Sunday, April 29, 2018


By Charles Love - 
It has become hip to bash America; a country founded on the greatest idea in history. The mistake many make in their critiques is focusing on the times we have come up short of that idea. There is no doubt that this has happened and there should always be attempts to improve; however, no matter how numerous those occurrences have been, it doesn’t change the important distinctions of liberty and individualism that separate us from the rest of the world.
This means that when we fall short, we don’t become worse than other countries, we move closer to being like them. Slavery is the most common example. It’s evident that slavery is evil. Those who point out America’s failures, point to this as proof. They’re
wrong. Slavery is an example of America not living up to its founding principles for sure but it has nothing to do with the core beliefs that define America.
Take for example the Declaration of Independence.
When Thomas Jefferson writes, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” he’s laying out the foundation of a new nation and a new type of government. Many people say he did not mean it. That’s a debate for a different day. The question that needs to be asked is, “Is it true?” Do these rights: A) come from our Creator and not from man, and B) apply to everyone equally? If it is true, the founding principles and the documents designed to support them clearly make America unique in the world, regardless of previous bad acts.
In today’s climate, these points don’t matter.
The left has started a culture war intent on ‘fundamentally transforming America’. There are many who disagree but think if they ignore the problem it will go away. Now the voices are louder and more extreme. I’m not sure how this will turn out, especially with so may not realizing the war began. So, I want to pose a question. What would the country look like if the left got their way? What if President Trump is impeached, Mike Pence abstains and the leftist du jour becomes president and Xe quickly moves to make the country the utopia the Left dreams of?
Well, to find out, let’s take this to its logical end.
The 2nd Amendment will be repealed and drugs legalized. Not only are genders finally equal but there are officially 54 of them recognized and protected by the government. There is an all-out war on racism and diversity is paramount in all hiring and political decisions.
In order to eliminate racism and hate crimes, some speech is deemed criminal. To reduce our carbon footprint, regulations are ramped up on corporations as well as individuals. The criminal justice system will get a much-needed overhaul. With no more citizen gun ownership, police can finally be disarmed.
There will be jubilation in the streets. The majority will rule as most believe should have always been the case (this is obviously counter to our country’s structure but most don’t know or care). Everything will be great, for a while. Eventually one of two things will happen; a civil war or a Venezuelan-type collapse.
Here is why: those who disagree with these policies will represent a large swath of the population. Even though the Left makes up a plurality, you will have nearly 100 million dissenters. The chances of them remaining silent while this goes on are pretty slim. Though many neglected to do anything while the change was happening, now that they are facing an open assault, they will be as vocal as the P-hat wearers and Antifa were.
But even if the dissenters quietly go away, there will still be major problems. We’ll find that we addressed our social ills but couldn’t correct human nature. People will still be selfish, jealous and evil. In the immortal words of Napoleon from Animal Farm, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” And, like in Animal Farm, inequalities will resurface. We will find that history holds true; there’s always inequality, the only thing that changes is who is on top and who is struggling.
The exponential growth of government will cripple many businesses, causing innovation to decline. Individuals will stop opening businesses. We will quickly learn that, surprisingly, some of those racist, misogynist, homophobic people actually built things. Taxes will skyrocket, further hurting the economy. Those who do stay in business will have a hard time keeping employees. Why get up every morning and go to work when you can take the government provided salary, free healthcare and clean housing the left will undoubtedly provide?
The country will become even more secular. Churches will cease to exist or become ‘religionless’ (Similar to churches today that don’t adhere to the Bible). With all opposition to abortion gone and many secularists promoting fewer children as a way to help the environment, the country will face a population decline. Religious groups (Catholics, Evangelicals, Muslims, Orthodox Jews, etc.) have far more children than secular families. With these groups diminished, the population decline will accelerate. Over time, there will not be enough tax revenue to support the minimum incomes, free healthcare and free housing.
With the lack of work ethic and no moral guidance from religion, apathy will set in. The culture will take an ugly nihilistic turn. This will have a particularly negative effect on men. We’ll continue the overwhelming focus on equality for women while ignoring the lack of growth among boys. These men who have never been taught how to be a man are now depressed and have no satisfaction in their careers. Crime explodes.
The gun ban did not reduce murder; it simply shifted the method. The greater tragedy will be the vast increase in violent crimes. Many more people will have to deal with the aftermath of rape, physical attacks, home invasion, etc. and without guns, there is little means to defend oneself. Calling the police won’t help. They are undermanned and no longer have the tools to combat the criminals who apparently didn’t adhere to the mandatory buyback.
We will also be in a foreign policy crisis. Countries who have espoused their hatred for the west in general, and America specifically, will attack us knowing that the military, deemed superfluous, has been greatly diminished. We brought our troops home but they still want us dead. I guess those who believe that if we didn’t ‘occupy’ their countries they’d leave us alone were wrong. Again, our population issues hurt us as we have few able-bodied young men (or women for that matter) to fight.
The one thing their policies will do is solve the illegal immigration issue; but not in the way you think. While those in charge are open to the idea of a borderless nation, it has become a moot point. The lack of resources and opportunities has removed any incentive to come here. Why would anyone take on the arduous journey through Mexico to the US when it is no different than the country they are fleeing?
It seems that all paths lead to war. Either the millions who oppose the cultural decline will grow a collective spine, or we will be attacked by an external threat. If we are fortunate enough to avoid an attack, we will experience a slow tumble into third-world status. Either way, this is where the left’s supposed utopia leads.
Charles Love
Many will dismiss this as some implausible, dystopian fantasy.
Keep in mind, the premise here is the Left getting everything they want with no resistance. As long as the Left remains focused on good intentions, completely ignoring their disastrous consequences, and the Right continues to be afraid to fight, the greatest experiment in history will continue to be in jeopardy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4/29/2018

    The basic human instincts, as recognized as wrong in the commandments will always exists. The left, advocating social entitlements can look around the world at other non-democracies and will easily be able to spot the haves and have nots. Remember those Life magazine photo spreads during the cold war, showing grocery stores with empty shelves, bread lines and the rest. All those lefties will get tired of that shit. And those on the conservative side will not give up what they spent their lives working for. I know I won't.
