Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Some truth about "Climate Change" fka "Global Warming"


By Nancy Thorner & Bonnie O'Neil -  
Will man's folly over CO2 end up banning cars, limiting living space, and stripping citizens of personal freedoms, all for the purpose of creating a world some politicians envision as necessary to control the population? Or will facts that dispute the global warming alarmists be given equal publicity and consideration by the media and responsible officials?  
As a starting point to better understand the man-made global warming frenzy, it is important to define CO2, when it was classified as a pollutant, and why it was classified as such.
CO2 is the chemical formula for carbon dioxide, which contains one atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen. It is a heavy, odorless gas formed during respiration and by the decomposition of organic substances. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air during the process known as
photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is produced by the decay of organic materials and the combustion of wood and fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas as well as natural sources like water, volcanoes, hot springs and geysers. Many environmentalists have focused more on the harmful effects of carbon dioxide on the Earth's atmosphere. 

The Environmental Protection Agency  made a decision on December 2009 to classify and in so doing added fuel to the debate. In the meantime the EPA has enacted policies that heretofore were a source of intensive debate for decades among politicians, scientists and industry, which have further escalated the controversy over whether a natural component of the earth's atmosphere should be considered a pollutant. 
Most Americans think of Co2 as what comes out of the tail
pipe of a car truck or the smoke stack of a power plant.  This energy-related carbon dioxide emission falls under the category of Anthropogenic Global Warming (or man-made), in contrast  to the many natural causes that emit CO2, such as water, volcanic eruptions; solar flares or sunspots; evaporation of ocean water; forest fires; and the melting of large scale perma frost.  Humans also exhale CO2 and plants absorb CO2 to survive.  Increasing Co2 in the atmosphere for "greens" (plants) helps to feed the growing human population, as CO2 is the nutrient used by plants in photosynthesis. 
As far as the CO2 emissions based on the share of global energy-related CO2 each nation creates, the U.S. took second place with a rate of 14.69% in energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in 2014, while China came in first with around 23.4% of global CO2 emissions.
Cars and CO2
Is it any wonder that Americans perceive cars and trucks to be the highest contributors of man-made Global Warming, when global warming apologists continually make the claim.  The media is willing to repeat whatever is stated by global warming advocates, but rarely print legitimate rebuttals provided by scientists with opposing data and analysis.   Liberal politicians are also willing to accept one side of the argument, but not the other.   Thus they enact policies and laws to accommodate the global warming interests.
A new idea has recently been proposed in CA that targets drivers of what they refer to as gas guzzling cars and trucks.  A group of Bay environmentalists wants to slap warning stickers on gasoline pumps, warning drivers that the fuel they are buying is cooking the planet. The stickers would constantly remind consumers of the link between driving and climate change.  The presence of those  labels would obviously infer that the state of California has determined global warming is caused by greenhouse gas emissions and a major threat.  A growing group of scientists vehemently disagree with that conclusion.  The question becomes, why are those stickers being allowed, without absolute proof the planet is being “cooked, let alone by the gasoline from that pump?  
What the liberal environmentalists seem unwilling and unable to explain is that cars have been emitting less and less CO2 for decades.  With improved catalytic converters and more efficient use of fuel, less CO2 comes out of the tail pipe. In fact, some studies have shown that if all cars and trucks were eliminated, there would be little difference in CO2 emissions. 
As earth has not warmed significantly over the past 18 years, despite an 8% increase in Atmospheric CO2, concern about CO2 appears either manufactured or embellished.  Moreover, forward projections of solar cyclicity (absence of sun spots) imply the next few decades may be marked by global cooling rather than warming, despite continuing Co2 emissions.  How foolish can man be!  Or is there another agenda at play here regarding the global warming scare?
Some enthusiasts claim Earth and man are doomed unless the U.N. Agenda 21 is fully implemented. To deny the claim, according to them,  is akin to heresy. Advocates of Global Warming claim Agenda 21 is a road-map to the future and a blueprint for planning and designing Sustainable cities
Sustainable Cities, not a figment of the imagination
There are currently agencies already established that are networking to provide knowledge, resources, and innovations to accelerate the fruition of sustainable cities. The Sustainable Cities Network, works with local communities to explore sustainable approaches and address challenges. Through the Network, partners,the steering committee, and workgroups collaborate to streamline city operations, advance solar energy, mitigate the urban heat island, design sustainable neighborhoods, and secure water supplies in a changing climate, reasoning that "a robust adaptation strategy is required if cities are to continue to survive and thrive.”  All this comes at a severe cost, causing speculation as to who is providing the financing and what might they gain from doing so.
Ever heard of the UCCR? This agency develops and implements strategies at the city level, which will influence the national policy,  and thus dictate approaches to climate change adaptation at the global level.  Once again, one wonders how city governments agree to make changes based on unproven science.
