Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This may ruin your day.....but you might want to think about it.

Who will bail out the bankrupt states?
Los Angeles, CA
—The not so Golden State has taxed and spent itself into a financial quagmire. Employers and producers have fled in droves to avoid the extortionate taxes here.

California taxpayers providing services to illegal aliens, is at an all time high. That has gutted the schools and health care needs of California’s legal residents.

The prisons and jails are pushing dangerous criminals out to certain unemployment in today’s economy. The body count will be off the charts and every Medical Examiner's Office.

California’s politicians have not and will not let up on their reckless spending habits or desire to regulate everyone’s lives.

The fact is it’s only a matter of time before they can no longer continue the handouts the Entitlement Zombies are accustomed to receiving. When that happens, Los Angeles and Oakland will be on fire like never before.

The death toll and massive amounts of homeless will be staggering. The other more frugal states will be forced to bail out California.

In Lockstep with California will be Illinois, New York and New Jersey. They have the same problems.

I hope the other states abandon these pathetic Socialist utopias that have gone bad. The fools in Congress will bend over as they claim bailouts are the only humanitarian way to solve the problem.
This will bring America closer to a Civil War for sure.

In the meantime America has changed in that the residents don’t care about liberty as much as getting a free ride. The color of the Nation has darkened and traditional work ethics and culture has been on a sharp decline.

The America most of us grew up in no longer exists. We are rapidly becoming a Fascist nation were people are enslaved by Socialism. We can either resist now or wait for the holocaust.

From my friend Paul H.


  1. Anonymous2/22/2012

    Um. What are exact opposites on the political spectrum? Fascism and socialism. The English major in me humbly requests you reword.

  2. Dear above poster, please note I did'nt write this. It's a repost from another blog.

  3. Anonymous2/22/2012

    It depends on what spectrum you use. The truth is that fascism, (Nazism, etc..) are big government ideologies. Socialism is also big government ideology. Maybe big government with a supposed smiley face, but government control nonetheless. I did not google this to check, but I believe it was Thomas Jefferson, (or maybe some other of the founding fathers) who said....the government that is big enough to give us everything we need is the government big enough to take everything we have! I believe that is the point of the above posted blog....they are NOT the exact opposites unless you want to use the spectrum of the left who does not like that their creepy cousin Fascism is a relative.....

  4. Anonymous2/23/2012

    My question is simply. Why. if the state is in so much trouble, don't the state Senators and Representatives take a pay cut like most of us in the private sector have had to do ?

  5. What we need here in Illinois is a forensic audit to see exactly where we are now. You'll here all the mouth pieces say we can't afford it but I think we can't afford not to do it. We Ned to see a dollar for dollar expense account. Where it's going and what's coming in. How the hell else do you see where to cut? Cuts straight across all departments is a lazy way to cut. We need to reign in all these f#*+ing pols held accounted for ALL expenses. We also need these guys to work full time only for us, only. No other law offices or lobbying . Make this a new requirement. If you don't like it don't run. All programs must be fully funded before put into practice. Prioritize what we need to do first. We got enough blowhards in office to flap their gums,now produce or get fired.....
