Pat Quinn delivers 86,481 signatures supporting 2-term limit for Chicago’s mayor
“We’re way above the signature requirement despite their efforts with the three advisory questions to discourage petition passers and signers and undermine the process. It didn’t work,” Quinn said Monday, the deadline for filing the petition.
I agree with term limits and always have.Our city probably would not be in this mess quite as deep as we are if we didn't allow our mayors to pretty much become kings. The municipal pension crisis is solely on the shoulders of Richie Daley who for some reason or another was allowed to take pension "vacations" pretty much at will.Rahm who is an obstinate POS has no clue how to get us out of this mess without putting his foot down and pissing off some of his constituents. Namely let's start with this Sanctuary City nonsense and then we can follow it with his mind-numbing stupid taxations of businesses that merely run business out of Chicago and into the waiting arms of the suburbs,Indiana & wisconsin. A sore spot that our 19th Ward Ald. Matt O'Shea is guilty as hell for at least not raising his voice once in a while in opposition. Oh but then if he had done that h certainly would never have become the Aviation Chief
ReplyDeleteWhat difference does it make. Madigan will let go nowhere.
ReplyDeleteHad those petitions showed up at the 22 police districts across Chicago, there would be at least 5000 more.
ReplyDeleteTom Dart and/or O'shea for mayor
ReplyDeleteMight be 90%. Anyway, anyhow, the mayor needs to leave here.
ReplyDeleteTerm limits will not work in Illinois. The Democratic Machine works by putting their sycophants in offices and they get what they want. Term limits will not stop this.
ReplyDeleteWe want Pickle
DeleteIf we had term limits in the past our city and state would not be in the mess that it is in. Get these people out before they get too comfortable in their job.