Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Climate Change Explained


0.04% of the Atmosphere

Carbon dioxide is a “greenhouse gas.” It imprisons heat within the atmospheric penitentiary.

And humankind’s carbon dioxide emissions have increased notably across the years.

Yet have they produced a serious sweat?

We ordered our minions to investigate the literature. From them we learn:

Carbon dioxide represents a vanishing 0.04% part of Earth’s atmosphere.

Imagine — if you will — the atmosphere as 2,400 one-liter bottles.

Of those 2,400 one-liter bottles, only 24 contain greenhouse gases.

Only one of these bottles — one bottle of the 24 — houses carbon dioxide.

Of the one bottle that holds the demon molecule, perhaps 50 milliliters represent mankind’s annual contribution — roughly one shot glass worth.

And so… of our theoretical atmosphere of 2,400 liter bottles, humans account for perhaps one shot glass of carbon dioxide.

This one shot glass has Earth imperiled upon the devil’s shovel? We are far from convinced carbon is so mighty.

Measured in Millimeters

Alternately: Consider Earth’s atmosphere a 100-story building. How high does the human CO2 contribution stack?

The human contribution rises… to the linoleum on the ground floor.

That is, it cannot be measured in stories, in feet, in inches, in centimeters.

It must be measured in millimeters.


  1. And yet those few millimeters are VITAL to all life in the entire building!

  2. Anonymous9/07/2021

    I don’t know what to think when it comes to Global Warming and Climate Change. Counter arguments can be found for both sides. Any enclosed environment is susceptible to the slightest change but also resilient enough to compensate.
    I’ve always thought that the concepts of Global Warming and world climate change are too big of concepts for individuals to comprehend and combat. The message should just be pollution. The scope needs to be narrowed to a point that people can accept. Litter, clean water supply, smog, recycling are things people can control and are immediately impacted by. People have to feel it before they do anything about it. Baby steps.

  3. Anonymous9/07/2021

    Climate Change = Total BS

    1. Anonymous9/08/2021

      Not saying you’re right or wrong but comments like these are ignorant. Go back to your stool at Hinky Dinks.

  4. Anonymous9/07/2021

    Climate Change = Batshit

  5. Anonymous9/07/2021

    Climate Changes............

  6. Anonymous9/08/2021

    This was all spelled out in AlGores climate change Algorithm. The one he used to win the popular vote in the 92 election. And the Nobel Prize for predicting the future, and inventing the internet.

  7. How many Tons of CO2 get injected into soda Every Day?
    Anyone aware that CO2 is Injected into greenhouses to feed the plants?
    The Solution for global warming, which the warmists are pushing, is tax money.
    Why do they own mansions that will flood when the weather does what they say it will?
