Sunday, February 9, 2020

DONALD TRUMP: Vatican Public Enemy No. 1


  1. New Hampshire Democratic Debate Cold Open - SNL - video

    ps. could you please add CC to your blogroll?

    1. Anonymous2/12/2020

      Ccents making the rounds again spams other blogs.

  2. Anonymous2/09/2020

    This guy is really good. Never heard him before. It is time that all Chicago Catholics, and Catholics throughout America, realize what is actually happening.,Cupich and the rest of the religious fags are trying to change the Church. Time to cut them off financially.

  3. Anonymous2/10/2020

    So the papal ex nightclub bouncer is going to put his footprints on Christian doctrine. These promoted ideas, centuries after neglecting scandals, decade after decade of imploring faithful Catholics to support parishes and in turn taking donations to offset legal claims against wayward it any wonder the drift away from woke Catholicism has the diocese scrambling, parishes closing or consolidating, selling off properties. Did the time where separation of Church and state spawn this country and now with these public declarations this "bouncer" is fusing the two back together again. That doesn't seem too "woke" to me.
