Monday, April 11, 2022

Maria Pappas for Mayor...maybe

listen to her, she hits the issue on the head


  1. Anonymous4/11/2022

    She's not wrong on this point but she is still a loyal soldier in the left wing communist/socialist democratic party. They all have to go including her and her little dog too. If you were ever to have a conversation with her that lasted over 2 minutes you would find out what a foul mouthed pathetic psychopath she really is. The democratic/socialist commie party does not have a pool of decent people to choose to elect anymore. She certainly is not. Coo Coo

  2. Anonymous4/11/2022

    We don't need another lifelong politician. Willie Wilson gets my vote.

  3. Anonymous4/11/2022

    I always liked her since she taught at Governors State. Then when she got elected she down sized her budget by about a 1/3. Know anybody else that did that in the Democratic Party of all parties?

  4. Anonymous4/12/2022

    Trojan Horse.................

  5. Youth for Nixon4/12/2022

    maria maria maria phony maria now you speak? your part of the rubber stamp brigade. didnt you and daley and the rest of your ilk vote for the abortion quagmire. crime problem wow i didnt realize how astute you are "NOT" a real leader would have denounced the do nothing three. nobody gets charged for 6 yes SIX years. now the money people say goodbye the big shows at mcormick said bye. your pathetic! vote democratic chumps

    1. Anonymous4/14/2022

      Could somebody translate what the above guy was trying to say.

    2. Youth for Nixon4/15/2022

      yes it means your pathetic also

  6. Anonymous4/12/2022

    Yea, great, just what we need , another machine thanks..only an outsider republican can turn this shitshow around, otherwise its meet the new boss, same as the old boss
