Monday, January 30, 2017

Blago still hasn't learned anything after 5 years

He is a menace to his family and society. 


  1. Anonymous1/30/2017

    He pissed off Daley jr by attempting to sell obomas senate seat.Everyone forgets the mayor of chicago is in charge......

    1. Anonymous1/31/2017

      I don't understand exactly what blago was convicted of except that i think he was convicted of just being a big asshole.

    2. Anonymous1/31/2017

      Obamas Senate seat wasn't his to sell,he went off reservation and the bosses were none to pleased,he paid the price.Bammy was told not to grant clemency or pardon by his Chicago masters.

  2. Anonymous1/30/2017

    Really? Explain the difference between what he did and what the slating committees of the Cook County democratic committeeman do. Or for that matter, when you read about fundraisers that pols like Obama and Hillary hold where photo ops and admission goes for $38K a pop. As far as I know, there aren't any laws that prohibit stupidity. As far as a menace to society, our Sheriff and County Board president have put the safety and security of everyone in the county at risk by emptying the jails because they can't handle the inmate population so they decide to reward them for not whacking off or throwing excrement at the corrections officers.

  3. Anonymous1/30/2017

    Watching John McCain and Lindsey Graham jump on Trump's case about the travel ban brings a sense of irony to me when I think of how McCain postered himself as the POW hero, loyal, upfront and all that. His disloyalty to Trump on this issue, which it turns out is only a re-enforcement of a directive ok'd by the national security council in 2001 and again in 2009. McCain would appear to have all the qualities of a dog, minus the loyalty. Both he and Graham have had the big hard on for Trump since the debates and the primaries. Sore losers.

  4. Anonymous1/30/2017

    There's no better place than prison to keep Blago quiet.

  5. It's bad enough that he makes his wife plead his case for the media. Now he is making his daughter do that too.

    1. Anonymous1/31/2017

      If you remember the transcripts of the tapes when Blagojevich was trying to strong arm the Tribune into firing reporters in exchange for Wrigley Field enhancements, I'd say Patti (eat a bug on national TV show) is nutty enough to orchestrate the pleadings to the president on her own.

  6. Anonymous1/31/2017

    Good to see Murph the 4th getting in on the conversation. Agree or disagree...I love it

  7. Anonymous2/01/2017

    I have a feeling Trump may let him out when Blago cuts a deal to provide intel on "da machine".....its coming!!
