Democrat condescension is spawning the Tea Party 2.0
I’ve said before that the Democrats’ looking to ram impeachment down our throats reminds me of their 2009/10 push for Obamacare. And now the pushback against impeachment is starting to feel like the Tea Party 2.0.
Have you noticed?
Despite growing opposition to impeachment, despite being inundated with constituent phone calls
opposing it, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat leadership are marching full-steam ahead and forcing every so-called “moderate” Democrat to fall in line behind them.
Once again we are witnessing the House Democrats’ condescension and indifference for their constituents. It really is like 2010 all over again.
I saw on Twitter yesterday video of Michigan Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin getting booed and shouted down by her constituents as she attempted to justify voting in favor of these two ridiculous articles of impeachment.
And, boy, did it remind me of the Tea Party protests at townhalls in 2009 and 2010.
Interesting isn’t it?
Every time Nancy Pelosi is entrusted with the Speakership, her caucus ends up facing the wrath of their constituents back home.
And, just as Nancy ignored the Tea Party in 2010, she will ignore this 2020 version as well.
Pelosi is on a mission to remove the word “Representatives” from the House of Representatives.
No doubt she will successfully strong-arm the vulnerable Democrats into following her off the impeachment cliff just as she succeeded in dragging them over the Obamacare cliff in 2010.
But it’s Newton’s third law. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
You’d think the Party of Science would understand that. But again and again they prove incapable.
The equal and opposite reaction to the Democrats ramming Obamacare through was the Tea Party movement and the 2010 Midterm blow-out.
And it’s all happening again.
As I said back in October, “Nancy and Schiff, with a heavy assist from the news media, are trying to sway public opinion away from President Trump and toward impeachment.”
But that didn’t happen. In fact, the polar opposite happened. The more the Democrats forced this issue, the less voters supported it.
Yet, despite public disapproval, once again — as she did with Obamacare — Nancy pushes forward.
And if there’s one thing voters despise it’s representatives who ignore the very people they’re supposed to represent.
The fact is, every single time the Democrats are given power they abuse it. Every single time they are in the majority, they crap all over the consent of the governed.
For the life of me I don’t understand why voters keep falling for it.
You’d think after what happened with Obamacare, voters would know not to entrust the Democrats with the House.
Or the Senate.
Or the White House.
I’m sure in 2018, many voters thought, “But this Democrat House candidate is a moderate. She’s promising to work across the aisle to get things done!”
But the truth is an entirely different thing.
When Democrats go to Washington they answer, not to their constituents, but to the entrenched, deep-blue, safe-seat party leadership.
Their only job is to support whatever insane policies the radical, far-Left Democrat leadership pushes.
And what voters from swing districts learn all too late is, though they might be voting for a “moderate,” who they’re really empowering are Democrat leaders they would never in their lives vote for.
Elissa Slotkin is not the Representative of Michigan’s 8th District. Nancy Pelosi is.
Anthony Brindisi is not the Representative of New York’s 22nd District. Nancy Pelosi is.
Conor Lamb is not the Representative of Pennsylvania’s 17th District. Nancy Pelosi is.
In fact, every single Democrat in the House of Representatives have ceded their districts to Nancy Pelosi and the radical, safe-seat Democrat leadership. Just like they did in 2009.
I think this is what Jeff Van Drew realized. It was Nancy, not he who was representing New Jersey’s 2nd District. And the only way to change that is to switch parties.
As I said before, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Waters – none of these people are going to be defeated in 2020. Their seats are so safe they might as well have lifetime appointments. The only way to ensure they are deprived of power is to vote out every Democrat House member who is not from a deep-blue district.
There is no such thing as a moderate Democrat. Sure, they might start that way. But once a so-called “moderate” is elected, it is Nancy Pelosi and her cabal of safe-seat Leftists who call the shots.
Voters may have forgotten what prompted the Tea Party movement of 2010. But thanks to Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler, they’re getting a big old reminder.
Don’t let up. Vote these people out. Because they aren’t your representatives. Nancy is.
And in 2020, just like 2010, you have the power to change that.
It seems Rep Lipinski has found himself between a rock and a hard place. Voting for impeachment is an attempt to ward off the backers of heavily financed and liberal backed Marie Newman while at the same time turning off the heavily conservative and moderate democrats. Maybe he'll get his teaching gig back.
ReplyDeleteI'll say it again, this impeachment is going to hurt the Dems a heck of a lot more than the GOP.
ReplyDeleteBill Lipinski just lost his election by voting to Impeach, in my opinion. The old school moderate Democrats that supported Bill will now vote Republican and the socialist commie he is running against will win the Democratic primary and the general election. What a shame, I like Bill but don't agree with him here.
ReplyDeleteAnyone know if our Alderman supports impeahment?
ReplyDeleteI bet he did,right along with Hurley and Cunningham. I really don't understand why the latter 2 see very little opposition
DeleteIt doesn't really matter if a local elected official supports or opposes impeachment. Kinda like who he's for if the Cubs and Sox compete in a football game.
DeleteIt does matter, I like how you minimize the importance by dodging it's relevance. Culture in politics needs to change and the beliefs of who represents any political office needs to be discussed.
DeleteDoes it matter if an Alderman believes in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights? Or that doesn't really matter either
Deletedon't stop in Washington. it's vitally important you stop these loons at the state level....see virginia…. and at the county, and city/town level too.
ReplyDeleteDidn't the last civil war start in Virginia too?
DeleteAccording to the Alderman's boy in the comment above, it doesn't matter what the Alderman believes in
DeleteNotice how when democrats lose an election they cry foul and can't believe the will of the voter, maybe if they actually listened to voters they would be in tune with the majority. Instead they choose to listen to the fringe minorities and concentrate their efforts on such nonsense legislation like removing boys and girls washrooms from public schools or allowing alleged transgender students into the opposite sexes locker room. We are headed for a short but decisive civil war if this nonsense continues, one side supports the second amendment and the other side can't decide which bathroom to use, it would be over shortly.
ReplyDeleteI don’t think the conservative Catholic democrats in his district are stupid enough to vote against Lipinski. They are going to have to cut him some slack. He has represented the district well and brought lots of US Transportation Department contracts to his district and Chicago. There are a hell of a lot of skilled trades in his district that have been working on transit projects all over the reason. And do you think Marie Newman will vote pro-life like Lipinski - not a chance in hell.
ReplyDeleteConservative Catholic Democrats in Bills' district aren't stupid by any means. Good luck trying to inform all of the intelligent moderate Democrats that they have to cut Bill some slack, bwahaha. I hope you have a list of his accomplishments and projects he had secured funding for when your going door to door, because to think that the informed voters don't know he voted to impeach the President would be undermining
Deletetheir intelligence. The trades weren't doing as well as they are today under Obamas' administration, the unions are strong because of this strong Trump economy. Bill just voted against this economy plain and simple
You can lead a pollock to water but you can’t make eat
ReplyDeleteLipinski, Cunningham, Hurley and Kelly Burke are great!
ReplyDeleteSo is Oshea
DeleteNo they are bad
DeleteYes, they are great!