Cities are considered laboratories where the most innovative ideas for surviving in the future can be tested.  The global warming advocates claim their planning will allow people "the greatest chance for survival in the face of declining resources and rising seas."  Ten cities from New York to Tokyo to Bogota were recently awarded City Climate Leadership Awards for their work by Siemens andC40 (the Cities Climate Leadership Group).  Rio De Janiero won in the "Sustainable Communities" category.   Once again, who provided the funding and on what basis was it accomplished?
Creating sustainable future cities in this nation
Has Agenda 21 infiltrated our own nation?  Absolutely!  The perpetrators of U.N. Agenda 21 are proud of the progress they have made in cities big and small.  Their devotion often mirrors that of a religious fanatic, according to MIT professor of meteorology, Dr. Lindzen, who publicly labeled global warming advocates as a fanatical “cult”.  Examples of there progress can be seen in the statements below:
  • “Bringing Sustainability to Small-Town America", posted by Kaid Benfield, January 26, 2015, salutes communities in small-town America where even a small grant from a government or philanthropic agency can make a major impact to enable sustainability efforts significant enough to rival those of big cities.  The ICMA report (Defying the Odds: Sustainability in Small and Rural Places) showcases the following small cities where  sustainability efforts should be celebrated:  Greensburg, Kansas; Columbus, Wisconsin; South Daytona, Florida; Homer, Alaska; Sleepy Eye, Minnesota; West Liberty, Iowa Hurricane, Utah; and Kearney, Nebraska.  
  •  "Sustaining our cities" by Allie Nicodemo, May 22nd 2014, deals with the way a city is designed. The World Health Organization predicts that by 2050, 6.4 billion people around the globe will live in urban areas - up from 3.4 billion in 2009.  Accordingly, the walkability of a city is connected to both human health and the health of the environment, which is influenced by transportation options and the use of fossil fuels. Phoenix, Arizona is spotlighted as a city that mirrors  many other cities where population is on the rise.  With hotter temperatures and other manifestations of climate change, Phoenix is presented as a good example of what much of the world is facing now or can expect in the future.  
We don't have to travel outside of Illinois to observe planning that is now taking place in accordance with Agenda 21's proposal of building sustainable future cities  In response to reading Part 1, Fighting climate change through compact cities without cars , Dottie McQueen, who has spoken to groups in Illinois over the past 1-1/2 years about Agenda 21, contacted Thorner to share the information about CMAP, or the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning.
CMAP, or the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, created in 2005, is Agenda 21 on steroids.  It is comprised of unelected bureaucrats who are planning transportation needs, water usage, living conditions and more for 7 counties in northeastern Illinois.  State Republican leaders will not touch A21 with a 10-foot pole, considering it to be "tin hat” predictions that ignore scientific data if it does not reflect their global warming predictions and plans.    
And you better believe CMAP has a plan!  As the site suggests:  "Metropolitan Chicago is one of the world's great economic centers, the area cannot afford to take its quality of life for granted.”   Visit here to view their comprehensive regional plan, but be warned you will not find any facts or figures there that disagree with their conclusions. However, with the growing number of scientists who disagree with global warming predictions and claim the panic over global warming is unjustified will be hard to silence forever.  They are beginning to dispute what some want to claim is “settled science” by stating that the data most often presented is full of errors and misleading information. 
CO2 as worst of all myths
Of all the myths claimed by global warming enthusiasts, calling carbon dioxide a pollutant is the worst - it simply is NOT TRUE!  "CO2 is a great airborne fertilizer which, as its concentrations rise, causes additional plant growth and causes plants to need less water. Without CO2 there would be no life (food) on Earth. The 120 ppm of CO2 added to the atmosphere since the start of the industrial revolution has caused an average increase in worldwide plant growth of over 12 percent and 18 percent for trees. There is not a single instance of CO2 being a pollutant.  Ask any chemistry professor.  The only thing being polluted is the minds of people, including those of our school children.  
The public deserves to be presented with all the facts, myths must be exposed, and deliberate deceptions revealed.   When our nation’s elected officials at the highest level of government began promoting misinformation, those who knew the truth were obliged to boldly step forth with opposing facts, figures, and corrected data to demand that funding using taxpayer dollars stop.   Opponents of the man-made global warming scare are now speaking up and saying it is unnecessary to spend billions of dollars on projects perpetrated and promoted by the United Nations.  
Chicago's Heartland Institute has been at the forefront of providing proof that the issue of man-caused Climate Change has been grossly exaggerated.  The “Economist" described The Heartland Institute as "the world's most prominent thank tank promoting skepticism about man-made climate change." Since 2008 The Heartland Institute has initiated, organized and hosted nine International Conferences on climate change.  This summer Heartland will host its 10th International Conference on June 11 and 12 at The Washington Court Hotel in Washington, D.C.  Read about Heartland's International Conferenceshere and how to sign up to attend this worthwhile event to learn the facts.


