Thursday, December 19, 2019

Trump Impeached

so what


  1. I'm not going to be surprised one bit if this never gets to the Senate. Pelosi knows this won't pass muster there and this way she and her cronies can claim a moral victory

  2. Anonymous12/19/2019

    Congressman Lipinski voted to impeach. He is now a lame duck.

    1. Anonymous12/20/2019

      Very very disappointed in Bill, I'm going to see how the whole family feels at Christmas, we always supported Bill but voting to impeach i know is not going over well with many of the family

  3. Anonymous12/19/2019

    Lipinski. Was thrown under the bus last time by obummer this will be the fat lady I think he knows it probably going into the lobbbiest business.

  4. Anonymous12/20/2019

    Constitutional law experts agree that if the vote to impeach isn't presented to the Senate for trial, there isn't an impeachment. So, Trump hasn't been impeached as of yet.
