Thursday, October 17, 2013

Kick the can.

The Republican Party has failed to stand up to Obama. They blinked because they have no balls. Our children are going to hate us for this. 


  1. Anonymous10/17/2013

    I agree that they essentially caved. The problem is that Obama behaved in a manner that denigrates his office. He literally would not negotiate ANYTHING. He did not only not care that we might default - he was quietly hoping it would happen. He KNOWS his allies in the media will blame Republicans no matter what - or at least IGNORE any fault that lies with the Pres. Unfortunately the Republicans realized this too late....AGAIN ! That being said the Republicans should just stand aside and let Obamacare begin to take effect - and let the Democrats implode. This recent Government shut down did teach the sheeple one thing. That Republicans OPPOSED Obamacare and tried to stop it. They will remember by election time that OBAMACARE is Obamas and the Democrats program. And they will know it is the Democrats who are to blame for doubling their monthly premiums. This was a TAX. The Obama Democrat Admin argued in court that it is a TAX. It sure feels like a TAX. Republicans should just run a thirty second commercial with a montage of instances where Obama kept lying and saying over and over an over again....."If you like your can keep it". Just play various clips put together. In politics it is NEVER over ! May I suggest you talk to neighbors and just ask them what is happening with their own personal health care. (Especially if they were Proud Union Home Democrats). Ask them if they knew they were going to pay 50 to 100 percent higher premiums. Remind them who warned them this would be the case. We must start somewhere. We must step out of our comfort zones. We must get involved beyond just voting against the Democratic Socialists.

  2. Anonymous10/17/2013

    Our children are so stupid they wont even know. They've been educated by leftist socialists who will teach them of this event as victorious.

  3. Anonymous10/17/2013

    Next, Republicans will cave on immigration.

    Once that goes through, we'll never recover. Those few taxpayers who are left will be paying to educate, house, feed, police and treat anybody who wants to come to this once great land.

    We are so screwed.

  4. Anonymous10/18/2013

    Petulant children. Gingrich I think shutdown the gov. in 96 in spite. No strategic long-term plans or goals.

    The compromise = giveaways to Republicans (their allies).

    You are right. There will be "compromise" on immigration reform, probably led by Paul Ryan. Mitch McConnell is the real Republican power in the Senate; he is the Minority "[l]eader." He loves pork, kickbacks, grants, and spending. He is also, to my knowledge, one of the wealthiest members of Congress.

    Anyway, what an unnecessary fiasco that hurt our economy. Pathetic.

  5. Anonymous10/19/2013

    Is it true an Obamacare sign up office is going in on 103rd St.? I hope so.

  6. Anonymous2/02/2014

    Yes, they are total Cowards, and all of them need replacing, ASAP.