By Nancy Thorner and Bonnie O'Neil -
How would you respond if told you could no longer drive your children to school in the morning, or use your car to rush them to the nearest hospital or health clinic if they suddenly were hurt or became ill?
Not favorably I would imagine, because we all have become quite attached to the convenience and necessity of our cars, which is why you might want to know what former Vice President Al Gore, former Mexican President Felipe Calderon, and a small army of other influential people have been busy devising and deciding for our future.
During the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland; regarding the economy and climate, both men claimed  in order to fight global warming, cars must be banned from cities and replaced with a mass transit system in which people will be wholly reliant on public transit.  They suggest devoting $90 trillion for the purpose of studying this issue, so that our cities can become more dense and thus climate friendly. 

An observer may wonder why, if these people are really serious about the danger of global warming, did they travel to the Conference in Switzerland on 1,700 private petroleum-using jets,  instead of fly on commercial airlines.  How could they  talk about the dire need to use only public transportation, with their private jets lined up outside?   It has been suggested,  that they may not be as concerned about fossil fuels causing climate change, as they profess.  Could it just be a scare tactic to frighten and force us into their plan for governing population management?  
Gore and Calderon are far from alone in their obsession with population management. There is a growing industry of people involved in planning our future, and they have some very wealthy and well connected people who support their efforts to define our lives, lifestyle, and future.  They envision and are planning a world in which the masses live together in large cities of high rise apartments rather than individual homes and where cars are forbidden and only public transportation available. Do not be surprised when we begin hearing of laws forbidding couples to have more than one child, much like current laws in China today.   
Origin of Agenda 21
Where did all this begin? The sounding board for what Gore and Calderon are proposing for our cities dates back to The United Nations Agenda 21, signed by the United States in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, which included world leaders, including George H. Bush.   Agenda 21 is a non-binding, unenforceable, voluntary policy paper, developed in 1992 and signed by 178 countries.  It's available online in its entirety in a variety of languages.  Portions of Agenda 21 are meant to be implemented at the local level, coordinated by a United Nations subsidiary group called the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI).  You might be surprised to learn that your city is already using their guidelines of ICLEI to change your city into one that abides by Agenda 21.   While further planning is underway, part of their agenda is already happening, as the “elite"  prepare for the new world as envisioned by Gore, Calderon, and many other liberal world leaders.
Al Gore is just one of many who enthusiastically endorsed Agenda 21, in the name of "sustainable development”.  They use the excuse of promoting a green agenda for our environment, and rarely, if ever, discuss their real agenda, which is population control.  Their concern is that each birthresults not only in the emissions attributable to that person in his or her lifetime, but also the emissions of all his or her descendants.  That was the issue; U.N. Agenda 21 the solution.
President Obama’s choices for deciding who will be a part of his administration testify to his advancement of Agenda 21 ideals.  An example is John P. Holdren, Barack Obama’s top science advisor, who co-authored a textbook entitled “Ecoscience” in 1977, in which he advocated mass sterilization, compulsory abortion, a one-world government and a global police force to enforce population control.  Obviously not something people would endorse in 1977, and which resulted in Holdren and his ideas being scorned.  Since then Holdren’s ideas and plans have been repackaged with different, more appealing labels, all in a matter of a few decades, and now sold under a variety of labels such as “sustainable development” and “emerging cities”.  Do not be fooled, only the title and rhetoric have changed, not the long term goals.
