Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Since when can't a father discipline his child?

Former Bulls player Ben Gordon accused of striking son: report
A former girlfriend says the claims are false.

Former Bulls player Ben Gordon was arrested at a New York airport after allegedly hitting his 10-year-old son.

Former Bulls player Ben Gordon was arrested at LaGuardia Airport in New York after he allegedly struck his 10-year-old son

According to a report by TMZ, an airline employee told police she saw Gordon hit the child Monday night. Authorities took the child to a local hospital and arrested Gordon. The TMZ report also said Gordon violated a restraining order by taking the child out of Illinois.

But a former girlfriend of Gordon’s named Ashley Banks told the New York Post that the Gordon did not hit the child. Banks claims Gordon was targeted with a false accusation because he is a celebrity.

“The problem is the child was traumatized,” said Banks, who dated Gordon from 2016 to 2020 according to the Post.

“The child saw his father being arrested, taken away,” Banks told the Post. “He was waiting in custody until his aunt picked him up. So that is the worst part of it, you know, and so we want to really protect him.”

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