Sometimes it’s hard to know what exactly to write. I don’t mean in general staring off into space or watching the clouds in your coffee kind of stuff, I mean when you see something so extraordinarily evil that you’re left speechless.
That happened to me a few weeks ago when I saw the video of a white female student being brutally beaten by a black female student in Missouri. As you have no doubt seen, the black girl beats the white girl into unconsciousness and repeatedly slams her head into the concrete. The victim went into convulsions and as of this writing is in critical condition in the hospital.
There are two primary questions I had after watching this video. The first was why no one tried to stop the attacker when there were a dozen people around the fight, including at least one person recording a video. The second was what kind of upbringing would someone have to make them act this way? These two unanswerable questions melded into a third, which was, why do we see so many videos of blacks acting violently? Beating white people. Beating other black people. Attacking restaurant employees. Attacking cops. Pushing people in front of subway trains. And the list goes on. And on. And on.
On the day I saw this video I happened to be reading a book called Empire by Niall Ferguson. I was at the point where he is comparing the actions of the British – which is the empire to which the title refers – and the Japanese in their early 20thcentury empire. In particular, he discusses the Rape of Nanking, one of the most brutal and disgusting displays of savagery ever chronicled. He doesn’t pretend the British were never brutal. In fact they were and he discusses it. But he makes the distinction between the British killing opponents during battles – sometimes including unarmed women and children while peacefully protesting – or the deaths of prisoners from incompetent logistics management and the brutal, intentional infliction of pain and torture on civilians and POWs alike. There were literally contests to see who could kill more people or do so more quickly or brutally.
Such abuse was never limited to the Japanese, of course. The Germans were equally evil during WWII. Like the Japanese, their killing beyond the battlefield, more often than not, was a mix of cruelty, sadism, depravity, and systemized murder. Such evil has been endemic throughout much of human history. One of the reasons the Spanish were able to so easily subdue the great Aztec empire was because so many of its neighbors were enthusiastic about ridding themselves of the cruel, murderous empire, where captured enemies would frequently die horrifying, brutal deaths. More recently the Rwandan genocide, the brutality by ISIS, the execution of thousands of Nigerian Christians by Muslims, and the October 7th attacks by Hamas demonstrate that man can be a savage instrument of evil.
Since the moment Cain slew Able history is full of violence. But this seems to be different. Not different in that it’s unique in history, but that it’s unique in American history. What I mean by that is that it’s a perfect storm of Democrat malevolence.
That storm has three components. The first is what seems to have become the primary plank of the Democrat party. White racism. Prior to Barack Obama, America’s race relations had been largely improving for 40 years. With his “police acted stupidly” comment things got off on the wrong foot, and after the deaths of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown things went south quickly. Then the 2020 death of George Floyd sent race relations into a tailspin. With the riots and the shilling for BLM by everyone from the NFL to Microsoft to Congressional Democrats, things took a decidedly bad turn. Suddenly we were told systemic racism was to be found everywhere from law enforcement to math to punctuality to proper English. At the same time, we had the Pentagon, the White House, and practically every news organization in the country telling us that white nationalism is the single biggest threat to the country and that blacks were in constant danger. The left has done to whites what the Nazis did to the Jews, what the Japanese did to the Chinese, and what the Hutu did to the Tutsi… dehumanize them, make them into the Other, the ones towards whom no humanity need be shown. Once that mindset is absorbed, there are no limitations on what can be done to members of the target group.
The second is that black Americans have been told by Democrats that they cannot succeed. That regardless of what they do they are incapable of success in America because of white oppression. As such, the rules need to be changed for them, most critically, the elimination of consequences for crimes. Essentially the argument is, given that blacks cannot find success when they behave properly, society can’t punish them for behaving improperly.
The third is the collapse of the black family. Today more than 70% of black babies are born to unwed mothers. That leaves a single mother, often on welfare, to raise the children. And children in fatherless homes are far more likely to be criminals.
The outcome of this perfect storm is a significant proportion of the black population hate white people, have little belief they have a vested interest in civilized society, and there’s no one at home to teach them right from wrong. With little reason to have self-respect and even less reason to respect others, too many black Americans are simply acting out as a child would, with no filters, no self-control, no empathy, and no real remorse. That’s a recipe for disaster for society.
If America is coming apart at the seams, it’s not because of any “systemic racism”, but rather because Democrats have seen fit to weaponize blacks. And not just against whites, but against the very fabric of America. This plays itself out in major cities across the country, where most black Americans live and dominate politics. Indeed, black mayors (most of whom are Democrats) run almost every one of America’s largest and most important cities: Washington, Atlanta, Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, St. Louis, Chicago, Baltimore, Kansas City, Milwaukee, and New Orleans among others. Virtually every one of them is like living in a relative war zone compared to much of the rest of the country. The ironic thing about all of this is that the biggest victims of this black despondency and disconnect with civilized society are fellow blacks because the animating factors of alienation and desolation know no bounds, color or otherwise.
This is not a sustainable model. A nation divided by race cannot survive. Americans fought a war, then passed civil rights laws a century later to stop that. But here we are with a significant portion of America’s population looking into life’s kaleidoscope and seeing nothing but a fatalistic cacophony where they have no agency, nothing matters and thus nothing has any value, including their lives and those of others.
What we saw in that video is the epitome of the race war Charles Manson tried to launch but failed. Sadly for Americans of all hues, half a century later, the Democrats are making his dream a reality.
Obama did not start this, it was ALWAYS lurking just underneath the surface. He simply made it acceptable for blacks and other minorities to be open about their hatred of whites.
ReplyDeleteThat video of that feral negro smashing the White girls head against the ground? It did that with the full knowledge it wouldn’t be held accountable and in fact was justified in its actions. All of these events are a resounding argument in favor of bringing back segregation. It’s the only way White Europeans will ever be safe.
DeleteChicago is a very racist city where too many black children attend all black schools, Latinos attend Latino schools, whites attend white schools and live in white neighborhoods, and so on. That’s sad because integration allows people to learn from each other and share their culture.
ReplyDeleteBrutally attacking another person is not acceptable behavior and should not be tolerated. Parents need training on how to raise their children.
Black on black hatred is a major problem that keeps black negativity in the news. Black mayors have problems in their cities because certain black people break laws and disrespect the leadership of blacks.
ReplyDeleteFor whatever reason, too many black youngsters and adults refuse to get an education, refuse to become law abiding citizens, refuse to refrain from fathering numerous babies out of wedlock with teenage girls, refuse to parent their children, refuse to adequately teach black children in black schools, refuse to treat black teachers in a respectful manner, and so on. The problem is not a white problem, it is a black problem that only a black person can fix.
Re health care, it is the responsibility of all people to educate themselves on how the body works and how to treat it to prevent illnesses, suffering, diseases, and so on to intelligently communicate and work with doctors.
There are lots of interracial couples in many cities where black men are happily married to many different races of women and the same applies to white men who are happily married to black women. The world is constantly changing where racism does not exist. Many people are not focused on planning a race war, they are focused on getting a great education that results in great employment skills.