Tuesday, July 28, 2020

More empty threats from a mayor who has lost her marbles

legal or not, it is an edict and I order you to obey

or else I will put your ass in jail

City will issue tickets for quarantine violations, ‘flagrant’ social activities spotted on social media

Here’s what we know today about the continuing spread of the coronavirus and its ripple effects in Chicago and Illinois.
By Sun-Times staff Updated Jul 28, 2020, 3:12pm CDT

City will issue tickets for quarantine violations, ‘flagrant’ social activities spotted on social mediaDr. Allison Arwady, Chicago’s public health commissioner, offering an update on coronavirus. File photo. Tyler LaRiviere / Sun-Times

Ticketing is coming for Chicagoans who travel to any of the 20-plus states subject to Chicago’s 14-day travel quarantine, Dr. Allison Arwady, the city’s health commissioner, said Tuesday. Previously
the city has relied on voluntary compliance to the order.

Arwady told reporters on a conference call that tickets can be issued during course of an investigation into COVID spread. She also mentioned the possibility of fining city employees who may not have abided by quarantine.

Tickets also may result from “social media examples” where people are “flagrantly posting social activities,” Arwady said.

The additions to the order — Wisconsin, Missouri, Nebraska and North Dakota were all announced Tuesday — bring the tally to 22 states now covered. Under the order, people traveling or returning to Chicago from one of those states are required to isolate for 14 days upon arrival.

When the order, in effect indefinitely, was announced, the city had offered no details on exactly how it would be enforced. But under the order violators are subject to city fines of $100 to $500 per day, up to $7,000.


  1. Anonymous7/28/2020

    Mayor Little Larry is delusional, he requires immediate psyciatric intervention. Larry should be committed for a 72 hour lockdown and evaluation. Larry is a danger to himself and The City of Chicago.

  2. Lori Lightfoot is Zara Cully portraying Mama Maitresse, from the voodoo revenge movie, Sugar Hill (1974). (@_@)

  3. Mask = Nazi armband. They both do just as well against virus. Though the armband doesn’t hurt some people like the mask does.
    They both were/are to create an illusion of uniformity, and isolate dissenters.
    We must end this Controlavirus coup.

    Tyrant: Noun "a sovereign or other ruler who uses power oppressively or unjustly."
    This is some Dem Mayors, Dem Governors, and Dem/RINO DC.

    We must not suffer tyrants. I pray we have a peaceful solution. But always know we have another option that we must use if need be.

    Ronald Reagan: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

    1. Anonymous7/29/2020

      Sic Semper Tyranis!

  4. Anonymous7/28/2020

    Why is the esteemed leader of our fair city staring at that skanks breastesses?

  5. Youth for Nixon7/28/2020

    i just puked in my mouth what was the question

  6. Anonymous7/28/2020

    She is a commie

  7. Anonymous7/29/2020

    Who's gonna be writing them? And who's gonna stand around waiting for one to be written? We're already looking at folks who get out of paying their rent, paying their water bills, getting city taxpayer money for covid assistance. So everyone else who's been coughing up for all of these programs is gonna get whacked again. Don't think so. Why not have a contest like they used to have guessing the number of jelly beans in a jar but this time guessing how much Pritzker says he weighs on his driver's license?
