Monday, January 6, 2020

NFL owners know not to take the bait offered by this racist, angry SOB

Colin Kaepernick slams US in tweet because, well, take a wild guess

It’s a day ending in “y” which means another tweet from former NFL player Colin Kaepernick complaining about the racist U.S.A.
His tweet from yesterday: America has always sanctioned and besieged Black and Brown bodies both at home and abroad. America militarism is the weapon wielded by American
imperialism, to enforce its policing and plundering of the non white world.
What a terrible country the U.S.A. is to allow him the freedom of speech to bash us and the ability to earn a net worth of $20 MILLION for throwing a ball.
Ain’t America great?


  1. Anonymous1/06/2020

    No where has the black man done better than he has in America, if kolin is that unhappy he can go live in another country, perhaps one entirely run by blacks since we all know that they are so advanced.

  2. Anonymous1/06/2020

    Hard working Americans are growing tire of the liberal PC experiment gone haywire. Time to get back to reality.

    1. Anonymous1/06/2020

      The exact reason the democRATS are trying to bring so many tax absorbing freeloaders into the country.
