Friday, December 27, 2024

Used as population control for blacks

Defunding Planned Parenthood Is a Matter of Life and Death for Black America
John Amanchukwu Sr. | December 27, 2024

A group of people hold a Planned Parenthood sign during a Pride Parade in Costa Mesa, California, on Oct. 5, 2024. (Mindy Schauer/Media News Group/Orange County Register/Getty Image

The prospect that American taxpayers, who morally object to abortion, may no longer be forced to fund Planned Parenthood when President-elect Donald Trump returns to the White House, feels promising this time around. And according to Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk, the newly slated Department of Government Efficiency advisory committee just might lead the charge to do so.

While Trump’s first administration had similar advantages in that Republicans held a governing majority and will soon again, previous pro-life attempts to remove the abortion stain from our federal budget could not overcome the Democratic Party’s resistance.

That resistance was tied to black support, but it no longer looks the same. Given how more blacks voted Republican in the last presidential race than in recent previous years, it seems to indicate a shift is taking place where many in black America view Democratic policies less favorably.

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This makes sense. After all, try as it may to shake off its vile past, the Democratic Party has a dark history that is tied to the Ku Klux Klan founding, when it wanted to retaliate against President Ulysses S. Grant and the Republicans’ reconstruction policies meant to establish equality for blacks in the South.

Given this, it’s a wonder how Democratic leaders have kept up the facade hailing themselves as the leading defender of blacks, especially when in reality the party’s policies destroy black lives; literally, when it comes to Planned Parenthood, the Democratic Party’s Siamese twin.

Just like the Democratic Party, Planned Parenthood also has deep racist roots.

Margaret Sanger, who subscribed to eugenics and founded Planned Parenthood in 1916, did so for the very purpose of exterminating black babies’ lives. In her exact words, Sanger wrote in a widely quoted letter to Dr. Clarence J. Gamble that she [did] “not want the word to go out that [she] want[s] to exterminate the Negro population […]”

And by many accounts based on available data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Planned Parenthood has stayed in lockstep with its founding mission, as more black unborn babies are terminated, a term derived from “exterminate” at a 3-to-5 times higher rate than white and Hispanic babies.

The same study shows that 42% of all women who had abortions in 2021 were black, while 30% were white, 22% were Hispanic and 6% were of other races, based on data reported to the CDC about Washington, D.C., New York City, and 31 states.

All human life is precious and made in the image of God, so it goes without saying that the desire to end any unborn child’s life is nothing short of evil, regardless of race. But since black women make up only 7.8.% of total U.S. population, it’s clear that many more black babies in the womb are disproportionately aborted compared to other ethnicities.

This data computes with a 2010 map guide that showed around a whopping 80% of surgical abortion facilities were put in locations within walking distance to black neighborhoods. (It’s hard to know exactly what that percentage is today since abortion providers do not have to adhere to stringent reporting laws.)

Of course, Planned Parenthood refutes they are intentionally targeting struggling black women, but the denials are expected. Planned Parenthood is an extension of the Democratic Party and both have to keep a portion of the black community weak, poor and dependent.

Promoting sexual promiscuity and belittling traditional marriage, as Planned Parenthood does, has resulted in out of wedlock pregnancies that has wreaked havoc on the black nuclear family and kept black women as key customers.

The data again proves it.

In the 1960s pre-Planned Parenthood funding black women were more likely than white women to marry, as only less than 10% of black women above the age of 35 were not married then. Enter the 1970s when Planned Parenthood is granted federal funds, and that’s where the dramatic shift occurs, and gets us to where we are today, with almost 50% (47.5%) of black women unmarried.

Back in 2015, during his presidential run, the esteemed Dr. Ben Carson spoke out and made waves for stating that Planned Parenthood seeks to “control the black population.” And while he got flak from abortion proponents, more and more within the black community are beginning to recognize his words to be true.

In a most encouraging Pew Study released this past June, it showed 6-in-10 black Americans (58%) “have heard the idea that the government promotes birth control and abortion to keep the black population small.” And among younger black men under the age of 50, this number is even higher, with 7-in-10 aware of this evil atrocity.

The news gets better. Not only are more black Americans aware, but “more than half (55%) of black adults” believe that the black community has indeed been targeted and “say the government encouraging single motherhood among black women to eliminate the need for black men is something that is happening today.”

These results speak volumes. Black support is waning, and Planned Parenthood’s days are numbered.

Let’s hope and pray that Congress finally has the courage to stop funding Planned Parenthood’s manipulative influence and social-engineering practices that have disrupted the black nuclear family and destroyed millions of lives. Literally.


  1. There are photos of Sanger, the Lefty saint, speaking at KKK rallies (complete with burning cross and robes). She was also Heinrich Himmler's penpal.

  2. Anonymous12/30/2024

    Unfortunately too many black people are easily controlled because of the culture of refusing to pick up books and self educating to become knowledgeable about their body, health, chemicals in food, nutrition, abortions, birth control, and so on. Too many live in a culture of lack of knowledge and are easily manipulated into killing their babies, eating junk foods, drinking alcohol, caffeinated beverages, using drugs, over use of prescription drugs, and so on.

    Life is precious and more important than material items. There is no excuse for killing an innocent unborn baby. Learn to practice birth control. Adoption is an option.
    Millions of women are not able to get pregnant.
    Shame on politicians who support abortion and requires taxpayers to pay for them.

  3. Anonymous12/31/2024

    We are living in the era of technology where anything you want to know is at your fingertips. The only reason you need a doctor is to assist in ordering certain tests to diagnose and treat illnesses because you can study how to treat and prevent many health problems with knowledge of nutrition and diet. You can pay for many tests at private owned labs to save money.
    Why do we need family planning? Why are taxpayers paying for murdering babies in abortion clinics. Where are they getting rid of millions of aborted babies?

    Change must come to stop requiring taxpayers to pay for abortions because spoiled people want to enjoy sex without using protection.
