Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard: A President Kamala Harris would be ‘terrifying’


  1. Anonymous7/09/2024

    I agree and am praying that she drops out with Biden and save America.

  2. Anonymous7/09/2024

    This might be the most correct/true thing you could post. Incompetent. Was one of the most alarming things about Biden when he won the presidency given his age. That this goof is one step away from the top job without being elected to it.

  3. Anonymous7/09/2024

    Any Marxist Democrat is terrifying.

  4. Anonymous7/24/2024

    Democrats care more about getting votes than they care about America. This country is in a state of crisis with a trillion dollar deficit, open borders with unvetted people from all over the world walking into this country by the thousands waiting for freebies, high crime in cities, a severe shortage of qualified teachers, a shortage of doctors, numerous homeless people sleeping in the streets, too many low income people, too many uneducated and unemployed illegals demanding services, and so on. Adding to the stress is the fear that the new president will not be able to bring about the change that’s needed to save our country.
