Friday, October 25, 2019

Keep out of downtown Chicago on Monday.

If you thought the incidents on Western Ave were something, wait until Monday when Trump is here.

Thousands of ANTIFA members from nation-wide are on the way to Chicago where they plan to join forces with members of CTU and SEIU just in time for Monday.  Whatever they have planned, it promises to be a monumental cluster-f--k. Employees are advised to avoid the Loop on Monday.

Antifa members are basically wimps that like to run in  a crowd and hide their identity with mask. They are dangerous in that they seem to go with the flow and surrender independent thought to the crowd. They are not known to carry firearms.


  1. Anonymous10/25/2019

    What incidents on Western?

  2. Anonymous10/25/2019

    CFD is being called upon to handle this.

  3. Anonymous10/25/2019

    Punks .I hope Trump cancels I wouldn't go to this shjjthole

  4. Anonymous10/26/2019

    They might not carry firearms, but I do, fuck with me and I will escalate force using appropriate and proportional force, your right to protest ends when it infringes upon my rights.

  5. Anonymous10/26/2019

    Remember the good old days when incidents like this could be dealt with in the most efficient way.....batting practice.

  6. Anonymous10/27/2019

    Downtown Chicago is ghetto.

  7. Anonymous10/27/2019

    Ammo is life......