The speed in which these concepts have been promoted can be attributed to those who support the ideas, such as billionaire Bill Gates. Gates stands firmly behind this new World Order Global Government and has used his wealth to advance Agenda 21. When speaking with Germany’s “Süddeutsche Zeitung” newspaper, Gates called for "a kind of global government", arguing that the creation of such a system would be needed to combat major issues such as "climate change."  Gates stressed his position by stating that a global government was "badly needed" in order to combat an array of issues ailing the planet.
Everything from gun controlCommon Core and geoengineering (the practice of spraying toxic particles into the stratosphere to block the sun’s rays), have received millions in funding from Gates.   Gates made headlines in late January after introducing a plan to implement a cashless system in multiple third-world countries, a program that would undoubtedly give financial elites total control over monetary systems.
In reality, many believe that the call for global government by Gates and other wealthy elitists has little to do with lifting up impoverished nations. Instead their plans would guarantee global surveillance, global wealth inequality and a world run by the exact corrupt interests currently consolidating wealth and power worldwide.
Items already declared "unsustainable"
It may seem too Orwellian to suspect that at some future time the proposals set forth by Agenda 21 will come to fruition, with people crammed into city-wide “stack ‘em and pack ‘em” towers located in urban human habitation zones, with public transportation mandated, suburban growth banned, personal choice abolished, freedom to travel restricted, family planning mandated and environmental impact put before human happiness … but for those who have submersed themselves in U.N. Agenda 21, it is an absolute reality in the making.
In fact, in accordance with U.N. Agenda 21, these items have been declared "unsustainable" and need to be abolished, even if considered essential to the American people.  
  • ALL private property rights (ownership of private property)
  • ALL forms of irrigation, pesticides & commercial fertilizer
  • Livestock production and most meat consumption
  • Privately owned vehicles and personal travel
  • Use of fossil fuels for power generation or mechanized travel
  • Single family homes
  • Most forms of mineral extraction and timber harvesting 
  • Human population reduced to fewer than 1 billion people, from the present 6 billion
How could such drastic proposals ever be accepted by our officials?  Could officials be seduced into destroying their own rights, and the rights of fellow Americans?  Unfortunately, yes!   This has already been happening through federal grants and “easy” money being made available to implement plans for "smart growth”, all under the mantel of U.N. Agenda 21.  What is euphemistically called smart growth usurps property rights and constitutional rights, such as when local officials, at the behest of State Government, revise zoning laws to fit into a “smart code” zoning template.
2005 Supreme Court decision pathway for implementation
Most Americans will remain unaware of the practice and implications of smart growth and Agenda 21, until it begins to personally affect them. Unfortunately, and according to the elite’s plan, by that time it will be difficult if not impossible to stop. Consider that already farmers are losing subdivision rights; conservation land adjacent to population centers are rezoned into commercial employment centers; low-density land in towns are re-designed as growth area and rezoned to accommodate high-density apartments.  Arguably, the worst Supreme Court decision in our lifetime was a five-to-four ruling in 2005 that ruled government could exercise eminent domain power in furtherance of an economic development plan, if the land is for “public use”, which tragically opened the door to government taking our land if that land benefits the public in any way.  
Granting government the right to take someone's property, opened the door for Agenda 21, not just for a public highway, park, or bridge, but for any purpose that benefited the public.  Change is happening in Orange County, CA and in the city O'Neil calls home.
High rise, massive apartment buildings are replacing former low density sites.  Land is being rezoned and in some areas of California land is being deemed "blighted" (when it is NOT blighted) in order for the city to rededicate the land for high density purposes.  Most likely change is already taking place in your neighborhood.  For as more and more people are crammed into cities, under the guise of saving Mother Earth (Gaia), the environment will outstrip the rights of man.


