Wednesday, February 4, 2015
O'Shea vs. Schaible, Rematch
I invited Candidate Schaible to post an outline of the issues on here. See below. That was 3 weeks ago and I still have nothing. I am wondering what it is that you stand for?
What are the issues? What do you think? Candidate Schaible is welcome to post an outline of the issues on here.
One of the issues that's sure to come up is the economic development along 95th Street, east of Western. With Borders still empty, and Panera Bread leaving the strip mall just west of Borders, its an endless struggle to revitalize the area. All of these issues are compounded by the leaps and bounds business developers have to go through to open a business in the city. Jantzen took a couple years, Buena Beef is still on the books for 107th and Western. It just seems like you go west of Western Avenue along 95th Street and Mayor Sexton and Evergreen Park are revitalizing the entire corridor. They seem to do things fast. Marianos will be opening in a few weeks, and meanwhile, the Buena Beef development, with TIF funding, is looking for a side saddle business to offset even more of their business investment. The skating and gymnastic center at 115th and Western is a plus for Matt, but everything else goes so slowly. Maybe Schaible will propose giving the old Borders store back to the city as a alternative site for the Obama library. All this is what anyone who gets elected has to deal with, the bureaucracy of the city and its permit structure.
It's clear that the incumbent is all about individual wealth as were his three predecessors. The challenger is all about the commonwealth of the entire ward. Her wealth the result of hard work and professionalism in service do thousands. Her humility will not allow her to mention the pro bono work. Sadly the good people in the ward have been conditioned by the machine going back generations. They think gaming the system is fine and dandy.
I dont understand your comment. The incumbent has worked a variety of jobs, none of which links him to wealth. As far as Dr. Schaible, I don't know anything about her wealth; what do you know of her income? Or her humility? The people of the 19th ward have representation that works within an existing city framework, to get projects completed for the benefit of the entire ward. And what evidence do you have of the incumbent gaming the system. More specifics please, or does your humility prevent you from listing them as opposed to making a blanket accusation. None of what I've read in your post is "clear" to me. But the fine things you attribute to Dr. Schaible should be noted, especially her pro bono work. I haven't heard of any of it, but again, the good things she does, that you "clearly" know about aren't listed in your post. It would be a service to your advocacy of Dr. Schaible to point out for the rest of the good citizens of the 19th Ward, the many positive things she does as well as the things Matt O'Shea does that you feel are lining his pockets. We've a few weeks before the primary, that should be ample time to enlighten those of us you feel are fine and dandy living in a gamed political system.
The Doctor doesn't have to be the Alderman - Matt doesn't have a choice That is precisely why Matt will do a much better job.
So Matt Oshea will do a better job running this ward and representing the people because he is not a doctor? And Anne Schaible is not qualified to be an alderman and do a good job because she is a doctor? Give me a break. I dont know where you guys get this cool aid but it is truly F-in you up. Matt Oshea is no good for the city workers of this ward. Matt Oshea is a rubber stamp alderman who has 100% enabled this mayor to be the tyrant he is. Matt Oshea has alienated a tremendous amount of people in this ward by blocking them and deleting them from social media because they dared asked a question he didnt like. Matt oshea can go jump in the river for all I care and so can the rest of you who will M-F me for speaking out.
Matt has done a good job for the Ward. Ok fine and true. Is it not what you would EXPECT of ANY locally elected official ? I do agree he has done a better job than Ginger. But don't forget. He did his jobs. One of his jobs was to hold the water for the STate and National Democratic Party supporting Quinn, Madigan, Durbin, Obama etc... The good he did and or can do going forward is not a drop compared to what his group of left wing screw balls have and are trying to do to this country. "Fundamentally transforming" the country. These leftovers of what was once a proud organization representing the people have become suck ups begging for their piece of the local, state, and National carcass. They helped put Obama back in office so I for one cannot vote for any of them for the foreseeable future. Scheible is a medical doctor and is successful. Unfortunately this Ward tends to share the politics of envy and will votein a bartender over an Medical Doctor.
