Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Calls for violence.........over the top.......gone too far.


Attention leftist, this is not just political rhetoric any longer. If this continues, you will be subject to arrest and prosecution.



  1. I'd love to see how this would play out if the shoe was on the other foot.If these types of threats were made to a Dem in office you can bet your last dollar that arrests would've already been made

  2. Anonymous6/26/2018

    Well we know the media would ignore it or downplay it or twist it if the Republicans did this. What they need to do is get their cell phones out videotape the people tell them to leave you alone and if they don't call 9-11 demand prosecution and put these people in front of a judge after some time and embarrassment (if that is possible) in the jail cell. You do not meekly walk away. You sue the restaurant if they are the ones doing so because of a truly hostile and potentially violent situation that they created by putting you in harms way. There is NO other way to deal with these wild eyed and violent radicals. You don't reason with a rabid dog.
