Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Chicago Mayor Blames Richard Nixon For 100+ Shootings On July 4 Weekend!


  1. Anonymous7/09/2024

    Democrat equals failure

  2. Anonymous7/09/2024

    What does Tricky Dicky have to do with shootings in2024. Brandon Johnson was born in1976 he wasn't even a sperm in his father's testes in 1968 when LJB droped out of the race.

  3. Anonymous7/14/2024

    The mayor is trying to manage a city that consists of a diverse group of people, yet he has lived in a segregated predominantly black community most of his life and does not relate to cultural differences. He is assuming that money given to black people will solve all problems.

    My grandmother was daughter of former slaves and lived in a New Orleans Uptown neighborhood with Irish, Italians, Greeks, Chinese, Jamaicans, British, and so on. It was illegal for people of color to date whites and attend schools together because segregation was the law. However we lived in neighborhoods together and understood each other’s culture. We learned from each other.

    As a resident of Chicago, I lived in Hyde Park because it is healthy to live in mixed race or diverse communities. It is healthy for children to live in diverse communities and not in segregation.

    Politicians, educators, police officers, etc., who are accustomed to living in diverse communities are more effective as mayors, governors, presidents, educators, etc. because they are able to focus on getting the job done instead of focusing on the cause of racism, poverty, violence, self-hatred, and so on. They view people as human beings who should be respected and are in need of various services.
