WT Hell for? Hey I'm a hunter, but really. When I was a teenager I decided to shoot one of the foxes that lived in our hay field and I scouted them out one day before hunting them. There were kits out and about, and I crawled through the tall tall grass, and the kits started stalking me. They got to within ten feet of me, growling and such. After that I didn't have a cold enough heart to shoot one. A big deer with a nice rack and bunch of meat on his bones, no problem.
WT Hell for? Hey I'm a hunter, but really. When I was a teenager I decided to shoot one of the foxes that lived in our hay field and I scouted them out one day before hunting them. There were kits out and about, and I crawled through the tall tall grass, and the kits started stalking me. They got to within ten feet of me, growling and such. After that I didn't have a cold enough heart to shoot one. A big deer with a nice rack and bunch of meat on his bones, no problem.