Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Laura Ingraham exposes 'General Milley's insurrection'


  1. Anonymous9/15/2021

    Gen Milley tipped off a foreign power and potential military adversary. He committed high treason.

    He is a saboteur.
    He is an oath breaker
    He is guilty of treason

    1. Anonymous9/15/2021

      I agree. I think also these three designations can be hung on The Donald as well.

    2. Anonymous9/16/2021

      President Trump was/is guilty of nothing dispshit. He is the savior of the USA!!!

    3. Anonymous9/16/2021

      Go back to your stool at Hinky Dinks.

  2. Anonymous9/15/2021

    From what I’ve heard, yes he probably is guilty of something. Acting outside of the chain of command. I’m no expert but it sounds like there may be a case.

    I was not privy to the daily happenings behind the closed doors of the Trump administration. I believe it was chaotic and haphazard. I believe it lacked organization from the top down. Trump is a loon and a buffoon, it only follows that his administration was too. If a general has to fall on his sword to protect us and do what needs to be done to protect the integrity of the USA, so be it.

    1. Anonymous9/16/2021

      Trump was screwed from day one, Obama spied on him and the news media went out of their way to discredit him in so many ways, he was an outsider and the establishment didn’t like that, what miley did was treason and he should be tried accordingly.
