Member Of The Four Horsewomen Of Insurrection & Benedict Arnoldism Threatening People With Chaos

When those in government ignore the people they were elected to serve, these elected public servants in government produce a form of government that is not representative of the people, border upon tyranny and despotism, and implement such government under threat of excited domestic insurrections. Such is what is happening in the various States, that are the short arm of the federal government in Washington, DC (District of Criminals), backed up by the long arm of the communists/socialists/Marxists and Mohammedans in Congress. Name any issue facing the people
of these united States and evidence of the radical departure of government by “We the People” can be presented to show it is now government by “Those serving in government”.
According to The National Sentinel, “Rep. Ayanna Pressley, freshman Massachusetts Democrat and member of ‘The Squad,’ appears to believe that militant language and threats is the way to win over Americans who currently don’t believe in her open borders ideology.”
First off, Ayanna Pressley is not trying to “win over Americans who currently don’t believe in her open borders ideology”. She is explaining to those opposed to her radical socialist/communist/Marxist agenda that retaliation will come with that opposition.
The National Sentinel continued:
That became evident during a conversation with NPR’s “Democracy Now,” as part of the nonprofit organization Rising Majority’s conversation with all ‘Squad’ members, including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (Minn.), and Rashida Tlaib
Pressley said she and the others will “bring the fire” if the country doesn’t adopt her radical immigration positions, the Washington Examiner reported.
“As I said when we were at the border, we’re going to keep telling and elevating these stories with the hopes that you will see the light,” said Pressley. “And if you don’t see the light, then we will bring the fire. That’s just how it progresses.”
As The Washington Examiner reported:
Pressley made the comments in a panel discussion at Howard University in Washington with Reps. Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Rashida Tlaib, all Democrats. Each of the members has vocalized frustration with President Trump’s immigration policies, with Ocasio-Cortez comparing the border detention centers to “concentration camps.”
Trump refers to the group of congresswomen as the Squad for their collective progressive policy positions emphasizing “Medicare for all,” a federal $15 minimum wage, and social justice issues.
During this panel discussion, Pressley also said, “I never want us to lose sight of one, the power of movement-building, but secondly, the power of storytelling. The way that we change laws is when we change hearts and minds”.
Pressley wants to change the “hearts and minds” of the people of these united States to capitulate to having a united States where laws are at the whims of men instead of compliant with the Constitution for the united States of America. And, from the actions that the numerous States are taking, plus the actions of both chambers of Congress, noncompliance with the Constitution has become the norm, not the exception, as traitors and usurpers holding office tout the tenets of the Constitution when it serves their ends, not the people’s.
Pressley is the least known of “The Squad”, or the Four Horsewomen of Insurrection and BenedictArnoldism, but she espouses militant language and threats of chaos and violence in the long-held tradition of revolutionists, Bolsheviks, Nazis, and Kim Jong whatevers. It’s the “go along with the destruction of these united States or you’ll be sorry” type of threat. Forget reason, intelligent rationales and persuasive tactics to convince opponents to accept or embrace the policies brought forth by the Four Horsewomen of Insurrection and Benedict Arnoldism. The language adopted is akin to forcing a spoonful of butter down the throat of a cat.
When it comes to immigration and illegal alien invasion, the Four Horsewomen of Insurrection and Benedict Arnoldism view those entering these united States as having a “right” to enter and be awarded citizenship, instead of it being a privilege. Moreover, these supposed women view these united States, because the founders established a “free” federal cooperative of sovereign States, as being “free” for anyone and everyone to enter unabated, which is further from the truth when one examines the laws of nations and natural law of individuals. While people have a natural right of movement and choosing where one wants to live, these united States are akin to one’s own home – you would not let just anyone and everyone live with you, nor would you allow anyone and everyone to take over your home just because they wanted to live there. In other words, the people have a right through the establishment of these united States to discern whom should be allowed to reside in our “home”.
Moreover, enforcement of immigration law ensures the protection of life, liberty and property through excluding those whose ideology is anathema to the Constitution, our Christian values and principles, and invading forces through stealth entry.
The State Assembly of Virginia is following in the glorious ideological agenda of the Four Horsewomen of Insurrection and Benedict Arnoldism by “forcing” their agenda of gun confiscation upon the people. And, many States are following Virginia and the 17 others that have already enacted “Red Flag” laws in violation of the Second, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth amendments of the Constitution for the united States of America recognizing and guaranteeing God-given individual rights in existence before the formation of government. Despite the protest against these laws by the people, State governments are ignoring the very people they are to serve and by enacting ex post facto laws are intending to subjugate the people to the very tyranny, despotism, and authoritarianism reminiscent of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler and the like. Attempting to disarm the people and flood these united States with illegal alien invader criminals plus offering impunity to them through HR 5383, both the federal and State governments are attempting to foster chaos in society in order to get people to “beg” for government to infringe upon other rights of the people while allowing lawbreakers to remain immune to prosecution.
These united States are already suffering under the most political evil that John Adams could imagine – the formation of two major parties arranged under their leader and asserting measures in contention of one another. However, if one looks closely enough, one could see that these united States are suffering under the most egregious political evil there is – a one party system masquerading as two pitted against each other with opposing agendas ultimately bowing to the black robe oligarchy of single judges and a nine-person high court. Even though judges only render decisions in single court cases only affecting those involved in the case, the two-party illusion is quick to declare any decision as law when it is rendered in their favor, confirming the accusation of “rule under the whims of men instead of the Constitution” as truth.
While the lamestream government-controlled entertainment enemedia mesmerizes the masses with kabuki impeachment theater and the dog and pony show of “rivaling” parties, the people barely know what government is doing outside the spotlight. And, that’s the way both parties want it – every member of both parties. It’s time to wake up friends. The smell of tyranny brewing is weaving its way throughout the country.
Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media
This is where we're at. Here's a headline on today's Chicago Tribune website: "US Reps. Bobby Rush and Danny Davis are titans of Chicago politics." God help us.
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