Saturday, July 7, 2018

Avoid the South Side today

Father Michael Pfleger is set to lead anti-violence protesters on a march that will shut down a mile-long stretch of the Dan Ryan Saturday morning.
The march is scheduled start at 10 am at 79th Street and go north on the inbound lanes to 67th Street. But state police say they plan to arrest protesters if they step onto the expressway.


  1. Anonymous7/07/2018

    We still don't see what inconveniencing thousands of Dan Ryan drivers will do to prevent violence in the 'hood. There are maybe ten shootings a year on the Ryan and ten a week around phlger-town. Marching around the dope spots would do more to cut down on the mayhem.

  2. Anonymous7/07/2018

    And the Cardinal says: "I encourage them to be bold". That's leadership isn't it. The mayor says go ahead, the cardinal says go ahead. Makes you wonder who's running the city doesn't it? In this case it sounds like Phleger. I'll be ditching mass tomorrow.

  3. Anonymous7/07/2018

    They are marching to protest the actions of themselves.

  4. I'm with you 100% However, lets face it no one is likely to get arrested. You'll note Ms. Emanuel waited until yesterday before she finally said something on the matter,also take note that neither our Cardinal or Archdiocese have said a peep on the matter. Please keep these things in mind at the election booth and when you fill your Sunday Mass collection envelope. Both of these entities need to be taught a harsh lesson for a change!!!!

  5. Anonymous7/07/2018

    Shit. I was going to drive in from Indiana and do some house hunting in Englewood too.

  6. Anonymous7/07/2018

    The governor, the mayor and the police superintendent had plenty of time to develop a plan to deal with this demonstration. The cardinal caved in, the mayor demonstrated he lacked backbone as well as one of his fingers and the governor gave in. So the next demonstration will happen where? There's nobody stopping them and there's nobody stopping the bad guys from shooting, even after they're caught and arrested. The judges and the sheriff cuts them loose. Its pretty obvious that our sheriff, who if you ask him, is just about the smartest and most progressive sheriff ever to hold the office can't stop them from whacking off in the cells or raping their cellmates so where does that leave us? Overtaxed and under protected . Meanwhile the mayor is still bribing his way out of the payoff to the McDonald family by putting all large capital projects in minority wards. And then he ramrodded the issue of giving Chicago Park district property for the promise of the emptiest presidential library/center in the country. The only reason you can include library is that the city is gonna pony up the money to put a branch of our public library system in this otherwise questionable facility. Lets face it, you gotta have something in there for people to read, anything noteworthy Obama did during his 2 terms is probably under seal. Sometimes I can't believe I still live here. Hope & change right? Yeah, sure.

  7. Anonymous7/07/2018

    More gun laws are not needed, enforcing the existing gun laws is needed. Ask yourself this? Why doesn't chicago pd turn over to the feds ex-felons caught with a gun for prosecution under federal statutes, because Democrats don't want to alienate their voting base.

    1. Anonymous7/08/2018

      SOunds like a great idea to me

  8. Anonymous7/07/2018

    Such anger

  9. Anonymous7/07/2018

    Why weren’t they arrested?

    1. Anonymous7/07/2018

      Police wimped out.

    2. Anonymous7/07/2018


    3. Anonymous7/08/2018

      Where were the FEDS they are stopping interstate commerce? Trucking companies need to file lawsuits against Chicago!

    4. What exactly was Rauner going to do? Christ you had CPD Chief Johnson walking hand in hand with pfleger. Nope,what was proved out is the mikey is a liar,ISP freely let them on with the agreement that 2 left lanes would allow to let traffic by.However once most of the marchers got on they went ahead and demanded & got full closure of the hgwy! You should have heard fr mike crow on a news radio78 interview after the parade how they shut everything down and got what they wanted.
      all along
      And what do you want to bet that the 19th ward goes ahead and still backs all of these jerks

  10. Anonymous7/07/2018

    Cpd will stop traffic at 115 bourbon street parking lot Sunday, pissed about menu changes.

    1. Anonymous7/08/2018

      whats with all the CPD/Bourbon St. references?

    2. Anonymous7/08/2018

      Because so many city workers hang out there everyone is sick of the domestic squabbles Police and Firemen screwing everyone's girlfriends and sisters.

    3. Anonymous7/09/2018

      Chicks love chilli...hence they go for the brave fireMAN.

  11. Anonymous7/07/2018

    I don't doubt the priest is doing God's work but I think God would have it done differently.

    1. Anonymous7/08/2018

      You need a reality check.

  12. Anonymous7/09/2018

    Waitresses at 115 bourbon street have long complained of cpd lounging around for hours, being loud and rude. Then leave without tipping.
    Waitresses called Pam Zekman for help a few years back.
