Saturday, March 9, 2019

Determined to shut Illinois down


P M said...
J.(elly)B.(elly) Prtizker is simply lying. His plan is to sucker you into voting for a progressive income tax that does not solidify the rates in the constitution, knowing full well that once the constitutional provision is stripped out the general assembly can raise the rates at will. 
We already have a progressive income tax system in Illinois, because our tax code allows for blatantly unconstitutional income tax credits. In fact the general assembly can already waltz around the flat tax and get the same rates by simply jacking the flat rate to 7.95% and then giving income credit rebates to lower it again. Think about why they will not do that. They can already do exactly what they claim they wish to do.
All this is about is a song and dance to give them one last chance to boost public sector salaries and lock in higher pension benefits. Fat boy is betting that Trump will be taken out of office and a more bailout friendly federal Democratic administration will be in place. A Democrat administration will need Illinois votes to keep in power, so a bail-out may be assured. That is Pritzker's and the public sector's gambit. 
The keypoints to note is his Lardness will not put the tax rates in the Constitution nor is he even willing to change the Illinois Constitution to alter future pensions. 
And the a recession is coming, Illinois will be insolvent...
Robert H Harper CSM, USA (Ret) said...
Would someone please define “Fair”? It seems that Illinois will go the way of the dinosaur and beat NY, NJ & CA to the bottom. With a flat tax rate, if someone is making more money than I am then they would pay more taxes than I do. Explain how that isn’t appropriate? Does anyone believe that this won’t result in more people moving out of this state? This will just expedite their decision making.
Here’s an idea - cut spending and taxes to attract, not scare businesses from our state. Politicians are to blame for the pathetic fiscal condition of this state - NOT THOSE MAKING $250K or more. 
Mark said...
Pritzker must be patting himself on the back on his crafty scheme to sell his "progressive tax" plan. The plan is structured to have two tax brackets below the $250,000 line that are at or below the current 4.95% rate. But, cross that $250,000 line and the rate immediately skyrockets to 7.75%. Over 97% of tax filers are below that $250,000 line.
This initial proposal is nothing less than a "scheme to mislead". Put this alongside Pritzker's "scheme to defraud" that the Cook County Inspector General declared over Pritzker's "toiletgate" fiasco. How long do you think it will take the less than 3% above the $250,000 line to flee Illinois once the "progressive tax mousetrap" comes down hard on them? And then we will see the tax brackets and rates change, to ensnare the rest of us. This is so painfully obvious it's almost silly.
Dr. Strangelove said...
Along with the minimum wage hike, this tax will encourage more business to move outside of Illinois.


  1. Anonymous3/10/2019

    Why would an entrepreneur establish a business here? Give me one reason. For the beauty of the landscape? For the well trained work force? So he can pay a personal state income tax of +10%? What are these pols thinking?

  2. Anonymous3/10/2019

    Tax by zip code.
    Zip codes that use public schools, call police, use social services, etc. should pay more in taxes.

  3. Anonymous3/10/2019

  4. Anonymous3/10/2019

    All of the representatives listed above are Democrat. Democrats got us into this mess by overspending and over taxing. I smell a rotten Democrat Rat and his name is Pritzker. Remember the Obama rat promising Obamacare would not raise health care premiums?

  5. Anonymous3/11/2019

    They are going tony raise the state income tax and all the workers are going to be happy, very happy in fact. Then a few months later word will filter out that this small business is moving to Texas and a few days later there will be word of another biz moving to Florida, then another and another and another. Within the first year Illinois will lose 1000 small businesses. Then people will notice how a luxury auto dealership here and there has shut down and a restaurant here and there is for rent. At that point the race to get out of Illinois will accelerate and we will lose another 2000 small businesses the 2nd year. Combine all that with the regularly scheduled recession and we will have a disaster.

    It would be better if state officials begin to cut spending and show everyone they are serious about dealing with the problem.

  6. Anonymous3/11/2019

    Why not have the city and state government workers pay their fair share.

  7. Anonymous3/11/2019


  8. Anonymous3/11/2019

    If you think about it we already have a progressive tax. Our property taxes are based on the value of the property according to it's assessed value. So if you live in a wealthy area and your home is worth triple what your house would be worth in a poor community you pay much more in taxes. You cant afford an expensive home unless you are there you go. Add our ridiculous property taxes onto our ridiculous city, county and state taxes and fees and as many others have so plainly explained before this post, businesses will leave. Not just because they are paying more in taxes, but when you tax individuals more they end up with less and therefore must spend less - unlike our government. W

    1. Anonymous3/11/2019

      Not completely true. Assessed values are based on market value, but tax rates vary from community to community. A $300K home may have a tax bill of $6000 in one community and $15,000 in another.
