Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Attention Retirees, what do you think?

Hey Murph:

I know this of off-topic, but I now pay $653.00 per month or $7836.00 per year out of my Policemens' Annuity and Benefit Fund pension check for single coverage retiree healthcare insurance. 

Today, I called Christ Hospital to schedule a CT scan. The price quoted was about $5000.00. My share was $800.00. Of course, they'd like my $800.00 at time of service. 

What am I getting for my $7836.00 per year?

How about a regular or even permanent thread on retiree health insurance. 

1. Active CPD members need to know what they'll be facing in their Golden Years. 
2. Maybe some retirees have found ways around these outrageous costs. Maybe somebody knows where to get a CT scan for less than $5000.00. 

I feel like I'm paying $20.00 for a loaf of Wonder Bread.


  1. Anonymous2/03/2015

    For retirees, isn't it called Obama Care?

  2. Anonymous2/03/2015


  3. Anonymous2/04/2015

    Go to Christ, tell them you are an illegal minority from Guatemala and you will go to the head of the line.

  4. Anonymous2/04/2015

    Understand yet, that it is the DEMOCRAT Politicians that are shaking your hand with one hand, and stabbing you in the back with a butcher knife with the other hand? Get it Already, Dumb-Asses, COMPRENDE ?

  5. Anonymous2/05/2015

    I do comprehend, if I vote Republican they will look me in the eye and stab me in the heart. If I vote Democratic they will glad hand me and stab me in the back. Looks like Im screwed either way the Republicans will just do it quicker. If we privatize the police Department we can save so much money for the tax payers, and It would be great for the stock market to have all these private police companies on the stock exchange in which you can own some in your 401k when they get rid of those awful pensions police officers make. Trust me its what you want just ask any good Republican business man.
