Monday, November 26, 2018

Crocodile tears: Hillary Clinton & John Kerry bemoan Europe is crushed by migrants

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The Left really are a breed apart in their hypocricy and malevolence.
First, they promote mass “immigration” of Muslims and other Third Worlders into Europe and America.
Then, when the predictable social problems ensue, they wring their hands in distraught and cry crocodile tears.
Now, two of the biggest promoters of mass immigration are making tsk-tsk noises about Europe being “crushed” and “roiling” from “migration”.


In an interview with The Guardian, Hillary lectured to European leaders that they must “get a handle on migration” that is “roiling the body politics” because migration “is what lit the flame” of “the bread and circuses” of rightwing populism that poses “a serious threat to our freedom and our democratic institutions.”
She said back-handedly that although “I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message – ‘we are not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support’ – because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic.”


John Kerry, who took over from Hillary as Obama’s secretary of state, also lamented to The Guardian: “Look at Europe! Europe’s already crushed under this transformation that’s taken place because of immigration.”
Kerry also wrung his hands about Donald Trump dismantling the Paris climate agreement and about the gross inequality in America where “Fifty-one per cent of the income of America going to 1% of Americans.”
But, as The Guardian points out, Kerry and his second wife, Teresa Heinz, themselves are exalted members of the top 1%:
According to a 2015 New Yorker profile, between them they own at least six properties, including a 23-room mansion in Georgetown, Washington DC, and a 90-acre farm outside Pittburgh in Pennsylvania, as well as a 23-metre (76ft), $7m (£5.4m) sailboat called Isabel. “We’ve got to make America fair again. You gotta make things work for working folks so they can pay their bills and send their kids to school, reach the brass ring, retire in dignity, have healthcare – the priorities are pretty clear, in my judgment. We need infrastructure. Desperately. We need to start rebuilding America,” he says.


  1. Anonymous11/26/2018

    Only tears they have is the people realize what's happening and are fighting back at the polls.

  2. Anonymous11/26/2018

    hey want the immigrants to crush here in Amerika and it will be financed by George Soros

  3. Anonymous11/26/2018

    Progressive Center Left=Communist