By Nancy Thorner and Bonnie O'Neil -
How would you respond if told you could no longer drive your children to school in the morning, or use your car to rush them to the nearest hospital or health clinic if they suddenly were hurt or became ill?
Not favorably I would imagine, because we all have become quite attached to the convenience and necessity of our cars, which is why you might want to know what former Vice President Al Gore, former Mexican President Felipe Calderon, and a small army of other influential people have been busy devising and deciding for our future.
During the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland; regarding the economy and climate, both men claimed  in order to fight global warming, cars must be banned from cities and replaced with a mass transit system in which people will be wholly reliant on public transit.  They suggest devoting $90 trillion for the purpose of studying this issue, so that our cities can become more dense and thus climate friendly. 

An observer may wonder why, if these people are really serious about the danger of global warming, did they travel to the Conference in Switzerland on 1,700 private petroleum-using jets,  instead of fly on commercial airlines.  How could they  talk about the dire need to use only public transportation, with their private jets lined up outside?   It has been suggested,  that they may not be as concerned about fossil fuels causing climate change, as they profess.  Could it just be a scare tactic to frighten and force us into their plan for governing population management?  
Gore and Calderon are far from alone in their obsession with population management. There is a growing industry of people involved in planning our future, and they have some very wealthy and well connected people who support their efforts to define our lives, lifestyle, and future.  They envision and are planning a world in which the masses live together in large cities of high rise apartments rather than individual homes and where cars are forbidden and only public transportation available. Do not be surprised when we begin hearing of laws forbidding couples to have more than one child, much like current laws in China today.   
Origin of Agenda 21
Where did all this begin? The sounding board for what Gore and Calderon are proposing for our cities dates back to The United Nations Agenda 21, signed by the United States in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, which included world leaders, including George H. Bush.   Agenda 21 is a non-binding, unenforceable, voluntary policy paper, developed in 1992 and signed by 178 countries.  It's available online in its entirety in a variety of languages.  Portions of Agenda 21 are meant to be implemented at the local level, coordinated by a United Nations subsidiary group called the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI).  You might be surprised to learn that your city is already using their guidelines of ICLEI to change your city into one that abides by Agenda 21.   While further planning is underway, part of their agenda is already happening, as the “elite"  prepare for the new world as envisioned by Gore, Calderon, and many other liberal world leaders.
Al Gore is just one of many who enthusiastically endorsed Agenda 21, in the name of "sustainable development”.  They use the excuse of promoting a green agenda for our environment, and rarely, if ever, discuss their real agenda, which is population control.  Their concern is that each birthresults not only in the emissions attributable to that person in his or her lifetime, but also the emissions of all his or her descendants.  That was the issue; U.N. Agenda 21 the solution.
President Obama’s choices for deciding who will be a part of his administration testify to his advancement of Agenda 21 ideals.  An example is John P. Holdren, Barack Obama’s top science advisor, who co-authored a textbook entitled “Ecoscience” in 1977, in which he advocated mass sterilization, compulsory abortion, a one-world government and a global police force to enforce population control.  Obviously not something people would endorse in 1977, and which resulted in Holdren and his ideas being scorned.  Since then Holdren’s ideas and plans have been repackaged with different, more appealing labels, all in a matter of a few decades, and now sold under a variety of labels such as “sustainable development” and “emerging cities”.  Do not be fooled, only the title and rhetoric have changed, not the long term goals.