Dr. Schaible is not unhappy in her career. She is a concerned citizen of the 19th ward that would like to see it working for the community and not the machine.
"How can you not be for Matt-Things are getting done." No there not. Oshea has to go. 95TH Street business/shopping strip is a joke. The best he can do is a Party City at the old Boarder's location. Speed camera on 103RD just west of Beverly Bank. Beverly/Mt Greenwood has become even more crime ridden with police resources deployed east of Ashland. 99TH St. from Longwood to Beverly took forever to be resurfaced after last winter. Too much of a self promoter with his picture in the Beverly Review on a weekly basis. Five household votes here going to the Doctor. Anybody but Oshea.
It is true 95th st. is a joke. Back in the 1950's it was approaching a modern day version of Rodeo Dr. What happened? Segregation. Hardly O'Shea's fault.
Of course some of the moves made by the city were shortsighted, i.e. Borders. If you ask me, it was foreseeable when Borders was being planned, that bookstores would soon be a thing of the past. Non the less, valuable TIF funds were soaked up in the name of short term political capital and now we have a building that will make a great church. The Panera Bread complex was another error in planning. A legit business just can't make money when it is surrounded by segregated blacks.
The fact is that the highest and best us of 95th st., that benefits the neighborhood the most, is open space.
I am fascinated by these events in Paris in response to terror: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlxI2fAUymw
As to the topic, I love our local elected Sheriff and members of Congress.
... I know several alderman. Like most (not all). Never met O'Shea. Ran into him twice, briefly. No problems. I am sure his opposition is a great person too. I just wish I had more to comment on, but I do not.
Cheer up my Water bill was 615.00. The jerk off at the Ward office told me to get a meter. The City told me I need to hire a plumber to install a special valve. And on and fucking on !
I'm not sure what special valve you have to have installed. I didn't need to have a special valve installed. If you're getting bills for 615.00, it's probably worth having a valve installed if that is what you need to do to get a meter. I'm also not sure why you think the person at the ward office who told you to get a meter is a jerk off. You were given good advice. Ask anyone who has a meter.
Matt has just made plans with powers that be to have a new GoodWill store installed in the old new Borders.IT WILL BE A BOON TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD we beleive when the grand opening is annonced in Febuary and the final touches put in place for a April opening,tenitive as we type,nice to see the empty spots filling up with a business that will be good and benefit the whole area...
I'm looking forward to voting for Anne Schiable! The neighborhood needs some new blood and we REALLY need someone to focus on bringing life to 95th Street...other than a Party City. That was such a disappointment.
Seriously? I would hope you are joking. A Goodwill store will be a magnet for the urban under class. Perfect...it will make the neighborhood transition complete.
Her "solutions" range from non-existant to vague. I've been to her page. She says nothing. She wasn't able to be specific about much at the debate. She would "work with the police." Matt already does. It's not a novel concept. "Working with the police" doesn't get more hired, or get more in our district, but she seems to think it does. Matt was clear. They won't hire enough officers to replace those retiring. Schaible just tells people what they want to hear. She has a loud group of supporters who make her look bad. She has been told this repeatedly on social media. She needed to take what she could get, so she brought the lunatic fringe on board with her. Some of these people that have become close to her are people that she would not associate with if she wasn't running for office, and frankly, for good reason.
