Monday, February 10, 2020

Wondering if Bob Fioretti is going to light up his campaign?

In November 2017, he announced that he would challenge incumbent Toni Preckwinkle for the Democratic nomination for President of the Cook County Board of Commissioners. His campaign went nowhere as he seemed to drop out of the action. Now two years later, he is running against Preckwinkle's hand-picked candidate for States Attorney Kim Foxx; and Fioretti is nowhere to be found.

Is he a victim of media bias? Are they not giving him the coverage he needs? Everyone knows this man from his days a a Chicago alderman; and that he was a most effective public servant. Many people know that if Bob was elected States Attorney, criminals
would have nowhere to hide. The jail would be full and the corrupt politicians would have to flee the state to Wisconsin. Oh help us.


  1. Anonymous2/11/2020

    Usually, a White Male will lose an election to a Black Female.

    Fioretti lost to Preckwinkle twice, Chicago Mayor (2019) and Cook County Board President (2018). In 2020, Preckwinkle's Machine is behind Foxx.

    In 2016, he lost to former alley, Illinois State Senator Patricia Watkins.

    Bob seems like a nice man. I'd like to support him, but don't know if he'd really fight for crime victims, because he's a civil rights attorney.

  2. Anonymous2/11/2020

    He's always had my vote

  3. Anonymous2/11/2020

    I've never understood the motivation of losing candidates, going up to the batter's box for other elective offices. It must be something in their character that doesn't allow them to accept rejection. In the 50's and 60's it was Lar "America First" Daley. Locally we had Ray Wardingly aka Spanky the Clown. Pat Quinn would run for dog catcher if there was a title and an office attached to it. Jane Byrne and Ed Vrdolyak flirted with other offices and political parties after their defeats. So now comes Bob Fioretti, putting his name out there for yet another election. I admire his drive and glad that he overcame some serious health issues, but it seems continually running for office, and losing, kinda makes me wonder if he's bored, desperate or cant make up his mind what he really wants to do with himself.

    1. Anonymous2/11/2020

      Sad no retired Officers will run against Dart.

  4. Anonymous2/11/2020

    Don't forget Aurelia Pucinski who is also a modern day Lar Daley. She is warming up in the Bullpen for her next try, Bob Thomas's vacancy in the Supreme court.

    Remember, she changes parties like most people change their socks.

    1. Anonymous2/11/2020

      She switched parties once, to run against Cook County Board President John Stroger in 1998. After losing to him, she reverted back to Democrat.

    2. Anonymous2/12/2020

      Sounds like 2 changes to me.

    3. Anonymous2/12/2020

      It's one, because she was originally Democrat. She is a good judge.

  5. Anonymous2/11/2020

    Roland Burris, Danny Davis, R. Eugene Pincham, Frank Damato's appointed political jobs, Sheila Ann Jones for governor once, congress against Hayes and Yates and especially Chicago Mayor and Chester Hornowski are some perennials I remember.
