Friday, July 10, 2020

Black Lives Matter mural near Chicago defaced, changed to read ‘All Lives Matter’

I'm not for vandalism, but this should be repeated in every city with these Black Lives Matters bullshit!  
NY Post reports a Black Lives Matter mural was defaced and painted over to read “All Lives Matter” in a village near Chicago this week, according to officials and a new report.

The mural, painted two weeks ago in Oak Park, Illinois, was vandalized overnight Tuesday into Wednesday, village officials said.

Portions of the mural were covered up so that it read “All Lives Matter,” according to the Chicago Tribune.

The graffiti was largely cleaned off by 10 a.m. Wednesday, but local officials and artists who created the mural said they will discuss whether additional work is needed to fully restore it, the outlet reported.


  1. Anonymous7/10/2020

    Seems like in Metro Chicago, any area or neighborhood that has "Park" attached to it is just chock full of "lefties". Lincoln Park, Oak Park, Hyde Park, not sure about Morgan Park. I hope the true doctrine and intentions of BLM comes to the surface soon. There's a lot of goofs that'll be standing on the corner of 103rd and Western with their EFF 12 and BLM signs, if the past few Fridays are any indication.

  2. Anonymous7/11/2020

    On the other hand any neighborhood with "Homes" attached seems to be a high crime area.