Well written for a member of the 19th Ward Democratic Organization. I have spoken to many of you who always like to tell people nasty things about Doctor Schaible. Now her supporters are the "lunatic fringe". By that I guess you mean the people who you don't know, don't care to know, have no clout and have the nerve to complain. There are plenty of Democrat goons who look and smell like they have had an all nighter on Western Ave ringing our door bells and pushing pamphlets at the voting precincts If you cant see the writing on the wall then you are a dolt. The 19th Ward days of power are over. You helped support the black Democratic leftists who are already measuring the drapes in Beverly and what remains of the south side. It used to be that we supported you and gave you this power because we felt you cared about the Ward as a whole. Now it is so obvious that you only care about yourselves and your connected friends.. The rest are the lunatic fringe. I am not a supporter necessarily of Schaible or an opponent of Matt's. Red light cameras...roving bands of ticket makers....endless garage break ins...slow to no 911 responses...continued business district board ups. These are real concerns...not just fodder for campaign flyers.
I have only a vague idea of who she is. I don't know what she stands for. She is very low profile. It suggest that she is running to show and was put up by you know who.
Tom Dart has epic meltdown over snow removal Monday at Maywood courthouse. He orders his exempt staff to hand shovel his spot before his big press conference.
Sheriff Tom Dart threw a epic hissy fit in parking lot of the Whitcomb building at Maywood Courthouse Monday. He arrived for his press conference Monday morning in which himself and Senator Mark Kirk were discussing human trafficking. Tom Dart went ballistic when he saw his parking spot was not plowed. He verbally abused the only plow truck driver who showed up to work Monday.
According to multiple witnesses he threatened the guys job and said "do you realize Senator Mark Kirk and the media will be here shortly". The facilities management worker told Dart he wasn't getting preferential treatment and said he had to wait. Dart went ballistic and stormed into his office and ordered numerous top aides to hand shovel lot. Ironically, Senator Mark Kirks vehicle still got stuck leaving the lot and Dart had another fit according to top aide who says he is retiring shortly. Tells blogger Sheriff Dart has completely lost his mind and is very abusive to his office staff.
Crowded schools are a top issue in this ward, which includes Beverly, Morgan Park and Mount Greenwood. Physician Anne Schaible, who finished second four years ago to Alderman Matthew J. O’Shea, is criticizing the incumbent for the crowding and his lack of enthusiasm for an elected school board. Both candidates also say they are the one who can spur economic development. Schaible calls the retail corridors “horrible,” but O’Shea touts his record on attracting development. Schaible is less flexible on reducing pension benefits and raising property taxes than O’Shea and opposes a city casino, while O’Shea supports one. Our endorsement goes to O’Shea, who has worked hard to relieve school crowding and bring in new businesses and who has a better grasp of what the city needs to do to dig out from its financial abyss.
Why did Matt appoint an inexperienced under 30 year old as ward superintendent? Makes you wonder who's ass he is kissing. Ask any city worker what they think of Matt and you will think twice about voting for him
One of the issues that's sure to come up is the economic development along 95th Street, east of Western. With Borders still empty, and Panera Bread leaving the strip mall just west of Borders, its an endless struggle to revitalize the area. All of these issues are compounded by the leaps and bounds business developers have to go through to open a business in the city. Jantzen took a couple years, Buena Beef is still on the books for 107th and Western. It just seems like you go west of Western Avenue along 95th Street and Mayor Sexton and Evergreen Park are revitalizing the entire corridor. They seem to do things fast. Marianos will be opening in a few weeks, and meanwhile, the Buena Beef development, with TIF funding, is looking for a side saddle business to offset even more of their business investment. The skating and gymnastic center at 115th and Western is a plus for Matt, but everything else goes so slowly. Maybe Schaible will propose giving the old Borders store back to the city as a alternative site for the Obama library. All this is what anyone who gets elected has to deal with, the bureaucracy of the city and its permit structure.
ReplyDeleteHow about putting the Obama library in the old Borders.
DeleteMatt inherited that poorly designed and poorly thought out mess on 95th st. He is doing the best he can with it. Maybe it all needs to be leveled.
Deletewhats with the eye to eye graphic ?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry. I didn't have any photos of them together.
Deletewhich one is Schaible?
ReplyDeleteI would rather just let you know openly, and I am probably wasting my time writing this, but I do not know them ... either of them.
