Tuesday, November 3, 2015

When it comes to taxing something, Cook County does it like no other.

3% COUNTY AMUSEMENT TAX HIKE is proposed as they have already spent the 1% sales tax increase. This is what socialism is all about.  

CHICAGO - Cook County is looking for more revenue and one of the places the county board is digging for tax gold is among those who dare to find amusement by staying home and watching TV. The county wants to raise cable subscribers' bills by three percent - hiking city viewers' bills by $200 annually and those Cook County subscribers outside of
the city by $100.
Comcast, the Chicago area's biggest cable provider, isn't happy about that.

“Cook County’s proposed 3% amusement tax hike, which falls on the heels of the recent sales tax hike to 10.25% -- the highest rate in the nation – is another economic blow to hard working families who rely on paid TV service for their entertainment, news and information and have no other affordable options," said Jack A. Segal, Vice President of Communications for Comcast's Greater Chicago Region.
Segal said that paid TV customers in the county will feel the impact, but seniors, young families and those with low-incomes who can’t afford other entertainment options will be hardest hit. 
“If passed, the combined taxes and government-imposed fees on TV bills in the City of Chicago would be 18%, or about $200 a year on average – more than any other city in the country," Segal said. "Outside the city in the remainder of the county, the combination of amusement taxes and franchise fees would reach as much as 8%, or about $100 a year on average, a 60% increase from the current total of taxes and fees." 
Segal said a wide range of stakeholders, from elected officials and chambers of commerce to newspapers, bloggers and religious leaders, have voiced concerns about the increase, showing just how widely the impact of this proposal would be felt. 
"Our hope is that the Cook County Board will listen to this growing chorus of concerns and vote ‘NO’ on this tax increase,” he said.
The county board's vote is expected in mid- to late November.


  1. Anonymous11/03/2015

    Today's Democrats have never seen a tax they didn't like,

  2. Anonymous11/03/2015

    Preckwinkle is Grady from Sanford and Son

  3. Anonymous11/03/2015

    Why is it you can never cut the size of Gov't, only tax it higher?

    1. Anonymous11/03/2015

      Why should they? Ya'll keep re electin them.

  4. Anonymous11/04/2015

    it's a stealth obama tax to subsidize cable for the "underserved" like he's done with the phones.

  5. Anonymous11/04/2015

    this stuff makes me mad as heck
