Tuesday, December 8, 2015

This also is just beginning

Donald Trump Calls for ‘Complete Shutdown Of Muslims Entering the United States’ as the mood of the country begins to swing to the right. 

by Michelle Fields | 7 Dec 2015
Presidential candidate Donald Trump is calling for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”
In a statement released Monday, Trump pointed to a poll from Center for Security Policy to show that segments of the Muslim population detest Americans…

There you have it. Trump is the only candidate saying the obvious truth that we need to embrace for the survival of our civilization. 

The next question is:

“Why are all the other candidates so slow on matters of life and death?”


Follow the money.


  1. Anonymous12/08/2015

    "Follow the Money."
    It's all about money and power.

  2. Anonymous12/08/2015

    Donald is the only one out there talking sense.

  3. Anonymous12/09/2015

    All of these things that are of immediate concern are put to the side by this President. Rather, he goes off to Paris for the conference on global warming, and following suit of his previous actions, makes apologies for this countries contribution to it. I don't pretend to speak for anyone but myself, but I find it personally offensive that this guy takes it upon himself to apologize for the country. Is it any wonder the United States' standing in the world community has been on a down slide? If in fact there is global warming, it doesn't require the immediacy that the violent extremist groups, foreign and domestic pose to our safety. And all these other domestic issues, most of which have been proven to be based on fiction, are stoked by Obama and company.

  4. Anonymous12/22/2015

    The swing to the right will be complete in 10 years. Mark my words. It will be complete with brownshirts rounding up the troublemakers. The leftist are going to regret what they started.
