Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Likes to boss people around.....real a--hole



  1. Anonymous6/26/2018

    With all these lefties talking about Russian collusion for the last few years, nobody seems to think about George Soros, the Hungarian billionaire who tosses around millions trying to influence the American way of life to his liking. Backing upstart activist groups like BLM and Act UP, this foreigner ought to go back to where he came from, and let democracy in the United States stand as the will of the majority of taxpayers working and voting their conscience to say how the country should be run, instead of him dictating how it should be run. As far as Bloomberg, he ought to mind his business and stay in New York, maybe doing something to relieve the ass-holiness of Bill DeBlasio.

  2. Where do you think Rahm got more than half of his ideas from
