Friday, July 6, 2018




  1. Anonymous7/06/2018

    I wish Trump would put sanctions on China until they bring back Lang Lee's Chop Suey on 95th

  2. Anonymous7/06/2018

    I'm the guy who says everyone in the 19th Ward is a Libtard and that Tommy Dart has pizza ovens going for his prisoners! I am of superior mind!

  3. Anonymous7/07/2018

    The Chinese tanks and jets are made in China.

    1. Anonymous7/08/2018

      F-35 is junk but their committed already spent too much money on it now can't cancel it. New Russian and Chinese planes much better and cheaper too but our defense contractors have to get paid with all their cost overruns. When are we getting new tanks and equipment my god they are still using Hueys from Vietnam and B-52s the Abrams tank is from the 80s we really need to modernize our military.

  4. Anonymous7/08/2018

    No affirmative action or trannies in China's military. They can beat us on ground for sure we would have to use tactical nukes. May have already infiltrated our military too foreign vipers diversity has it drawbacks. Do you really think Chinese American soldiers will open fire on their countrymen?

  5. Anonymous7/08/2018

    We had an $817 BILLION dollar Trade Imbalance last year ALONE with all countries, In the meantime China is on the surplus becomes richer and more powerful. No more WTO for the US, if so definitely under OUR terms. China rips off everyone and never is punished! Stop it NOW!

    We're not China's or anyone else's piggy bank! DJT
