Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Shame on Kelly for talking out of school


Ex-Chief of Staff John Kelly Claims Trump Is Absolutely Terrified of Documents Indictment: ‘He’s Scared Sh*tless’


John Kelly

Donald Trump’s former White House chief of staff assessed that the ex-president’s blustery defiance throughout his arraignment day was a facade designed to mask his serious fear of the legal danger he faces.

The Washington Post spoke with John Kelly about Trump’s conduct on Tuesday as the former president pleaded not guilty to 37 federal criminal charges stemming from his mishandling of classified documents. Even though Trump went through the day with his usual showmanship and projected strength in front of his supporters, Kelly wasn’t buying his former boss’ act.

“He’s scared sh*tless,” Kelly told the Post. “This is the way he compensates for that. He gives people the appearance he doesn’t care by doing this. For the first time in his life, it looks like he’s being held accountable. Up until this point in his life, it’s like, I’m not going to pay you, take me to court. He’s never been held accountable before.”

Kelly has been one of the most prominent former members of the Trump administration to turn against the ex-president, sharing numerous unflattering details about him since his White House departure.

Despite Trump’s effort to maintain upbeat appearances in public, the Post report corroborated other journalists who said the former president looked quite downcast while he was still in the courtroom. The Post also heard from former Trump press secretary Stephanie Grisham, who also commented on how Trump wants to keep his crowds cheering, and his staffers want to keep Trump appeased before he gets angry.

“It’s part public relations and part babysitting,” she said. “He wants people to see the cheering crowds so they don’t think anything is going wrong. It’s also because the staff around him want to keep him busy and wants to have people cheering for him and giving him the ego stroke that he’ll need so they don’t have to deal with him being completely pissed.”


  1. They are running out of traitorus scum to disparage Trump. Soon McCain is gonna have to be dug up to offer his "expertise".

    1. Anonymous6/17/2023

      Songbird die fighting never surrender!

  2. Wylie16/14/2023

    Say there mister Kelly, what say we have the thoroughly corrupted Federal Government, with no limits to power or money, make up charges against you? And, have Biden's Propaganda Corps lie about you 24/7/365? Spose you'd be scared sh*tless?

  3. Anonymous6/15/2023

    Man speaks the truth. Can’t wait for Trump’s typical “I don’t even know him” or “not a smart guy” comments.

    1. Anonymous6/16/2023

      Delusional Libtard

  4. Anonymous6/15/2023

    All BS!!

  5. Mike-SMO6/15/2023

    Another WaPo "fairy tale". Trump is concerned about every detail. That is why he has been successful in life. He has learned that his "loyal" employees aren't. That is the big difference between business and politics. In politics, everyone is for sale. In business, contracts and agreements mean something. Big difference.

  6. Anonymous6/18/2023

    Nope, the marxist left is Terrified of Trump!!