ReplyDeleteCan Schaible remove these nasty photo-enforcement cameras?
ReplyDeleteIt's clear that the incumbent is all about individual wealth as were his three predecessors. The challenger is all about the commonwealth of
ReplyDeletethe entire ward. Her wealth the result of hard work and professionalism in service do thousands. Her humility will not allow her to mention the pro bono work. Sadly the good people in the ward have been conditioned by the machine going back generations. They think gaming the system is fine and dandy.
I dont understand your comment. The incumbent has worked a variety of jobs, none of which links him to wealth. As far as Dr. Schaible, I don't know anything about her wealth; what do you know of her income? Or her humility? The people of the 19th ward have representation that works within an existing city framework, to get projects completed for the benefit of the entire ward. And what evidence do you have of the incumbent gaming the system. More specifics please, or does your humility prevent you from listing them as opposed to making a blanket accusation. None of what I've read in your post is "clear" to me. But the fine things you attribute to Dr. Schaible should be noted, especially her pro bono work. I haven't heard of any of it, but again, the good things she does, that you "clearly" know about aren't listed in your post. It would be a service to your advocacy of Dr. Schaible to point out for the rest of the good citizens of the 19th Ward, the many positive things she does as well as the things Matt O'Shea does that you feel are lining his pockets. We've a few weeks before the primary, that should be ample time to enlighten those of us you feel are fine and dandy living in a gamed political system.
DeleteAnybody but the incumbent.
ReplyDeleteThe 19th Ward Organization works for insiders, not for the community at large.
How can you not be for Matt? Things are getting done.
ReplyDeleteO'SHEA IS THE MAN....................................I'M PROUD TO KNOW HIM.
ReplyDeletewhy is she running
ReplyDeleteThe Doctor doesn't have to be the Alderman - Matt doesn't have a choice.
ReplyDeleteThat is precisely why Matt will do a much better job.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely illogical. He MUST get that paycheck so will do whatever it is the puppeteers expect of him.
DeleteOr go back to bar tending and custodial work ?
ReplyDeleteThe Doctor doesn't have to be the Alderman - Matt doesn't have a choice
ReplyDeleteThat is precisely why Matt will do a much better job.
So Matt Oshea will do a better job running this ward and representing the people because he is not a doctor? And Anne Schaible is not qualified to be an alderman and do a good job because she is a doctor?
Give me a break. I dont know where you guys get this cool aid but it is truly F-in you up. Matt Oshea is no good for the city workers of this ward. Matt Oshea is a rubber stamp alderman who has 100% enabled this mayor to be the tyrant he is. Matt Oshea has alienated a tremendous amount of people in this ward by blocking them and deleting them from social media because they dared asked a question he didnt like. Matt oshea can go jump in the river for all I care and so can the rest of you who will M-F me for speaking out.
Matt has done a good job for the Ward. Ok fine and true. Is it not what you would EXPECT of ANY locally elected official ? I do agree he has done a better job than Ginger. But don't forget. He did his jobs. One of his jobs was to hold the water for the STate and National Democratic Party supporting Quinn, Madigan, Durbin, Obama etc... The good he did and or can do going forward is not a drop compared to what his group of left wing screw balls have and are trying to do to this country. "Fundamentally transforming" the country. These leftovers of what was once a proud organization representing the people have become suck ups begging for their piece of the local, state, and National carcass. They helped put Obama back in office so I for one cannot vote for any of them for the foreseeable future. Scheible is a medical doctor and is successful. Unfortunately this Ward tends to share the politics of envy and will votein a bartender over an Medical Doctor.
ReplyDeleteAnn Schaible is unhappy in her medical practice and has been for years. She's not into it any more. She wants to try this on for a while.
ReplyDeleteshe should show her devotion to the cause by opening medical clinic on 95 street
DeleteDr. Schaible is not unhappy in her career. She is a concerned citizen of the 19th ward that would like to see it working for the community and not the machine.
