When the white man showed up in Africa, the black man had no written language (we had already invented the printing press), they had never built anything more than a one story mud hut (we were building cathedrals and multistory buildings) and they had never invented much of anything, so my question is-Who held them back or repressed them prior to the white mans arrival in Africa.
I used to work at the Plaza and got to know many African Americans. IT was funny how once they got to know you they would easily share all their racist thoughts about Asians, Mexicans, etc......don't do as I do.....do as I say ...that is the liberal motto. Save energy Al Gore says as he types into his computer in his 20,000 sf mansion. True he has one.
Without the white man, blacks would still be running around in loincloths and carrying spears to capture their next meal.
ReplyDeleteWhen the white man showed up in Africa, the black man had no written language (we had already invented the printing press), they had never built anything more than a one story mud hut (we were building cathedrals and multistory buildings) and they had never invented much of anything, so my question is-Who held them back or repressed them prior to the white mans arrival in Africa.
Deleteis there supposed to be some kind of surprise here?
ReplyDeletePeople like Spike LOVE to HATE !!
ReplyDeleteI used to work at the Plaza and got to know many African Americans. IT was funny how once they got to know you they would easily share all their racist thoughts about Asians, Mexicans, etc......don't do as I do.....do as I say ...that is the liberal motto. Save energy Al Gore says as he types into his computer in his 20,000 sf mansion. True he has one.