Tuesday, June 9, 2020

George Floyd missing footage out of all the other videos


  1. Anonymous6/09/2020

    I caught a bit of the funeral broadcast this afternoon. Lead headlines for the early afternoon had the headline, "Remembering George Lloyd". In deference to grieving families, if the headline references remembrance, it might be forthright to remember that Mr. Lloyd, a convicted felon, lost his life as a result of committing a criminal act. Lets give him a nationally broadcast 4 hour funeral. Massive pandering by politicians seeking black votes. I don't expect this to be posted, but how long should we hide from the truth?

    1. Anonymous6/09/2020

      What happened to that $20 counterfeit bill? How about some personal responsibility don't resist arrest cooperate with Police.

    2. Anonymous6/10/2020

      They probably buried that $20 with him

    3. Anonymous6/11/2020

      This is the new reality. Might as well get used to it. The communerty was marching on Michigan Ave in Roseland yesterday demanding looted and burned stores get rebuilt.