Delete"How can you not be for Matt-Things are getting done." No there not. Oshea has to go. 95TH Street business/shopping strip is a joke. The best he can do is a Party City at the old Boarder's location. Speed camera on 103RD just west of Beverly Bank. Beverly/Mt Greenwood has become even more crime ridden with police resources deployed east of Ashland. 99TH St. from Longwood to Beverly took forever to be resurfaced after last winter. Too much of a self promoter with his picture in the Beverly Review on a weekly basis. Five household votes here going to the Doctor. Anybody but Oshea.
ReplyDeleteIt is true 95th st. is a joke. Back in the 1950's it was approaching a modern day version of Rodeo Dr. What happened? Segregation. Hardly O'Shea's fault.
DeleteOf course some of the moves made by the city were shortsighted, i.e. Borders. If you ask me, it was foreseeable when Borders was being planned, that bookstores would soon be a thing of the past. Non the less, valuable TIF funds were soaked up in the name of short term political capital and now we have a building that will make a great church. The Panera Bread complex was another error in planning. A legit business just can't make money when it is surrounded by segregated blacks.
The fact is that the highest and best us of 95th st., that benefits the neighborhood the most, is open space.
I am fascinated by these events in Paris in response to terror: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlxI2fAUymw
ReplyDeleteAs to the topic, I love our local elected Sheriff and members of Congress.
... I know several alderman. Like most (not all). Never met O'Shea. Ran into him twice, briefly. No problems. I am sure his opposition is a great person too. I just wish I had more to comment on, but I do not.
Clarify: State-elected members of the General Assembly.
ReplyDeleteMy opinion of Lipinski could not be lower.
Lipinski is in the US Congress, not the Illinois General Assembly.
DeleteRight. It is why I said I support our state-elected members of the General Assembly. I really did not want that to be confused with Lipinski.
DeleteLipinksi = poster child of nepotism. If you have a worse example of nepotism, share it.
I just got a Chicago water bill for $461.00.
ReplyDeleteThanks Rahm and Matt!
I just got a water bill for $39.00. So you're not metered because why?
DeleteLast January, my water bill was $392.00.
ReplyDeleteIt has gone up about $70.00 in just one year.
Cheer up my Water bill was 615.00. The jerk off at the Ward office told me to get a meter. The City told me I need to hire a plumber to install a special valve. And on and fucking on !
DeleteI'm not sure what special valve you have to have installed. I didn't need to have a special valve installed. If you're getting bills for 615.00, it's probably worth having a valve installed if that is what you need to do to get a meter. I'm also not sure why you think the person at the ward office who told you to get a meter is a jerk off. You were given good advice. Ask anyone who has a meter.
Deletehey murph can you post all the comments mine was held back once again and it was clean
ReplyDeleteMatt has just made plans with powers that be to have a new GoodWill store installed in the old new Borders.IT WILL BE A BOON TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD we beleive when the grand opening is annonced in Febuary and the final touches put in place for a April opening,tenitive as we type,nice to see the empty spots filling up with a business that will be good and benefit the whole area...
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to voting for Anne Schiable! The neighborhood needs some new blood and we REALLY need someone to focus on bringing life to 95th Street...other than a Party City. That was such a disappointment.
ReplyDeleteIs it true that a pawn shop is going in on Western ?
ReplyDeleteSeriously? I would hope you are joking. A Goodwill store will be a magnet for the urban under class. Perfect...it will make the neighborhood transition complete.
ReplyDelete2 Payloaders and a salt truck came down my street last night. No complaints.
ReplyDeleteThat's because it's an election year.
DeleteAnne has had a web site up for some months and signage on hundreds of lawns all over the ward. Her positions are clear. The question is suggestive.
ReplyDeleteActually, her positions are a little foggy.
