Friday, March 11, 2022

It's Putin's fault 

White House expects inflation will 'substantially' increase in coming months and cause a deep recession

by Christian Datoc, White House Reporter |
| March 10, 2022 10:56 AM

The White House is expecting "substantially" higher inflation figures in the coming months, even after the February Consumer Price Index posted the highest year-over-year rate since 1982.

Yearly inflation rose to 7.9% in February, which the White House attributed largely to a 3.5% increase in energy prices.

The White House Council of Economic Advisers noted that "there has been substantial run-up in energy prices since February resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine" and that "energy and commodities prices will likely contribute substantially to inflation in the coming months."


  1. Anonymous3/11/2022

    Joe has a lot on his plate, 4 previous years of nothing being done. Joe had covid almost gone, unemployment record low, etc.

    1. Anonymous3/12/2022

      Just the opposite. Everything the left accuses President Trump of, they themselves are guilty of...........

  2. Anonymous3/11/2022

    Now that Covid has been shelved (for now) everything will be blamed on Putin. Dummycrats love to blame others for their incompetence and delusional "thinking" process.

    Green New deal is the crap you are going to get rammed down your throat.

  3. Anonymous3/12/2022

    GND is the new covid boogey man. All part of the marxist-lefts climate change religion(hoax). It is another global scam to take your money and rights away.