The speed in which these concepts have been promoted can be attributed to those who support the ideas, such as billionaire Bill Gates. Gates stands firmly behind this new World Order Global Government and has used his wealth to advance Agenda 21. When speaking with Germany’s “Süddeutsche Zeitung” newspaper, Gates called for "a kind of global government", arguing that the creation of such a system would be needed to combat major issues such as "climate change."  Gates stressed his position by stating that a global government was "badly needed" in order to combat an array of issues ailing the planet.
Everything from gun controlCommon Core and geoengineering (the practice of spraying toxic particles into the stratosphere to block the sun’s rays), have received millions in funding from Gates.   Gates made headlines in late January after introducing a plan to implement a cashless system in multiple third-world countries, a program that would undoubtedly give financial elites total control over monetary systems.
In reality, many believe that the call for global government by Gates and other wealthy elitists has little to do with lifting up impoverished nations. Instead their plans would guarantee global surveillance, global wealth inequality and a world run by the exact corrupt interests currently consolidating wealth and power worldwide.
Items already declared "unsustainable"
It may seem too Orwellian to suspect that at some future time the proposals set forth by Agenda 21 will come to fruition, with people crammed into city-wide “stack ‘em and pack ‘em” towers located in urban human habitation zones, with public transportation mandated, suburban growth banned, personal choice abolished, freedom to travel restricted, family planning mandated and environmental impact put before human happiness … but for those who have submersed themselves in U.N. Agenda 21, it is an absolute reality in the making.
In fact, in accordance with U.N. Agenda 21, these items have been declared "unsustainable" and need to be abolished, even if considered essential to the American people.  
  • ALL private property rights (ownership of private property)
  • ALL forms of irrigation, pesticides & commercial fertilizer
  • Livestock production and most meat consumption
  • Privately owned vehicles and personal travel
  • Use of fossil fuels for power generation or mechanized travel
  • Single family homes
  • Most forms of mineral extraction and timber harvesting 
  • Human population reduced to fewer than 1 billion people, from the present 6 billion
How could such drastic proposals ever be accepted by our officials?  Could officials be seduced into destroying their own rights, and the rights of fellow Americans?  Unfortunately, yes!   This has already been happening through federal grants and “easy” money being made available to implement plans for "smart growth”, all under the mantel of U.N. Agenda 21.  What is euphemistically called smart growth usurps property rights and constitutional rights, such as when local officials, at the behest of State Government, revise zoning laws to fit into a “smart code” zoning template.
2005 Supreme Court decision pathway for implementation
Most Americans will remain unaware of the practice and implications of smart growth and Agenda 21, until it begins to personally affect them. Unfortunately, and according to the elite’s plan, by that time it will be difficult if not impossible to stop. Consider that already farmers are losing subdivision rights; conservation land adjacent to population centers are rezoned into commercial employment centers; low-density land in towns are re-designed as growth area and rezoned to accommodate high-density apartments.  Arguably, the worst Supreme Court decision in our lifetime was a five-to-four ruling in 2005 that ruled government could exercise eminent domain power in furtherance of an economic development plan, if the land is for “public use”, which tragically opened the door to government taking our land if that land benefits the public in any way.  
Granting government the right to take someone's property, opened the door for Agenda 21, not just for a public highway, park, or bridge, but for any purpose that benefited the public.  Change is happening in Orange County, CA and in the city O'Neil calls home.
High rise, massive apartment buildings are replacing former low density sites.  Land is being rezoned and in some areas of California land is being deemed "blighted" (when it is NOT blighted) in order for the city to rededicate the land for high density purposes.  Most likely change is already taking place in your neighborhood.  For as more and more people are crammed into cities, under the guise of saving Mother Earth (Gaia), the environment will outstrip the rights of man.