DeleteHer "solutions" range from non-existant to vague. I've been to her page. She says nothing. She wasn't able to be specific about much at the debate. She would "work with the police." Matt already does. It's not a novel concept. "Working with the police" doesn't get more hired, or get more in our district, but she seems to think it does. Matt was clear. They won't hire enough officers to replace those retiring. Schaible just tells people what they want to hear. She has a loud group of supporters who make her look bad. She has been told this repeatedly on social media. She needed to take what she could get, so she brought the lunatic fringe on board with her. Some of these people that have become close to her are people that she would not associate with if she wasn't running for office, and frankly, for good reason.
DeleteWell written for a member of the 19th Ward Democratic Organization. I have spoken to many of you who always like to tell people nasty things about Doctor Schaible. Now her supporters are the "lunatic fringe". By that I guess you mean the people who you don't know, don't care to know, have no clout and have the nerve to complain. There are plenty of Democrat goons who look and smell like they have had an all nighter on Western Ave ringing our door bells and pushing pamphlets at the voting precincts If you cant see the writing on the wall then you are a dolt. The 19th Ward days of power are over. You helped support the black Democratic leftists who are already measuring the drapes in Beverly and what remains of the south side. It used to be that we supported you and gave you this power because we felt you cared about the Ward as a whole. Now it is so obvious that you only care about yourselves and your connected friends.. The rest are the lunatic fringe. I am not a supporter necessarily of Schaible or an opponent of Matt's. Red light cameras...roving bands of ticket makers....endless garage break ins...slow to no 911 responses...continued business district board ups. These are real concerns...not just fodder for campaign flyers.
DeleteI have only a vague idea of who she is. I don't know what she stands for. She is very low profile. It suggest that she is running to show and was put up by you know who.
ReplyDeleteTom Dart has epic meltdown over snow removal Monday at Maywood courthouse. He orders his exempt staff to hand shovel his spot before his big press conference.
ReplyDeleteSheriff Tom Dart threw a epic hissy fit in parking lot of the Whitcomb building at Maywood Courthouse Monday. He arrived for his press conference Monday morning in which himself and Senator Mark Kirk were discussing human trafficking. Tom Dart went ballistic when he saw his parking spot was not plowed. He verbally abused the only plow truck driver who showed up to work Monday.
According to multiple witnesses he threatened the guys job and said "do you realize Senator Mark Kirk and the media will be here shortly". The facilities management worker told Dart he wasn't getting preferential treatment and said he had to wait. Dart went ballistic and stormed into his office and ordered numerous top aides to hand shovel lot. Ironically, Senator Mark Kirks vehicle still got stuck leaving the lot and Dart had another fit according to top aide who says he is retiring shortly. Tells blogger Sheriff Dart has completely lost his mind and is very abusive to his office staff.
Proud to be a 19th Warder
Crowded schools are a top issue in this ward, which includes Beverly, Morgan Park and Mount Greenwood. Physician Anne Schaible, who finished second four years ago to Alderman Matthew J. O’Shea, is criticizing the incumbent for the crowding and his lack of enthusiasm for an elected school board. Both candidates also say they are the one who can spur economic development. Schaible calls the retail corridors “horrible,” but O’Shea touts his record on attracting development. Schaible is less flexible on reducing pension benefits and raising property taxes than O’Shea and opposes a city casino, while O’Shea supports one. Our endorsement goes to O’Shea, who has worked hard to relieve school crowding and bring in new businesses and who has a better grasp of what the city needs to do to dig out from its financial abyss.
ReplyDeleteThank you for some factual information.
DeleteWould someone please explain why OShea voted 100% with Rahm and in 2011 an overwhelming majority of 19th warders voted against
Why did Matt appoint an inexperienced under 30 year old as ward superintendent? Makes you wonder who's ass he is kissing. Ask any city worker what they think of Matt and you will think twice about voting for him
ReplyDeletesaw them unloading clothes and household goods yesterday into the old Borders...