Friday, December 6, 2019

This is outrageous

Since when is it ok to make decisions based upon somebody's skin color. That kind of thing went out the window 50 years ago.  Didn't Dr. King long for the day when he would be judged not by the color of his skin but by the content of his character. The Black Caucus should stop this silly discussion and disband itself. 
Personally, I think the sale of recreational marijuana is going to have a most detrimental effect on our youth. It's a bad thing. If these aldermen care about anything, they should do something about protecting our youth. 
In a little more than three weeks, recreational marijuana use will be legal in the state, but there is cannabis controversy brewing in the city of Chicago over who will be your weed
Fifty people showed up for the city’s informational meeting on recreational marijuana at Malcolm X College. Overwhelmingly, many people had the same question that is being echoed across the state: who owns the dispensaries?
“On January 1st, these 11 are the only locations that will sell recreational cannabis,” said Paul Stewart, policy advisor for the mayor’s office.
Here is the problem: there are no black owned dispensaries in the state. In Chicago, not one woman -- or black or brown person -- owns a location.
Chicago residents like Shameka Turner want to know where the equity is.
“Everyone looks like the opposite of who’s been harmed and they’re ready to start January 1st,” Turner said.
The city says more licenses will be awarded May of 2020 and the goal is to make sure that that group is diverse.
Alderman of the 27th Ward Walter Burnett Junior agrees with members from City Council’s Black Caucus to stall and roll out recreational marijuana in July because of the lack of diversity.
“People are outraged about it. It is very insensitive to have 11 white males and they will be able to get another dispensary. It’s like give me a break. All those guys are going to get the best spots,” Burnett said.
The next public meeting will be at Chicago State University on Friday at 6 p.m.


  1. Anonymous12/06/2019

    "who owns the dispensaries?"

    Follow the money......connected people like JB Predator, Madigan, Burke, etc etc......

  2. Anonymous12/08/2019

    Yes, Dr. King preached content of character over skin color, but it's rarely practiced.

    The governmental districts are supposed to be compact, which is impossible due to population loss, racial quotas and cultural (e.g. Hispanic/Latinx, Jewish).