By Nancy Thorner and Bonnie O'Neil - 
What should citizens do when confronted with an intrusive, all encompassing government agenda that will eventually affect every aspect of their lives? That is the question we need to be addressing, because United Nations Agenda 21 is a reality, and it already has many countries, including the United States, complying with its mandates.
Information about U.N. Agenda 21 has not been widely published, but neither is it a secret. One only needs to do a minimum amount of research to discover the many tentacles of Agenda 21 and realize it has infiltrated into many of our cities and certainly our country, with the full cooperation of those in our highest positions of authority.

The following is Part 2, of a series to educate more people about the facets of the agenda, including the plan to scare the public into accepting changes in their life style through threats; the main one being man-made Global warming.  For people to make a lifestyle change, those developing the plan needed a tangible, threatening reason to entice the public to quietly comply.  The information below provides facts that should make readers more aware of the changes the “elites” in our world are planning for our future.
In November of 2013, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its “Synthesis Report,” which completed its Fifth Assessment evaluation (AR5) on the Earth’s climate.  IPCC is the pathway through which the environmental proposals of Agenda 21 are being carried out, such as designing compact cities without cars under the guise of sustainability. The IPCC report claims “Human influence on the climate system is clear and growing, with impacts observed on all continents”  However, there is a growing number of critics who will no longer remain or be silenced on this issue.  They deserve to be heard.
Known the world over as a skeptic of man-made Global Warming, The Heartland Institute in Chicago had the fortitude and the courage to publish its own report to counter the U.N.'s AR5 report, using its affiliation with The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change or NIPCC to do so. NIPCC is an international panel of non-government scientists and scholars who have come together to present a comprehensive, authoritative, and realistic assessment of the science and economics of global warming.  Because NIPCC is not a government agency, and because its members are not predisposed to believe climate change is caused by human greenhouse gas emissions, it is able to offer an independent second opinion of the evidence reviewed, or not reviewed, by the United Nation’s IPCC on the issue of global warming. Find here the independent Heartland NIPCC report published to counter the U.N.'s 2013 AR5 report.  Read here comments made by 10 Heartland experts about the conclusions reached by AR5.   Check here for another report that takes the U.N.s AR5 report to task. 
Obama administration equates global warming with the threat of terrorism
The Obama administration has accepted the dogma put out by scientists who concocted the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in close proximity with Agenda 21, while further endorsing the propaganda as the main cause of Global Warming and linking CO2 to Global Warming.  Just last week President Obama's new national-security strategyranked combating climate change as a top priority, and astonishingly claimed it to be at the same level of threat as terrorism, biological emergencies, and nuclear weapons in the hands of rogue states.  A subsequent White House report indicated that the President is committed to confronting the urgent crisis of climate change, largely through national emission reductions, international diplomacy, and commitment to the Green Climate Fund.  Rational people continue to demand the subject be given a fair and balanced investigation of all the facts, not the one-sided approach it has been given. 
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C) was not at all pleased with the President's new assessment of priorities and national-security strategy, as reflected in this response:
"I doubt [the Islamic State], the Iranian mullahs, or [Russian President] Vladmir Putin will be intimidated by President Obama's strategy of 'strategic patience,'" Mr. Graham said. "From their point of view, the more 'patience' President Obama practices, the stronger they become. The Obama Doctrine, or "strategic patience," has led to a world in chaos.
So, while President Obama pursues the debatable man-made global warming fear mongering, the known and highly critical problems affecting national security are given less attention.  
MIT Professor Emeritus Richard Lindzen contradicts Global-Warming Alarmists
A recent report by MIT Professor emeritus Richard Lindzen, dismisses global-warming alarmists as a discredited "cult" whose members are becoming more hysterical as emerging evidence continues to contradict their beliefs.  In discussing the cultish nature of the movement, Professor Lindzen had this to say:
“As with any cult, once the mythology of the cult begins falling apart, instead of saying, oh, we were wrong, they get more and more fanatical. I think that’s what is happening here. Think about it, he said. “You’ve led an unpleasant life, you haven’t led a very virtuous life, but now you’re told, you get absolution if you watch your carbon footprint. It’s salvation!” 
Professor Lindzen scoffed accordingly at a New York Times report that acknowledged there is only a 38 percent chance that 2014 was the hottest year on record, and if it was, it was only by two-100ths of a degree: 
“Seventy percent of the earth is oceans, we can’t measure those temperatures very well. They can be off a half a degree, a quarter of a degree. Even two-10ths of a degree of change would be tiny but two-100ths is ludicrous. Anyone who starts crowing about those numbers shows that they’re putting spin on nothing.”
In reference to CO2, Lindzen said that until recently, periods of greater warmth were referred to as “climate optimum”; optimum being derived from a Latin word meaning “best.”  Throughout history there have been natural cooling and warming periods.  Climate changes have occurred throughout our planet’s history.         
Lord Mockton and others react negatively to Al Gore's award-winning Oscar documentary of 2006 - "Inconvenient Truth"
The concept of Global Warming, and the idea that CO2 is the main culprit to what is perceived by some as man-made Global Warming, reached the public's attention with the release of Al Gore's award-winning Oscar documentary of 2006, "An Inconvenient Truth."  Gore's movie should have been called "Al's Science Fiction Movie" or "Seriously Inconvenient Truths About Global Warming”, because after its release many of what he claimed to be facts, were proven to be false. 
Lord Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley and political adviser to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, had many negative comments about Gore's award-winning documentary, which, amazingly, is still considered by global warming enthusiasts as the gospel truth.  Mockton announced in a more recent article in September of last year on ClimateDepot.com that his scientific satellite data shows the temperatures have remained fairly stable between October 1966 and August 2014, despite a rise in greenhouse gas emissions.  Calling it the "Great Pause," Monckton wrote, "It is becoming harder and harder to maintain that we face a 'climate crisis' caused by our past and present sins of emission." 
Of concern is that much of the false information in Gore's movie are now being taught as fact in classrooms across this nation, planted within the controversial Common Core curriculum. This recent article (February 5, 2015) by Alex Nussbaum, "Temperatures Rise as Climate Critics Take Aim at U.S. Classrooms", relates the frustration of those who doubt that humanity is indeed baking the planet.  Roy White, a Texan and retired fighter pilot, shared in Nussbaum's article how climate change is being presented from only one side in classrooms across this nation, and that Al Gore’s promoting the  statement that "Global warming is an established fact and the debate has ended”, is neither factual or the truth, as more and more scientific evidence emerges proving man-caused global warming to be a myth. 
Another excellent critique of Al Gore’s "An Inconvenient Truth" appeared in New Scientist in October of 2007 and can be read here.        
Epilogue:  Wisdom and Truth
Friedrich  August von Hayek (1899-1992) Nobel Laureate of Economic Sciences, left this warning for humanity:
"Ever since the beginning of modern science, the best minds have recognized that "the range of acknowledged ignorance will grow with the advance of science." Unfortunately, the popular effect of this scientific advance has been a belief, seemingly shared by many scientists, that the range of our ignorance is steadily diminishing and that we can therefore aim at more comprehensive and deliberate control of all human activities. It is for this reason that those intoxicated by the advance of knowledge so often become the enemies of freedom.”  
As more American city, county, and state governments are duped by the global warming fanatics (alarmists) into initiating new harsh laws and removing individual freedoms, the public can no longer afford to yawn and ignore U.N. Agenda 21 and all its tentacles into our lives. We must remind ourselves ofThomas Jefferson’s warning:   “Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.  I do not add “within the limits of the law”, because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." 


  1. Anonymous2/17/2015

    Whose constipated idea was it to put this gaseous piece of tripe on this blog?

    1. Why don't you try reading and understanding it.

    2. Anonymous2/18/2015

      Tried to but kept falling asleep, I read your blog for local content, not this breezy crap

    3. Anonymous2/18/2015

      sounds like u have a problem comprehending.

    4. Anonymous2/19/2015

      Go ---- yourself murph

    5. Kiss my Irish/Polish ass.

  2. Anonymous2/18/2015

    Its just another scam by the leftist to grab power.

  3. How would you respond if told you could no longer drive your children to school in the morning, or use your car to rush them to the nearest hospital or health clinic if they suddenly were hurt or became ill map?
