCC took TNUSAs link down a little over two days ago right after the DOJ report came out mentioning SCC and hinting at "another" site.This was the chocolate jesuses final farewell.

    1. Anonymous1/20/2017

      Was that blog mentioned in the DOJ report?

  12. Anonymous1/20/2017

    This was not Rahm. This was the result of complaints about some of the vicious postings and comments."

    You mean false complaints from "actors" from the WH/DOJ. Political sabotage of free speech......

    1. Anonymous1/20/2017

      Left wing pols are known for chilled 1st Amendment rights. Right here in the 19 Ward, the leaders don't really like critisism of any type or even discussion. Their attitude has always been MOVE ALONG, THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE.

  13. Anonymous1/20/2017

    The Left never learns-they think if they can silence dissent and unpopular opinions, they will simply go away. That's why every media outlet that did away with comment sections believed their fake polls-they live in an echo chamber.

  14. Anonymous1/20/2017

    A victim of the Chicago and 19th ward establishment. You know who they are.

  15. Anonymous1/21/2017

    I agree that Truenews should not have been shut down. However, some of the posts were really dancing on - and in my opinion over - the boundaries of free speech. It had a very sophomoric tone and was unnecessarily racial in tone. for example, the "color chart". This is a wake up call to everyone who is in the fight against these Commie scum. They are out to destroy the right. So don't hand them a weapon to bludgeon you with. I used to post at times and complain that a certain post was just mean and or racially insensitive if not really racist. I warned that it would do more harm and lose people to the basic causes we strive to win.

    1. Anonymous1/22/2017

      Where are the boundaries of free speech with respect to internet posts?

    2. Anonymous1/22/2017

      Your opinion.Some people are street guys and many will never be......

    3. Anonymous1/22/2017

      There is a difference between a "street guy" and a low life. Constant mocking of people who are killed or die from tragic accidents is clearly a sign of an infantile emotionally stunted person. The point was that of course you can post these infantile, and mean spirited useless posts that mock the unfortunate - but your blog will forever lack a broad enough appeal to actually MATTER in the fight against the scum that want to destroy this country.

    4. Anonymous1/23/2017

      Please consider the original audience, cops. Cops that are exhausted and burnt out.

  16. Anonymous1/21/2017

    TNUSA will be back.....I have a feeling..wink wink.A new form probably more no use of the N-word.

    1. Anonymous1/21/2017

      Will it help if he says he is sorry?

  17. Anonymous1/22/2017

    You mean false complaints from "actors" from the WH/DOJ. Political sabotage of free speech......


  18. Anonymous1/22/2017

    Outside of the tasteless and racial overtones of the content, a lot of the comments were pretty embarrassing and re-enforced negative stereotypes blacks have of whites as red-necked hillbillies. But in fairness, they do have a right to print things that make them look like assholes.

  19. Anonymous1/23/2017

    Go to Wordpress come back please don't let them silence you!

  20. Anonymous1/23/2017

    They should shut down Bourbon st instead!

  21. gibmedat1/24/2017

    Just run the site from your own dot com with a host that doesn't mind your content.

  22. Anonymous1/25/2017

    They should shut down Bourbon st instead!


  23. Anonymous1/25/2017

    Shavey will be back...but people will probably have to be more creative with "certain" comments of the 13%(wink wink). If the TNUSA owner(s) could create their own page with a independent server that would be great.

    Shaves success was the lack of PC/Obtuse moderation most sites have.Truth hurts and i believe it was the secret to their success.

    1. Anonymous1/25/2017

      Agreed come back stronger, need to broadcast there return. So we can follow once again .

    2. Anonymous1/25/2017

      There is a difference between a "street guy" and a low life. Constant mocking of people who are killed or die from tragic accidents is clearly a sign of an infantile emotionally stunted person. The point was that of course you can post these infantile, and mean spirited useless posts that mock the unfortunate - but your blog will forever lack a broad enough appeal to actually MATTER in the fight against the scum that want to destroy this country."

      Ok sparklefarts...time to stop playing with your selfie stick.

    3. Anonymous1/26/2017

      I posted that earlier post you copied - and your response proves my point. You have to attack me personally. I agree with about 90 percent of that site. My only point is that the 10 percent of arguably offensive e material on that site made it almost impossible for me to refer someone to that site. Because unlike you, the vast majority of conservative or liberal people don't like to see that trashy stuff. The site would be better and far more persuasive without that stuff. Seriously are you defending his occasional post with a "color chart" from white to black to be used for acceptable people? Yes it is a joke but it was the type of post that kept the overall effectiveness of his site below what it could be. This is not about agreeing with disabling the blog - it is about using some sort of common sense to appeal to the widest audience and influence people toward conservative or traditional beliefs.

  24. Anonymous1/25/2017

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Anonymous1/25/2017

    Well, I don't know how successful the site was considering the same 12 derelicts do all the commenting."


  26. Anonymous1/26/2017


    The third version will be a doozie!!

  27. Anonymous1/28/2017

    Shaved, what is the story with your blog?

  28. Anonymous1/31/2017

    Shavey Wavey we miss you!!

  29. Anonymous1/31/2017

    Spread the word....The Messiah is back!!


  30. Anonymous3/08/2017

    What happened to alt news???
