Thursday, August 22, 2019

I guess it's not about selling cars anymore

Mercedes-Benz ‘diversity’ commercial features a mustachioed transvestite

On August 12, 2019, Mercedes-Benz Canada posted this tweet on Twitter:
Join us in celebrating the values that unite us all. Today and every day. #DrivenByDiversity
What follows the above text is a short commercial featuring a white lesbian, a bearded Latino (?), a young woman or man with a nose ring, a young white guy, a black man, and lastly, a mustachioed transvestite in a red wig and garish makeup. The commercial ends with the declaration that
Mercedes-Benz is “driven by diversity everyday”.
Here’s the commercial:
Video Player
Below are some tweets in response to the commercial:
They are cramming an agenda and demanding that all Christians’ values and rights are taken and replaced with theirs. Let that sink in. 
The real issue is they are demanding this gender fluidity nonsense it taught in schools. We went very quickly from “we just want to be left alone” to “we need to teach your son about anal sex and how he’s maybe a girl.”
If u have any Mercedes stock.. sell it quick.
I may want to total out my current Mercedes Benz. I had to block emails pushing this same garbage from local Mercedes Benz clowns! I will guarantee, that this company is no longer controlled by the good German people that started it. Maybe the Satanic Commie Bolsheviks took over
it’s funny how all these major global companies are pushing the diversity and queer agenda. it’s as though they’re all colluding together and don’t care about a few $billion in losses either. 
Well, wait until it starts to come out of the shareholders pockets. I have owned multiple Mercedes…never again. I will treat them exactly as I treat Gillette. Done. 
do you not understand that *all* the companies are doing it? You can’t “vote with your feet” when you’re dealing with a cartel.
we should have let this company die. “After extensive efforts, the company received a new production permit from the American occupation authorities on 3 January 1946.”
Time to boycott Mercedes. Get Woke and Go Broke!
See also:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8/23/2019

    Too bad Ringling Brothers-Barnum and Bailey went out of business. From the looks of this spot, Mercedes-Benz was sure to be in the running for providing the clown cars for them.
